U.S. History I
For Ages 15-17, Extending to Grade 12
Discover our nation’s story – its triumphs and tragedies – as U.S. History I takes you on an unforgettable journey through early American history. Discover the New World with Columbus, arrive in Plymouth on the Mayflower, spread revival with George Whitefield, pen the Declaration of Independence with Thomas Jefferson, fight for independence with George Washington, establish a new nation with the founding fathers, travel west with the pioneers, sign the Emancipation Proclamation with Abraham Lincoln, and rebuild the country during the Reconstruction Era. Through 35 exciting weeks of U.S. History I, students will examine the layered history of the United States, study its system of government, grow in faith while studying God’s Word, and recognize Jesus as the hope of nations!
Designed for ages 15-17, extending to grade 12, U.S. History I keeps learning fresh and interesting by bringing together engaging daily lessons, captivating books, and memorable activities – all from a solid biblical worldview. This unique combination creates an educationally rich learning experience that helps your teen grow both spiritually and academically. Take a look at the inspiring collection of literature and subjects your student will get to experience in U.S. History I. With these books and materials in hand, you’ll have everything you need to earn required credits and prepare your student for college and beyond!
NOTE: Not all subjects are pictured (math, grammar, Spanish, “Living Library” books, and science lab kit are excluded).
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With daily plans written directly to the student, U.S. History I integrates a variety of subjects with a unit study feel, placing a special emphasis on United States history from its pre-colonial days through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Helpful key ideas, questions, and directions within the plans keep you involved in your child’s education, and you are given the option to customize key subjects like grammar, math and foreign language. With all needed credits integrated into the plans, and course descriptions with grading provided, you’ll find that schooling has never been easier! To learn more about what U.S. History I includes, have a look below.
What's Included in
My Guide?
Credits Earned in This Guide
Each guide in the “Hearts for Him Through High School” series includes everything you need to earn all required credits for a full year of high school study. The U.S. History I guide includes the following 6 ½ high school credits:
- U.S. History I (1 full-year credit)
- Government/Civics (½ credit)
- Bible: New Testament Survey (1 full-year credit)
- Foreign Language: Spanish II (½ credit)
- Constitutional Literacy (½ credit)
- English III: American Literature (composed of ½ credit of Literature and ½ credit of Composition/Grammar = 1 full-year credit)
- Science: Chemistry with Lab (1 full-year credit)
- Suggested Math: Algebra II or Geometry (1 full-year credit)
Total Credits Earned: 6 ½ Credits
Note: It is important to consult your state laws for specific requirements for credit and to be aware of the entrance requirements for any college or university your student plans to attend. For students in states that require a full credit in Government or Civics, the ½ credit in the “Constitutional Literacy” course combines with the ½ credit in the “Government” course to earn one full credit in Government or Civics.
A Snapshot of History
See history come alive as U.S. History I chronicles the growth of the United States from pre-colonial days through the Civil War and Reconstruction. As memorable people, events, and issues are highlighted, students see history as a captivating story filled with the trials and triumphs of people living in other times and places. With a unique blend of living books, engaging activities, and a biblical perspective, U.S. History I gives students a cultural and historical look at life in America – all while awakening students to its inspiring Christian heritage.
- Set off on a lively adventure via America: The Last Best Hope Vol I, written by William J. Bennett, who doesn’t shy away from America’s mistakes and shortcomings, while also patriotically asserting that the American experiment in democracy is still a success story.
- Begin your travels at the 13 colonies with The Founding of a Nation, and work alongside those who labored through difficulties to create our democratic republic.
- Marvel at the Faith of Our Fathers as you meet men and women who answered the Lord’s call to evangelize the vast expanse of untamed America.
- Journey onward in The Book of Heroes, and meet George Washington, Daniel Boone, Louisa May Alcott, Robert E. Lee, and George Washington Carver – all diverse individuals that overcame obstacles and hardships with faith and a shared passion for the land they loved.
- Discover the power of the penned word with Great Letters in American History and Great Documents in U.S. History. As you seek to understand the people who stood behind the decisions in America’s past, ponder the historical significance and importance of their words.
