Prepare to step into the future with confidence and conviction with U.S. History II!
Heart of Dakota’s U.S. History II prepares soon-to-graduate high school students to courageously step into their future with confidence and conviction! U.S. History II brings America’s complete story into perspective, while still sharing the Christian foundations it was built upon. It fully prepares students to go forth into the world armed with faith and knowledge, knowing the Lord has plans to prosper them, and to give them hope and a future!
So, what credits are covered in U.S. History II?
Well, students actually can earn up to 7 full credits in U.S. History II. Credits include the following:
- U.S. History II (1 full credit)
- Bible (1 full credit)
- Economics (1/2 credit)
- Finance (1/2 credit)
- Speech (1/2 credit)
- Spanish or Latin/Greek (1/2 credit)
- English (1 full credit)
- Math (1 full credit)
- Science with lab (1 full credit)
This U.S. History II guide is written for students ages 16-18 or older. There are 4 days of plans each week, and they are all noted on a 2-page spread. Finally, students can expect to spend about 6-7 hours, 4 days a week, to complete their work.
Let’s take a closer look at the U.S. History II “Learning Through History” part of the plans!
The U.S. History II “Learning Through History“ part of the plans begins with William J. Bennett’s America : The Last Best Hope Vol. II. With expert storytelling, Bennett recounts the last century’s great wars, the rise of Communism, the struggle for for freedom, and the triumph of liberty. Next, stepping in to join Bennett’s narration is Linda Hobar, author of Mystery of History. Hobar tells the story both of the ‘wars of the world” and the “wars of ideologies.” She then moves on to modern day conflicts. Along this chronological journey, students are asked to make Key Decisions in U.S. History. To do this, they use Great Documents in U.S. History, Great Letters in American History, and The American Testimony DVD Set 2. Similarly, Living Library readings further enhance this journey through time, making it even more memorable!
What do students do in the “Learning Through History” part of the plans?
U.S. History II contains skills that certainly help students prepare for their future post high school. Within journal entries, students analyze multiple primary source documents and take graphic organizer style notes from DVD viewings. They also write multi-paragraph narrations, interpret maps, and write supported answers to critical thinking questions regarding U.S. documents. Students analyze key decisions in U.S. History, and they write their own opinions using excerpts to support their conclusions. They also share history-related talking points and use quotations in context. Finally, students complete assessments such as key word, summary, detailed, topic, typed opinion, persuasive, recorded, oral, and multi-paragraph written narrations, which certainly keeps the Charlotte Mason flavor of the plans intact.
Economics and Foreign Language are part of the U.S. History II plans too!
Economics and Foreign Language are included in the U.S. History II plans as well. For Economics, students explore God’s principles for living a life of liberty, prosperity, and generosity in Money-Wise DVD viewing sessions. In Money Matters for Teens, students gain Bible-based wisdom from financial expert Larry Burkett. Next, in The Myth of the Robber Barons, students learn the difference between market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs. Then, students Solve the Money Mystery with “Uncle Eric” and Bluestocking Guide’s author Kathryn Daniels. Students put their newfound Economics knowledge to the test by answering “Thought Questions” about articles by noted economists in Economics: A Free Market Reader. They complete quizzes, semester tests, and a final exam in Intro to Economics. Finally, students round out the left side of the plans by completing either Spanish or Latin/Greek.
What do students do in the “Learning the Basics” part of the plans?
The U.S. History II “Learning the Basics” part of the plans teach essential skills that meet academic and spiritual needs. First, students learn how to share and defend their faith in I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Next for their devotionals, daughters partner with parents in Girl Talk, and sons partner with parents in Created for Work. Then, students join Dave Ramsey to build a promising future with Foundations in Personal Finance. After that, they learn to become confident speech-givers via Secrets of the Great Communicators and How to Become a Dynamic Speaker. Then, students dig into science with our Astronomy and Geology and Paleontology study and lab. Finally, students enjoy a balanced language arts program. This includes incredible Charlotte Mason-inspired British literature plans, R & S English lessons, and dictation passages. Consequently, students can expect an amazing year of learning!
In Christ,
P.S. Need some help setting up your guide for U.S. History II? Click here!
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