Keeping a Similar Routine Each Day
Do you keep a similar routine each day so that your children’s routine becomes second nature? While you don’t necessarily have to be exactly on time each day, it is so helpful to keep the same general routine or order of subjects each day. This takes away the question of what a child should do next and minimizes interruptions.
Rather than being a strict time-keeper, I follow the same routine or flow to each day. That way my sons know the order in which to do their Heart of Dakota (HOD) things. They know what comes next, without having to ask me all throughout the day. So, even if you are not a particularly scheduled person, I’d encourage you to have a set order or routine that you follow.
Choosing a start time is important to keeping the same routine each day.
We have found that our start time is very important each day and that the next most important thing is keeping the same flow or routine to the day. Once my sons were older, I made sure to schedule independent tasks last in their day. In that way, if they decided to get up early or get ahead of schedule, they could simply jump to the end of their schedule and do one of their independent subjects. My sons loved this, as they felt they were chipping off their ending time by doing these subjects earlier in the day.
Meeting with children in the same order each day keeps the routine similar even if the times are not exact.
In order for my day to flow well, I don’t necessarily have to be on the exact times it says on my schedule (and often I am not ), but I do need to have each of my kiddo’s time with me in the same order each day. This keeps my routine very similar and makes me able to calmly move on to what is next. My sons know that when I call them to do any items scheduled with me that it takes precedence over whatever they are doing. This is because there is only one of me and four of them!
Giving each child a copy of his own schedule helps routines be the same each day.
I give each child his own schedule, and I keep a copy of these individual schedules in plastic page protectors on a ring on my fridge so that I can easily check at any given time who is supposed to be doing what (and where). I have a one-page schedule for me that includes only the items I am to be doing with my children in the teaching capacity or the maintenance capacity. This keeps my notes to a minimum and shows me at a glance what I’m supposed to be doing. The kiddos each have a copy of only their own schedule in a three-ring folder in a plastic page protector for them to check off each day with a dry erase marker. We use the same routine every day, which really helps the kiddos memorize it.
If your school day is running longer than you would like, keeping a similar routine each day can help. I had to become more scheduled and more routine the more years I taught, however it has actually been a blessing at our house as everyone knows what to do when. Try it and see what you think!
Examples of Past Routines I’ve Used with My Family
Click here for my routine for Cole Grade 11 (piloting high school), Shaw Grade 8 Missions to Modern Marvels, Grey Grade 4 Preparing Hearts for His Glory, and Beau Grade 1 Little Hearts for His Glory
Click here for my routine for Cole Grade 8 (piloting middle school), Shaw Grade 5 Creation to Christ, Grey Grade 1 Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory, Beau PreK Little Hands to Heaven.
P.S. For more details on setting up a routine that is first based on a schedule, click here!
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