Inside the Guide: LHFHG’s Reading About History Box of Plans
This “Inside the Guide” series provides a quick snapshot of Little Hearts for His Glory (LHFHG). It’s a handy “how-to” reference, just one box of plans at a time. Have you ordered Little Hearts for His Glory from Heart of Dakota? Thank you – so fun! Are you getting excited to start? Totally understandable! Well, here’s your quick-start “Inside the Guide” for… LHFHG’s Reading About History box of plans!
Quick Start Info
Time It Takes: 10 minutes
Days It’s On: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Description: Living books bring history to life! This broad overview of world history spans from Creation to present day. Bible stories integrate with history stories, so your child can see God’s sovereign hand working through the ages. LHFHG tells history through the incredible true stories of those who lived it. Each weekly unit has its own history theme. The themes are organized in chronological order. History stories related to the theme are read aloud by the parent to the child each day. These stories provide the focus for the day’s plans. All the rest of the daily Learning Through History boxes of plans are linked to the history stories.
A Handy How-To for the Bibles
The history resources are read aloud chronologically throughout the year, and usually only one book is read each day. Choose from one of two Bible Story books to cover the beginning portion of history. Basically, the Family-Time Bible works well for little ones ages five to six. Each Scripture-based story spans two to three pages. Beautiful illustrations and one follow-up question make this Bible just right for little ones. Consequently, the 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible option fits children ages six to seven better. Each two-page spread contains five to seven paragraphs to read aloud and one full-color illustration. A scripture connection for parents to read and three to four follow-up questions make this story Bible a little more “grown-up”.
A Handy How-To for History for Little Pilgrims and Its Coloring Book
History for Little Pilgrims gives a biblical overview of world and American history. Children learn about Creation, the nations, the history of God’s kingdom, early explorers and cultures, the discovery of the Americas, and the growth and development of the United States. Two to three pages are read aloud at a time, and full-color illustrations, maps, and geography features keep children focused on the pages as parents read. Each chapter beginning includes a visual picture timeline, and each chapter end includes optional “Words to Know”, “Something to Do” activities, and “Review” fill-in-the-blank questions that may done orally. Children also color outline pictures in the History for Little Pilgrims Coloring Book. As they color, they better remember the historical people and stories read aloud to them.
A Handy How-To for History Stories for Children
History Stories for Children exposes children to a variety of wholesome stories based on famous historical events and personalities. Published by Christian Liberty Press, stories begin with the best of the Bible, progress onward to the discoverers of new land, and march valiantly forward through the rest of history. Two to three pages are read aloud at a time. Each story has one small illustration, vocabulary words, comprehension questions, and an optional extension activity. Vocabulary words are bolded in the reading to make them easy to find. Inspirational, narrative stories make this resource a family favorite!
Box Specific Notes
We read on the living room couch, and I like to tuck my little one under my arm or under a cozy blanket right next to me. Having the book open between us encourages my child to focus, follow along, and visualize the story by looking at the illustrations, maps, and historical memorabilia. After reading the story, I like to read aloud the Key Idea in my LHFHG guide. It sums up the reading so nicely!
LHFHG’s history begins with Creation. The LHFHG Reading About History plans list Scriptures you can read. While I love reading Scripture directly from the Bible, the pictures provided in the LHFHG’s Bibles help my child focus better. The provided question(s) in the children’s Bibles help me check my child’s comprehension. Since the Bible reading provides the history focus for the entire left side of the LHFHG’s plans, I’d recommend using one of the two children’s Bibles.
The Reading About History resources help children transition into listening to longer readings with less pictures. Additionally, they develop listening comprehension and vocabulary skills more with each book. You might think the story Bibles are fairly easy; however, History for Little Pilgrims comes next, and it includes longer readings with fewer illustrations and more questions. Finally, History Stories for Children includes longer readings with smaller font sizes, very few illustrations, more vocabulary, and more in-depth questions. This progression is certainly intended, and it prepares kiddos for the next year’s guide.
Finally, I like to do the bottom left rotating box of plans after we finish LHFHG’s Reading About History box of plans. This rotating box of plans involves movement and/or hands-on activities, and it links to the history story. Pairing these boxes together is a winning combination!
LHFHG’s Reading About History Samples
I’ve includes samples of each LHFHG Reading About History resource below. Certainly, these samples can help you choose which Bible you prefer. The Family Time Bible is pictured first, followed by samples from 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible, History for Little Pilgrims, and finally History Stories for Children. If you would like to be able to read the text, click on the linked titles. You can order these items in a handy-dandy package by clicking here! If you’d like to order individual items, just click “view details” next to the item and add it individually to your cart.
101 Favorite Stories from the Bible