- See America come to life visually with newsreel videos, motion picture footage, archival photographs, illustrations of antiquity, and filmed reenactments within The American Testimony video set.
- Use the visual aid of cartography to capture the sweep and influence of key U.S. History I events. With 25 maps to research and complete, U.S. History Map Activities and the U.S. History Atlas help students gain a new understanding into how the land has influenced American history.
- Teach retelling skills with the following types of Charlotte Mason-style oral and written narrations: highlighted, key word, summary, detailed, topic, opinion, recorded, and typed narrations. Clear guidance is provided for students on how to perform each type of narration. Students also practice speaking from notes accompanied by a visual aid, as they share talking points they have written based on one reading each week.
- Complete a beautiful U.S. History I Journal filled with graphic organizer-style notes, written opinions, historical maps, talking points with visual aids, critical thinking questions and answers, analysis of primary source documents, multi-paragraph written narrations, quotations in context and more!
- Assemble a one-of-kind Book of Centuries filled with a colorful portrait gallery and lined timeline entries. As students progress through their high school years, they will continue to add to this book until it provides an unbroken trail from the dawn of Creation to the modern era!
A Collection of Living Books
Add a personal, thought-provoking layer to your study of American history with our Charlotte Mason-inspired “Living Library!” The compelling books in our “Living Library” were selected for their narrative quality and lifelike connections to U.S. History I. As students delve into this set of memorable books, they will experience stirring historical fiction, inspiring biographies, riveting nonfiction, and classic literature.
- Survive the harrowing settlement of Jamestown, preach throughout the states with George Whitfield, pen letters to the President during the Revolutionary War, lead soldiers to victory at Yorktown, and explore the Louisiana Purchase with Lewis and Clark.
- Mesmerize America using mere words with Daniel Webster, defend the Alamo against Santa Anna, risk death to ride the Pony Express, and befriend the brave Sioux warrior Quiet Thunder – all just a sampling of the books that await you in our exciting Living Library!
- Progressively fill out a “Double-Entry Journal” to connect with each book as it is read. Students will select a meaningful passage or quote to copy, provide brief context or commentary on it, then write down any thoughts, feelings, reactions, opinions, observations, questions, interpretations, predictions, comparisons, connections, reflections, or similar life experiences they feel relate to the passage or quote.
A Glance at Government
U.S. History I explores the foundations, principles, and organization of the U.S. government from a Judeo-Christian perspective. As students consider how varying types of historical governments impacted the political heritage of our own nation, they will study the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and discuss contemporary issues such as immigration and globalization. This course includes the required materials to collectively meet all national standards for high school civics and government, as well as subject matter traditionally included in secondary government courses.
- Inspect the history and heritage of America’s government in A Noble Experiment. Built around primary source documents, twenty-four video lectures, and the classic film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, this conservative approach to government alternates conversational video instruction with readings, activities, projects, quizzes, and tests.
- Examine the pros and cons of America’s legal system and economy in Whatever Happened to Justice? This clever book tackles the deterioration of America’s government by showing the difference between higher law and man-made law, and by establishing the connection between rational law and economic prosperity. The two laws introduced – do all you have agreed to do, and do not encroach on other persons or their property – could strengthen both America and the family unit!
Note: For students in states that require a full credit in Government/Civics, this course combined with Constitutional Literacy earns one full credit in Government or Civics.
A Foundation of Scripture
U.S. History I leads students to build their faith and draw closer to the Lord as they read and examine His Word. As students inductively study each New Testament book of the Bible, they will also read heartfelt devotionals, listen to enduring hymns, and gain a greater knowledge and deeper love of the Lord. This course in U.S. History I is perfect for anyone who seeks to discover what God is like, what He requires, and how to be in a right relationship with Him.
New Testament Survey
- Gain a deeper love for God and His Word with independent Bible lessons from The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study: A Survey of the New Testament. This non-denominational Protestant study leads students through the New Testament, helping them draw connections to the Old Testament and guiding them to better understand the Bible’s bigger picture. As students study and analyze Scripture, they will answer insightful questions relating to the text, memorize passages from the New Testament (such as Matthew 6:1-14, 25-34, and Romans 8:26-39), and keep a prayer journal based on the biblical model of prayer.
