Use coupon code JUNE-LIBRARY for 10% on this month’s Library Builder book set: The Revival to Revolution Basic Package!
We are excited to continue our Heart of Dakota Library Builder book set promotion! On the 1st Wednesday of each month we will be promoting one of our book sets with a 10% coupon code. For this month’s special, use coupon code JUNE-LIBRARY on our website for the entire month of June to apply the savings to your order. (The coupon applies to the Revival to Revolution Basic Package set of books.) To view all of the books in this set, just click here!
How is the Basic Package used in Revival to Revolution?
Well, we could tell you, but why reinvent the wheel? Carrie and Julie have already done an excellent job of outlining how these books are used in the Revival to Revolution Introduction, so why don’t we have a quick look at that?
(From the Introduction to Revival to Revolution):
Daily storytime sessions are linked to the “Reading about History” box of the plans by similar historical time period. These books provide the historical backdrop, or a panoramic view of history, while the “Reading about History” readings provide a more factual view.
These scheduled read-alouds are highly recommended, unless you need to
economize. Complete listings and book descriptions for these books can be found in the Appendix. These books are sold as a set as a Basic Package, or sold individually, at
The “Storytime” box of plans includes oral narration practice and higher level thinking questions specific to each day’s reading. Analysis, synthesis, and evaluation questions are meant to encourage reflection about the readings and promote higher-level thinking.
Analysis level questions focus on examining and breaking information into parts, identifying motives or causes, making inferences, and finding evidence to support generalizations.
Questions at the synthesis level require students to compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
Questions at the evaluation level require students to present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Definitions of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation questions are related to Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Leading students to think in this manner goes beyond finding one right answer. Rather, students are encouraged to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate what they’ve read to reach their own conclusions.
Note: If you are already doing a Storytime package with a different Heart of Dakota program, you may choose to have 6th-7th grade students read the books in this package on their own by following the plans in the “Storytime” box.
Use coupon code JUNE-LIBRARY to save!
To apply this month’s savings, just enter coupon code JUNE-LIBRARY on our website when you check out! We hope these books will be as treasured to you as they are to us!
Have a great rest of the week!
Heart of Dakota
PS: If you’d like a more in-depth look at what using Revival to Revolution looks like in your home, have a look at this article!