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Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:39 am
by stawnasalas
I am just looking for an example of how you might stretch Preparing into 5 instead of 4 days. I am also doing Beyond with my 6 yo, which is set up for 5 days and would like to stretch Preparing for my 9 yo ds into 5, so we can do school all week with both. Thanks!
Nate 9 (PHFHG)
Ashlyn 6 (BLHFHG)
Lucas 4
Brody 2

Re: Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:18 pm
by my3sons
I just have a minute here but was thinking it may be easier to do 4 days of Beyond instead of stretching PHFHG into 5 days. Your dd is 6 yo, and on the young side of doing Beyond anyway, and you'd have a day off each week. However, maybe this doesn't appeal to you? What do you think? :D

In Christ,

Re: Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:25 pm
by cirons
Hi there,

I am doing Beyond and Preparing with my kiddos. I find with Preparing it is quite a full program and on the weeks where my dd9 gets everything done every day, she needs a day off at the end. I usually find the 4th day quite full with a fair amount of writing, so we sometimes need to finish day 4 on day 5 anyway. The other option is to add learning a language on the 5th day. I will be starting French with my dd soon. will have an amazing year!



Re: Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:36 pm
by arstephia
Once you get used to the 4-day week, you'll never go back. With my family, the youngest is doing 5 day programs but the older ones stay on the 4 day. I would find it confusing to stretch it. I would be afraid something would get missed because it changes the way things flow. My kids used the 5th day to do the things they are most interested in and my youngest gets through her stuff in a couple hours at the most so the rest of our day is free. I love it. I like that my older kids have some down time to pursue their own interests. My son has taken a serious interest in computer programming and he can take an online course because he has that 5th day free. My dd has wanted to learn to sew so she is using her 5th day to get projects underway. I just limit TV/video time on the 5th day to prevent us from getting lazy. :P Beyond really doesn't take that long so I wouldn't try to mess with a Preparing schedule to accommodate the Beyond schedule. Just let the older one dig into something they enjoy!

Re: Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:51 am
by stawnasalas
Thanks for the ideas! I think I am going to divide the 4th day into 2 days for ds. I think it may work better that way, to have less for him to do Thurs. and Friday (because I want him to do Math 5 days anyway, since he is behind in that subject and not at a 4th grade level.) I have a schedule written up and hanging so the kids can see what they need to do each day. Of course I will tweak it as we get started b/c I have no idea how its going to work out yet. We shall see if this 5 day thing works, if not, we'll try 4 :). Thanks again!

Re: Stretching Preparing Out Into 5 Days?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:08 am
by Busymomma1
I'm doing Preparing this year, too, along with LHFHG with my youngest. On Friday, we are going to do math, logic puzzles, and science for the olders. My kids really wanted to do a Marine Life study, so we're doing that on Friday. That will let us dive into the science and do lots of activities on that one day. Just another idea...