- Enjoy listening to timeless hymns from ages past with When Morning Guilds the Sky, a book and CD set that brings hymn study to students in a way that is sure to speak to their hearts. This compilation includes 12 fully orchestrated hymns performed by Joni Eareckson Tada, Jon MacArthur, and Robert & Bobbie Wolgemuth. Beautiful lyrics, intriguing histories, Biblical wisdom, and inspirational messages focus on the glory of heaven and on the eternal hope we have in the Lord. What better way to glimpse the wonder of Christ?
Devotional Bible Study
- Draw closer to the Lord with readings, annotations, questions, and discussions from either Beyond Beautiful Girlhood (for girls) or Everyday Battles and Thoughts for Young Men (for boys).
- Discover God in the heart of daily struggles and decisions with Everyday Battles and Thoughts for Young Men, our devotional books for boys. Everyday Battles – written by Bob Schultz – delves into God’s purpose for battles and conflicts in our lives, while Thoughts for Young Men provides timeless advice about facing temptation as a young man, encouraging students to draw into a closer walk with Jesus.
- Find guidance on growing into a Godly young woman with Beautiful Girlhood, our devotional choice for girls. This intimate Mother Daughter Bible study equips readers with the skills and Biblical truths to manage three crucial areas: Home, Life, and Spirit. As young women develop these key areas of their lives, they will be able to face the future head-on and build a deeper connection with the Lord.
- Consider God’s plan for choosing a mate by reading and discussing either The Warrior Prince (for boys) or Stay in the Castle (for girls). These sensitive and thought-provoking stories illustrate the difference between relying on your own judgement and trusting in God’s ultimate plan. Stay in the Castle tells the story of a young lady’s struggles to wait for the one God created for her, while The Warrior Prince relates the searching, mistakes, and battles of the young man who seeks her.
- Receive practical instruction and develop a plan for the future with Seven Royal Laws of Courtship. This book introduces seven Biblical principles to help both knights in training and ladies in waiting find and marry the person whom God has created for them.
A Study of Spanish
In U.S. History I, students will continue to learn the Spanish language through the Spanish Homeschool Curriculum Kit, which they began in World History. Since this Spanish program moves quickly and is quite vocabulary and grammar intensive, it is best if students have completed a typical Spanish I course prior to beginning this program. This course builds skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening to the Spanish language. Students who desire to study a different foreign language may substitute a different language course in place of this option to fulfill the foreign language requirement.
- Enjoy learning Spanish through vocabulary practice related to restaurants, personal care, doctor’s offices, weather, travel, transportation, neighborhoods, stores, and professions. Develop vocabulary skills while reading and writing passages in Spanish.
- Learn grammar rules such as conjugation of irregular verbs, application of reflexive verbs, formation of Spanish adverbs, use of demonstrative adjectives, appropriate use of present and present progressive verb tenses, use of direct object pronouns, mastery of indirect object pronouns, and use of prepositions and prepositional pronouns. Demonstrate understanding of sentence construction and the rules of grammar through provided activities and exercises.
- Explore the geography, customs, and history of South America and Spain. Having some historical, social and cultural knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries helps students as they learn to correctly speak and write in Spanish.
- Practice pronunciation skills and learn to understand verbal Spanish by utilizing audio recordings featuring native speakers and conversational dialogue practice with a teacher or tutor. By learning how to correctly speak and comprehend Spanish, students will find it easier to grasp the basics of Spanish as a second language.
A Basis for Constitutional Literacy
See the U.S. Constitution brought to life for modern Americans in Constitutional Literacy, a groundbreaking high school course created by constitutional expert Michael Farris. Through academically sound and uniquely insightful lectures and readings, Farris carefully leads students through the history, theory, and application of the Constitution, helping students to grasp its meaning and original intent – as well as how it shapes our laws and way of life today.
- Learn about the Constitution’s creation, the powers it grants, the second amendment, the fourth amendment, due process, international law, commerce and general welfare clauses, property rights, abortion “rights”, and more.
