More Than a Charlotte Mason Moment
Invite Charlotte Mason into your own home with Heart of Dakota!
At Heart of Dakota we ‘met’ Charlotte Mason more than several decades ago when Carrie began homeschooling her oldest son. The more we researched and practiced Charlotte Mason’s teaching methods in our own homes, the more we became convinced her methods deserved to be brought to life in other homes as well. Her breakthrough educational philosophy was just too good not to share! And so began Carrie’s 20-year journey of writing Heart of Dakota’s guides! With a dedication to bringing Charlotte Mason’s teaching methods to life, Carrie created Heart of Dakota’s guides so you too can ‘meet’ her in a very doable, inspirational way! At Heart of Dakota, we help you invite Charlotte Mason into your own home, so you too can say, “Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life.” (Charlotte Mason)
Meeting Ms. Mason in Heart of Dakota’s Guides
Charlotte Mason’s key teaching methods come to life in Heart of Dakota’s guides. Each day you and your children use Heart of Dakota, you will be meeting Ms. Mason and inviting her into your homeschooling with easy-to-use daily plans. Step-by-step, year after year, from guide to guide, Heart of Dakota’s plans introduce your children to Charlotte Mason’s key educational principles and ideas. Little by little, children learn to love literature, love the Lord, and love their learning, just as Charlotte Mason intended. So, just how will you be inviting Charlotte Mason into your home with Heart of Dakota? Let us show you how as we describe each facet of her educational philosophy and how it is brought to life in Heart of Dakota!
Living BooksÂ
You cannot ‘meet’ Charlotte Mason if you do not use living books. Charlotte Mason had a passion for literature that Carrie shares! With the utmost care and loving research, Carrie carefully chooses living books for each and every subject area. Like Charlotte Mason, Carrie’s living book choices are narratively written in a conversational way by an author who is passionate about what he or she has written. “Living” books make learning ‘come alive.’ They are the opposite of encyclopedias and textbooks, which are often written in a less than conversational way by a team of people who more than likely are not all that passionate about what they are writing. In contrast, living books pull you into a subject and make you want to read more. They are the books you cannot put down!
In Heart of Dakota, your children will enjoy living books each and every day in a way that will make them want to read more. Living books light a passion for reading in our children, and Heart of Dakota keeps that passion for learning with literature alive year after year! Join us in our next “More Than a Charlotte Mason Moment” series, as we describe more key principles of Charlotte Mason’s teaching methods and how they are incorporated into Heart of Dakota!
In Christ,
This Post Has 2 Comments
Around 5 years ago I tried to incorporate Charlotte Mason principles into my home school, but really struggled with how to make the ideals more practical in my day-to-day lessons. I wanted her principles, but to integrate them into a more modern curriculum. It was too overwhelming for me to figure it all out! I am so glad I found Heart of Dakota because even if I choose to incorporate different books than the guide suggests, AI can use the same principles and Key Ideas to give my lesson planning an ease I have never had before. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the guides, they are a wonderful blessing to many homeschool, including mine!
So glad you are enjoying Heart of Dakota’s take on including Charlotte Mason in our plans! We are so glad you have been blessed by this, and we pray you have a fantastic homeschool year using HOD!!!