Dual enrollment

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Dual enrollment

Post by snadig » Fri May 01, 2015 5:07 pm

Hello ladies.

I am curious about dual enrollment. How would it work with the guides? It just seems like way too much work or are they just taking a class or two, and not doing something out of the guide. Why would you do this? If they are able to a couple of classes why not all? I am still trying to wrap my head around it.

I had one of those days, where a lady made me feel like we just don't do enough. I am seeing so many people sending kids to early college schools and doing dual enrollment that I get nervous that I am not doing things right. I am trying to let it go, but it is hard, I will keep praying for the Lords peace. I truly love HOD and so do my kids. We can't imagine doing anything else, we are ready for a break before summer schedule.

Stacey in Co

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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by jjn3beans » Fri May 01, 2015 5:16 pm

I don't know too much about dual enrollment (my oldest is just going into 7th), but one thing I know is that in our state you can only do 2 dual enrollment classes a semester (or a year?). That's a part of your question anyway. :)
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by StephanieU » Fri May 01, 2015 5:22 pm

We have a ways to go, but here they can start the semester they turn 16 without special approval. We will probably do math, science, and Spanish as dual credit, skipping those subjects in the guides. We may also do something similar to logic and/or art, just depending on the options then and all. My plan is also to be fine with HOD a semester early so they can do one full semester at the community college or some sort of missions work.

Personally, I think if the community college is conveniently located taking at least 2 classes is a good idea. I don't think more than 2 classes (one a term) is necessary though at all. Two classes gives them some classroom experience, and it means their first real semester of college won't be as big of an adjustment.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by Motherjoy » Fri May 01, 2015 5:23 pm

Dual enrollment rules will vary, but even if astudent does two classes per semester, that's four classes a year. So, to me, it's possible to do both, but I wouldn't. We've used HOD for seven years with my oldest, but are considering dual-enrollment online next year. If he does this, he will not do a guide.
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by LynnH » Fri May 01, 2015 6:02 pm

I did a long post and it didn't post so I will try again. My dd did dual enrollment classes her senior year. She took 2 classes each semester and that was plenty! Her classes were online so she had flexibility when to work on them. She still did classes for me also. My ds will not do dual enrollment classes, because contrary to what you may hear from ps people or even some homeschoolers, I don't believe they are the right path for everyone. If I did have one that was in an HOD guide I would just sub the classes out. My dd took Composition and Introduction to Literature so I would just not do HOD English. Many dc take College Algebra, again I would just sub that out. My dd is a dual major in college so she took dual enrollment classes from the college she knew she was going to and that she knew would count towards her degree. That is the only way I would do it. The college told us that so many students take all these dual enrollment classes that don't count towards their degree. In our state they are pushing dual enrollment as early as 7th grade. I have found out from college professors that the classes these young ones are taking aren't even equivalent to 100 level classes so basically they are worthless as far as counting towards a degree. I am sure they aren't as rigourous as HOD.

As my daughter is now finishing her sophomore year of college I feel like the most important thing we can teach our dc is to be grounded in their faith and biblical truth. My dd goes to a college that is known to be one of the more conservative colleges and yet even there it is tough to stand firm in her faith. HOD does this so well I plan on utilizing the guides as long as possible.
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by StephanieU » Fri May 01, 2015 6:20 pm

Yes, it definitely depends on the class, the school, and your child's plans. Our local CC (where I teach actually) only allows duel enrollment students to take college level classes. They cannot take classes below the 100 level. They will actually be automatically dropped from any course below the 100 level if they enroll. And our CC has agreements with all of the four year colleges in our state to accept most of the classes - all of the general education classes and many vocational classes that are related to four year degrees (nursing, accounting, etc.).
I see the pros and cons of dual enrollment. It can allow kids to get some gen-ed requirements out of the way. It can make their course load later lighter and more enjoyable. It can also save a lot of money (dual credit classes here are tuition free). But, they are not Christian. Some may be anti-Christian even. Some won't help them with their degree. And some just won't be as fun as what HOD has planned. So really consider the classes, the content, and what you would be replacing in HOD.
For me, I think having a classroom experience for science labs (chemistry and physics) and Spanish can be a plus over homeschooling simply because of resources available. I am very leery of having my kids take English, government (political science), biology, and even history because I know these course may have content I don't want my children exposed to without a firm Christian foundation in those subjects. And this is even with "inside knowledge" about the faculty.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by Nealewill » Fri May 01, 2015 6:50 pm