- Experience a host of excellent resources with over 500 minutes of professional video instruction, clear case studies and Supreme Court rulings, historical background on issues, and easy-to-understand definitions of legal terminology.
- Establish a knowledge of the Constitution and how it applies to contemporary issues through insightful study questions, enlightening research, and thought-provoking written assignments in a well-designed workbook.
Note: For students in states that require a full credit in Government/Civics, this course combined with A Noble Experiment earns one full credit in Government or Civics.
A Journey Through Literature
Ignite your passion for American literature with this compelling combination of 8 novels, 8 short stories, 4 primary sources, 1 full-length autobiography, and 1 play! Enjoy short stories alternated with longer works of literature, and be better prepared for ACT/SAT testing through in-depth vocabulary work and pointed questioning. Our innovative approach to literature alternates targeted assignments with Charlotte Mason follow-ups to create a diverse and fascinating year of study!
- Hear the story of a Roman soldier, Marcellus, as he wins Christ’s robe as a gambling prize and sets forth on a quest to find the truth about Jesus. Reaching to heart of Christianity, The Robe is a story of adventure, faith, longing, and redemption.
- Meet two identical young boys from different worlds in Mark Twain’s medieval tale The Prince and the Pauper. When the boys first meet each other, they decide on a whim to trade places. Unfortunately each ends up trapped in the other’s world.
- Empathize with Hester, an adulteress in Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, who is forced by Puritans to wear a scarlet letter ‘A’ on her gown. Meanwhile, the secret father of her child struggles with his conscience – until Hester’s husband takes revenge. Hawthorne’s novel is paired with an insightful study guide from Christian literary expert Leland Ryken.
- Peek inside the mind of one of history’s most famous figures in The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin [excerpts]. Follow his life in his own words, and discover what it means to be both a free thinker and a U.S. citizen.
- Experience the most famous sermon in America with Jonathan Edwards’ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Written just as it was delivered 250 years ago, it is a call to spiritual revival in our time.
- Enjoy Washington Irving’s humorous story of lovable, but lazy “Rip Van Winkle.” When Rip goes into the woods and falls asleep in the Catskill mountains, he awakens twenty years later to find a much changed world -and begins to realize nothing stays the same.
- Read the story of American Army lieutenant Philip Nolan, who renounces his country during a trial for treason and is sentenced to spend the rest of his days at sea without any news of the country he spurned. First published in 1863,”The Man Without a Country” is a captivating tale.
- Glimpse the life story of Frederick Douglas through excerpts from his autobiography, My Bondage, My Freedom. Painting a poignant portrait of an individual and a nation, Douglas’ account gives insight into slavery, race, freedom, literacy, and the power of faith.
- Witness the journey of Booker T. Washington from slave to academic leader in Up From Slavery. Washington’s stirring autobiography tells of his impoverished youth, unrelenting struggle for education, early teaching assignments, and head position at Tuskegee Institute.
- Journey with Catherine Marshall’s 19-year-old Christy to teach in the Smoky Mountains in 1912, where the resilient people of the region have fierce pride, dark superstitions, and terrible poverty. Yet, they yearn for beauty and truth. Christy’s faith is challenged by trial and tragedy, and by a heart torn between true love and devotion – yet her love for the Lord prospers! (girl interest book)
- Join the Union Army with 16-year-old Jeff in Rifles for Watie. While the Civil War rages, Jeff is sent as a spy to infiltrate the enemy camp only to realize the rebels are men – just like him. When it’s time to share information, Jeff has a difficult decision – should he betray the enemy? Or join them? (boy interest book)
- Read Jack London’s compelling short story “To Build A Fire” – a tale of a man and dog who begin their journey along the Yukon trail in -75 degree weather and experience the destructive forces of nature. (boy interest book)
- Meet French detective Dupin – a sleuth who puts himself in the position of the criminal and uses logical deduction to discover how a crime was committed – in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Purloined Letter.”
