Resources sometimes go out of print or undergo changes. Brief schedule changes are posted here on the “Updates” page. Lengthier schedule changes are sent along with your purchase of the corresponding guide or book from Heart of Dakota.
Bigger Hearts for His Glory
- Unit 6 Day 5: In the “Science Exploration” box, the link to the visual aid has changed. Please use this printable PDF to print the visual aid that had been referenced.
Creation to Christ
- A Child’s Geography: The book A Child’s Geography Vol II: Explore the Holy Land now has downloadable files instead of an accompanying CD Rom. You can access these downloadable files at the following link: https://www.masterbooks.com/amfile/file/download/file/1042/https://www.masterbooks.com/faq/question/id/73
- Unit 1 Day 1: In the “Science Exploration” box, the link to the “Sample Module” has been changed on the Apologia web site. Pages 2-5 from Elementary Apologia: Zoology 1 have been included in this printable PDF, which you may use instead.
Revival to Revolution
- Who Was Nikola Tesla?: The final few pages were accidentally omitted in Revival to Revolution‘s plans. See corrected plans below:
- Unit 31, Day 4: In the “Inventor Study” box, add p. 100 – 107 of Who Was Nikola Tesla? to the day’s readings. (The feature about Guglielmo Marconi on p. 98 – 99 will have been already read in Unit 31, Day 2, and will not need to be read for this day.)
Missions to Modern Marvels
- Unit 21 Day 2: In the “History Project” box, the internet links have been changed. Please use the following links instead for your research:
Hinduism: https://www.himalayanacademy.com/nine-beliefs-of-hinduism
Islam: http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/beliefs
- Unit 21 Day 3: In the “History Project” box, the internet link for the assignment has changed. You may use this printable PDF for your research instead.
- Unit 32 Day 2: In the “Worthy Words” box, please use the following speech for the assignment: Ayatollah Khomeini Speech 16
World Geography
- Where Am I?: We’ve detected a printing defect in some copies of the book Where Am I? where page 56 is blank. You can follow this link to find a scan of the missing page (as well as the page that came before for context): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w6fomb5medyk2i6r3hted/Where-Am-I-pages-55-56.pdf?rlkey=jr4s1t2cpinickawrplekdlse&st=tn5dvhbm&dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g2gfhmckvqf18ar8k2a6p/Missing-page-56-for-Who-Am-I.jpg?rlkey=l4oe1ydcqgjfr8ucv9vis2j99&st=ryxcc0bj&dl=0
U.S. History II
- Constitutional Literacy Workbook: The answer key for the Constitutional Literacy Workbook is now a downloadable file. You can access it at the following link: https://heartofdakota.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Constitutional-Literacy-Answer-Key-to-the-Workbook-Questions-reference-on-p-12-of-workbook.pdf