Dear Carrie
How should I handle grading and making a transcript for a discount on my son’s car insurance?
I need help with guidelines that I could follow to know how to handle grading with my son. We are using Heart of Dakota‘s Revival to Revolution. He is in 10th grade. We can get a discount on car insurance if he makes a certain letter grade. I THINK I’d grade him no lower than a ‘B-,’ but I will have to ask my husband for sure on that. I want to be fair to him. OR, would you not try to take the discount and just pay the full cost of having him on our insurance when he gets his driver’s license? What would you do in this situation? Thanks in advance!
“Ms. Please Help Me with Grading, Transcripts, and Discounted Car Insurance”
Dear “Ms. Please Help Me with Grading, Transcripts, and Discounted Car Insurance,”
Our car insurance company accepted transcripts that I made for my sons through I just listed the courses for each year of his high school and listed the grade that they received. If your son has only completed ninth grade, you would only list ninth grade course titles. This is a professional and inexpensive way to create an accurate transcript. That is what we submitted to our insurance.
Helpful Details About the Transcript
The website saves your transcript, so you can return to it and add to it each year if desired. I also used this for my two oldest sons’ college requirements for high school transcripts when they graduated. The transcript has a place for standardized test scores if you decide to list those. Any field that you leave blank as you create the transcript will not print on your actual transcript.
Receiving a Discount for Car Insurance
In place of the school name, I just put “High School Transcript.” That way it said that at the top of the transcript. We haven’t had any problems getting the discount for car insurance when I submitted these transcripts. So, that may possibly work for you. I would try it, and then if they do not accept it you can worry about doing a standardized test. It is common here to only do standardized testing in grade 11 in high school.
Information About Receiving Standardized Tests Through BJU
If you do go the standardized test route, you can get the Iowa Basics Skills Test or the Stanford Achievement Test through BJU, but you have to be approved as a tester first. I believe you must have proof of a college degree to be approved as a Stanford tester. I believe that you need a high school diploma to be an Iowa Basic Skills tester. We did the Iowa Test for years and years this way with our boys.
Information About Receiving Standardized Tests Through Seton
You can get the CAT, the Iowa, or the Stanford Tests through Seton Homeschool. The CAT does not require you to be approved as a tester. Seton also offers an online version of the Stanford Test, where they administer the test for you as your child takes it on their own computer at home. The Stanford10 test was going to be retired, but it sounds like the retirement date has been moved. So, for now the Stanford10 is still available. We have done the CAT test through Seton as well with our boys. Hope that helps!