- Grow up with Elnora and her bitter mother on the banks of an Indiana swamp in A Girl of the Limberlost. Unable to afford an education, but determined to reach her dreams, Elnora works to sell artifacts and moths from the swamp. In spite of life’s hardships, this novel strikes a chord that inspires. (girl interest book)
- Visit Flat Creek, Indiana during the 1850s in The Hoosier School Master, where Ralph Hartsook has his hands full as the new schoolteacher of a one-room schoolhouse. There are lovable souls, but there are also villains, bullies, and star-crossed lovers that make this old-fashioned melodrama shine. (boy interest book)
- Hear the epic tale of one man’s journey into the untamed territory of Wyoming, where he is caught between his love for a woman and his quest for justice. The Virginian is considered to be the first great Western, a testament to the struggle between good and evil in humanity – revealing the forces that guide both sides.
- Enjoy Stephen Crane’s classic Western short story “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky.” On board a train steaming toward Yellow Sky are the marshal, Jack Potter, and his bride. Meanwhile, the town villain, Scratchy Wilson, is looking for a fight. When none of the townspeople accept Scratchy’s offer to fight, he goes to Potter’s home to await the marshal’s return.
- Observe the pandemonium that occurs in O. Henry’s comedic short story “The Ransom of Red Chief” when Little Andy Dorset – who never misses an opportunity to play the brave and adventurous Red Chief – crosses paths with a pair of swindlers looking to make back lost money. Unfortunately for them, Andy isn’t your average kid!
- See the play The Miracle Worker unfold as young Helen Keller – blind, deaf, and mute since infancy – is in danger of being sent to an institution. When her parents seek help from the Perkins institute, they are sent a “half-blind schoolgirl” named Annie Sullivan – who breaks through Helen’s walls of silence and darkness.
- Receive sudden wealth and fortune – with a catch – in Mark Twain’s short story “The One-Million-Pound Bank-Note.” In Victorian London, two wealthy brothers give penniless Henry Adams one million pounds in a single bank note. If Henry tries to exchange the note, he will likely be charged with theft. Will Henry’s good fortune come to nothing?
- Realize the true gifts of Christmas are right within your home as you read O. Henry’s short story “The Gift of the Magi.” Consider the power of financial savvy in the short story “Mammon and the Archer.” In both stories, O. Henry paints a portrait of unfaltering love – a haven from the world outside.
- Believe in the impossible as you read The Lilies of the Field. Homer Smith, a black ex-GI, was a carefree man living the life of the open road – until he met a group of German-speaking nuns with a dream. This is the story of unlikely friends and an impossible dream – to build a chapel in the desert.
- Be inspired by the great Martin Luther King, Jr., in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” where under dire circumstances, he poignantly explained why blacks could no longer be victims of inequality. Also featured is King’s stirring “I Have a Dream” speech, which was delivered to 250,000 civil rights marchers in 1963.
- Hear Herman Melville’s story of a perplexingly unusual scribe in “Bartleby the Scrivener.” Shortly after Bartleby arrives, he refuses to go on doing the writing demanded of him and turns the office upside down with the enigmatic phrase: “I prefer not to.”
A Look at Composition and Grammar
Heart of Dakota teaches higher-level language arts skills through a unique combination of Charlotte Mason-style dictation exercises, a solid grammar and writing text, and a variety of composition approaches. You can use your own resources for grammar, or use the time-tested grammar and writing selections we’ve scheduled in the U.S. History I Guide.
- Hone spelling, writing, and proofreading skills by using the Charlotte Mason method of studied dictation. Using passages provided in the U.S. History I guide, students will study a passage and then reproduce it as you dictate the passage aloud. Afterward, they will proofread their work against the correctly written model and correct any errors.
- Enjoy thorough grammar and writing lessons with Preparing for Usefulness. This comprehensive, God-honoring text is easy-to-use and teaches key concepts of grammar, mechanics, and writing. Plans include lessons on upper-level grammar concepts, creating outlines, organizing notes, paragraph development, coherency in writing, developing oral and written reports, proofreading, revising, and more!