snadig wrote: I had one of those days, where a lady made me feel like we just don't do enough.
If someone made me feel like, I would smack them LOL. Just kidding :wink: . Don't ever let people make you feel like this :-) You need to do what is best for you and to be the homeschool parent you want to be! I know that there are many people who do this with their kids as well. I will be honest, when I look at most other programs, they look dry and boring to me. If I were left with dry and boring with no college credit versus dry and boring with college credit, then I would dual enroll too.

To be quite frank, when I first started homeschooling, my plan was always to push my kids and have them get as much college credit as possible and as early as possible. God has really changed my heart and my thoughts on this. I now want my kids to not only enjoy school but for them to also really learn the material. If I stick them in a college class, they move much faster and they really are difficult for most kids who take them. They aren't really that interesting most of the time and it is just a lot of memorzing facts. One nice thing about waiting to take the classes is that the high school classes often prepare your kids for the college course and soften the challenge a bit. For example, if you have Chemistry in high school, it really prepare to make the college chemistry a bit easier when you see it again. Plus, I just feel like HOD is so interesting! To me, that is what I am all about and interested in. Plus, when my kids do get older, who knows what they will want to do anyway. One thing you can do instead of having your kids take college classes is have them pass CLEP test. Those I plan to be ALL OVER those :lol: . My kids can still use the HOD resources, enjoy learning, and then study for the CLEP test when the class is over. I think the tests are around $100. It is still cheaper than a community college. And you can earn college credit studying the material the way you want to cover it. To me, it is a win win! Most college accept these credits as well. It can save the first whole year of college if you take and pass enough of them.

As for doing enough, HOD definitely does enough! I actually picked them for several reason but one huge reason I do love them is because they are so academically rigorous! You are definitely doing enough and probably more than most other homeschool moms :shock: . Plus, you kids hopefully love what they are learning. Most homeschoolers can't say that. But you and them can 8)

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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by my3sons » Wed May 06, 2015 7:06 pm

Good question, and one for each family to be in prayer about and ponder! :D My dh and I are not opting for dual enrollment for our dc for a number of reasons, the main one being I want the material all the way through the end of high school to be Christian. This is why we chose to homeschool in the first place, and it continues to be an important priority through all of the high school years to us. These are such foundational years, and I know that as I was less under my parents' radar and more away from home in my final years of high school, they lost track of me somewhat, and I began to pull away from them and from my faith in God. The first few years of college were difficult as well, and it took a transfer and my last 2 years of college to slowly find my way back to family and to true faith in God. I cannot imagine having my high school aged son in a college setting earlier than I was, and I really do feel that every single day I'm able to homeschool him with HOD in a Christ-centered way is necessary for him to be ready to stand firm in his beliefs.

I also have a personal goal to be the teacher of my kiddos all the way through high school. In fact, Wyatt would have graduated a year early, and after much prayer and pondering, Wyatt and I chose to spread his last HOD guides out so he graduates his senior year - maybe he'll be done in January or February, but we plan to look into post high school options at that point. I hear the clock ticking away the moments I have to be my son's teacher, and while part of me is feeling good about nearing that finish line, another part of me - a rather bigger part of me each day - is wanting to cherish each part of the time we have left. I am hoping to help him with the transition I know will be coming after high school, so that he is better equipped than I was.