- Strengthen formal composition skills while using the Bible for inspiration with In Their Sandals. In this study, students will use lessons on research, note-taking, plot outlines, description, drafting, and revision as they write 8 stories based on events and people from Scripture. Students will be guided to view God as the master storyteller as they ‘meet’ characters from the Bible, comparatively read and summarize parallel Scriptures, research historical context, and learn to write systematically. The program also helps students build literary vocabulary and apply helpful grammar rules as they practice good writing.
A Structure for Mathematics
Students entering U.S. History I should ideally be studying either Algebra 2 or Geometry, however students at differing math levels may still use this guide. Our recommendations for Algebra 2 include Math-U-See Algebra 2, Principles of Algebra 2, or MathHelp Algebra 2. These options offer three different paths to Algebra 2 coverage. If you’d like to see our suggested Geometry options, you can view our math recommendations for World History – the previous guide in our high school series. Or, if you would prefer, you can use your own math program!
Math-U-See Algebra 2
- Set your student up for high school math success with Christian author Steve Demme’s Math-U-See Algebra 2! Universal sets include instruction manuals with complete solutions; student workbooks with worksheets, review pages, and honor pages; test booklets; and instruction DVDs that also include access to online versions.
- Give students all they need to be successful in Algebra 2! In this well-loved, easy-to use course, you will emphasize graphing (including extensive practice with conic sections), teach students to solve problems using systems of equations, and provide an introduction to vectors.
Principles of Algebra 2
- Enjoy a Christian approach to math as Principles of Algebra 2 shows algebra’s very existence points us to God. As students use this program, they will see algebra in action and find their biblical worldview built along the way.
- Use the Principles of Algebra 2 Student Textbook to present concepts in an engaging way by incorporating science and other real-life examples.
- Utilize the balanced approach outlined in the Principles of Algebra 2 Teacher Guide’s worksheets, quizzes, and tests.
- Let the Principles of Algebra 2 Solutions Manual make your life easy! This manual not only gives the solutions to all the worksheet, quiz, and test problems, it also includes numerous explanatory notes.
Math Help Algebra 2
- Enjoy clear online Algebra 2 lessons with Math Help Algebra 2. In an easy to-use online format, award-winning teacher Michael Maggart uses short, concise lessons to explain each topic in Algebra 2 in a way that is easy to understand.
- Work through online lessons that include video example problems, interactive practice problems with built-in explanations, a challenge problem, self-tests with immediate feedback, an automatic online gradebook, printable extra problem worksheets, and review notes of each day’s lesson.
- Benefit from a low-stress online math option! This math program works well for almost any math student – including those students who have struggled with math in the past, those who need to get through Algebra 2 in a timely fashion, or for students who will need to be very independent in math with little to no help from a parent. This math program is one of Cathy Duffy’s Top 101 Picks. To view samples and purchase MathHelp Algebra 2, visit www.mathhelp.com.
An Exploration of Chemistry
In U.S. History I, students earn science credit though Discovering Design with Chemistry, a college prep, high school chemistry course written from a Christian perspective by Dr. Jay Wile. Discovering Design with Chemistry includes a visually appealing narrative text, comprehension checks with detailed answer keys, 46 experiments with expected outcomes, and calculations with completely worked out solutions. This course weaves together scientific concepts and their mathematical applications, teaching students how to think as chemists so they can analyze the major changes that occur in matter.
Note: This high school chemistry course is designed for students who have completed Algebra I.
- Study fundamental aspects of chemistry such as the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical and chemical change, stoichiometry, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium, and more.
- Follow-up each day’s readings with “Comprehension Check” questions that help students flex their mental skills and build on their discoveries. Students will refer to fully worked sample calculations to check their own calculations for accuracy. Provided “Chapter Reviews” help students review and retain what they have learned.
- Perform an innovative mix of 46 quantitative and qualitative lab experiments that illustrate chemistry concepts in action. Quantitative experiments include evaluations such as measuring the wavelength of microwaves, pinpointing the number of water molecules in a hydrated compound, determining the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar, identifying the specific heat of a metal, and tracking the change in enthalpy for a chemical reaction. Qualitative experiments include exciting tasks such as performing flame tests, examining the interference of light waves, exploring Boyle’s Law, conducting litmus tests, and electroplating. A lab kit is available to help students perform the experiments.
- See how chemistry reveals the amazing design that exists all around us. From the details of atomic structure to the makeup of the very air that we breathe, this chemistry course shows students the marvelous handiwork of God! Plans in the U.S. History I guide schedule all components of Discovering Design with Chemistry.
Can I Tailor This to
Fit My Child?
Yes! We’ve provided plenty of opportunities to customize with boy and girl selections for devotions, options for science, and boy and girl options for the “Living Library” and “Literature Study.” You can choose from our suggested math options, scheduled grammar text, and planned foreign language option, or use your own resources for these areas. Finally, our curriculum packages are designed so you can choose which credits to include in your student’s course of study. No matter what you choose, U.S. History I pulls it all together for you!

What Do Other
People Have to Say?
"We so appreciate how Heart of Dakota has changed our lives! My son has matured intellectually and spiritually. We are using the U.S. History I guide right now, and I LOVE to hear him talk about the books he is reading."
Kris in Belding, Michigan
Look Inside
U.S. History I includes 35 engaging units with open-and-go daily plans that pull everything together, allowing students to earn 6 ½ credits by year-end. Units include plans for four days a week, taking 6 ½ hours a day for students to complete all subjects. Each day is conveniently displayed on a two-page spread, making it easy to organize the day at a glance. Let’s have a better look inside, so you can see what using U.S. History I is like.
See the Video
In this video, Julie gives a brief overview of U.S. History I including a quick peek into the daily plans. After watching this video, you’ll have a clear picture of how each day is organized and a better understanding of what to expect from our complete, Christ-centered, Charlotte Mason-style program.
Daily Format
At the high school level, each guide is written mainly to the student, saving you time so you can direct and facilitate your student’s learning. Each day of U.S. History I is organized on a simple two-page spread divided into “Learning Through History” and “Learning the Basics.” Each subject is contained in its own box coded ‘T,’ ‘S,’ or ‘I’ to show whether it is “Teacher-directed,” “Semi-Independent,” or “Independent.” Boxes can be done in any order, and subjects are seamlessly rotated to cover all needed credits. Once each box on the two-page spread is complete, your student is done!

Notebook Pages
Our stunning, full-color U.S. History I Journal becomes a special portfolio showcasing what students have learned on their journey through U.S. history. As students work through U.S. History I, they’ll complete beautiful pages filled with graphic organizer-style notes, written opinions, historical maps, talking points with visual aids, critical thinking questions and answers, analysis of primary source documents, multi-paragraph written narrations, quotations in context, and more! By the end of the school-year, students will have a personal keepsake they can treasure for years to come.

High School Credits
U.S. History I includes everything you need to earn required credits for a full year of high school study. If you would like to see which credits your child will earn in the U.S. History I guide, refer to our “Scope and Sequence” chart for high school. This chart lists the credits for all 4 of our high school guides, including U.S. History I. With Heart of Dakota, you can rest easy knowing that your child will be well-prepared for college and beyond!


Teacher's Guide
U.S. History I features open-and-go daily plans with an appealing mix of oral, written, hands-on, and academic activities. Daily lessons incorporate a variety of learning styles, a perfect blend of teacher and student, and a shift toward greater independence befitting the high school stage of learning. Step-by-step directions, a careful balance of skills, and helpful key ideas bring everything together. By keeping our design both constant and coherent, we have created a strong foundation you can rely on year after year.

Now that you’ve seen a little bit about U.S. History I, are you ready to shop? We can’t wait for you to see what’s in store!
Not sure you’re in the right place? If your student is too young or too old for U.S. History I, we’ve got you covered.
Need something younger?
Have a look at World History. It might be just right for your child.
Need something older?
Have a look at U.S. History II. It might be just the fit you need.
Need something younger?
Have a look at World History. It might be just right for your child.
Need something older?
Have a look at U.S. History II. It might be just the fit you need.
Dig Deeper
Still want to know more about U.S. History I? Have no fear – there’s more here! See the following excellent resources for more in-depth information about this program.