Finally, I just want his last years to not be so stressful. I've watched high school aged students, very bright promising high school aged students, stress so much about extra workloads from AP classes/dual enrollment/etc. so much so that they have broken out in hives, thrown up repeatedly, lost sleep, gained/lost weight, etc. I'm NOT saying that is everyone's experience by any means! I'm just saying that I don't want that to be how we finish. I want our son to feel a definite finish to one part of life before embarking on a new part of life, just so he knows I'm proud of him finishing this homeschooling journey he and I set out upon together. These are just my personal thoughts, and I know each family needs to figure out the path that is best for them. I only share in case some part of what we have come to will help as others ponder what is best for them.

There is a post by Carrie that is wonderful and may be of benefit to read too..

In Christ,
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by countrymom » Wed May 06, 2015 7:40 pm

I also teach at a community college. I can tell you I would not want my high school age child in many of the courses taught because I know what is being taught and the attitudes. A young girl in our church recently had an experience at my college where the professor referred to "those stupid Christians" in a very derogatory way. I know our children will have to face this eventually, but I want them under my tutelage during those critical years so they can be grounded. It is tough out there. Agendas are being pushed very hard. HOD is a very rich program and our children will be very prepared for college when they finish four years of HOD high school. I know it is hard when everyone else seems to be doing it, but you don't need to worry about doing enough.
Wife to J
Big J - LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, Rev to Rev, Modern Missions, beginning parts of World Geography
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by Tiffini » Thu May 07, 2015 11:14 am

I agree with Carrie and Julie on this one. For so long, I have felt so much pressure from all of those around me to do dual enrollment and do everything early. I really felt that this was what we HAD to do in order to keep up or compete or whatever it may be. I mean, wasn't I doing something wrong if I didn't take advantage of doing college classes for cheaper? Wasn't it helping to prepare my dd for real life by doing dual enrollment? It wasn't that long ago, that I let all of that go. I can't tell you the joy, peace, and freedom I have now. My dd thanks me for just letting her enjoy her high school years and not make her senior year a part college year. She is so relieved that I quit talking about that stuff all the time. We are both really looking forward to fully enjoying her senior year AT HOME now and we will cherish it as a new chapter approaches. The rest of her life is coming soon enough! The pressure is off. Whatever God has in mind for my dd to do with her life, He will equip her and prepare her. That is so freeing for me!

I know that others feel differently and/or have kids who really want to do dual credit or early college and that is fine and wonderful! But my dd didn't feel that way and I was pushing her to it because I thought we had to - since everyone else does. I'm just writing so that if anyone else feels this way, they will know it is OK not to pursue dual credit/early college. It helped me tremendously to hear from others who were okay with just letting the high school years be high school years. :D
DD (21 ) Graduated! Used HOD from 5th Grade through 12th Grade!
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Re: Dual enrollment

Post by snadig » Thu May 07, 2015 1:10 pm

Oh Thank you ladies for taking the time to reply! I just needed to hear from others. I stay deep in the trenches, like many of you, but when I step out and see or hear what others are doing I get a bit jumpy. I have not had much peace with the idea of dual enrollment, but thought I needed to figure it out. I just need to keep my eyes on the Lord and His will for the children.

I agree with finishing the job the Lord put before me. I truly am thankful for the time I have with the children and being able to teach them Gods truths.

Julie, I agree with everything you said, and is truly how I feel. I don't know why I let things influence me. :roll:

All of you thank you for your replies. I feel like we are doing great with the guides we are in, and as we are on the last half of the guides (9 weeks) I can see things are much easier and they are going right through their guides. They are placed well and are doing enough. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy!

I am jumping for joy......I don't have to do more(unless the Lord tells us too)....this mama is a bit tired. :lol: We take a week break and change to summer schedule.

Have a blessed Mothers day!
Stacey in Co

Married 21years to my best friend
my wonderful kids:
19-dd-College student Aug 18
17-dd-US 1 Histroy -Aug 18
13-ds-MTMM - Aug 18

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