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Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:49 am
by Lynnw
No, seriously, I value honest opinions! Especially Julie and Carrie's because they often see what I miss!

I think Beyond is the best fit for my dd, age 7, 2nd grade, still doing phonics (Read "Go, Dog, Go" in one sitting yesterday). and I think Bigger is the best fit for my ds, age 8.5, 3rd grade, currently reading the Liza, Bill, Jed mysteries. He has read the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe also, but it was more of a stretch. I was considering doing both of these half pace - mainly to keep from burning myself out (I also have my oldest who will do RTR, a K-er and a 2yo, and a deployed dh). But, I'd like to use the guides 4 days a week and save a 5th for various other things, co-op, activities. So, my great plan (LOL) is to do 1/3 of each guide this year in this way: Week1 - Monday - Thursday are Days 1-2. Friday is "free." Week 2 Monday-Thursday are Days 3-4. Friday is "free." Week 3 - Monday - Tuesday will be for Day 5. Then, because I'm a little weird about wanting uniformity in our weeks, I would use Wed - Friday for other read alouds, extra stuff - writing letters? composer studies? whatever? The 3Rs would be done everyday of every week. Then we would start the next unit the following Monday. My thoughts are we would get through 1/3 of the guides this year and then possibly go to full pace next year.

Honestly, part of the appeal of this plan is to keep each week more similar than doing straight "half-pace" (every Monday and WEdnesday is a left side, every Tuesday and Thursday is a right side and every Friday is free and light). I love how HOD covers everything for me, but I like that this plan gives us some freedom too. By the way, my kids will also be doing BSF, so they will have daily Bible Study on top of what's in the HOD guides.

If you read through all that, Thanks!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:25 am
by Alison in KY
I've done most of Beyond and not Bigger, so take this with a grain of salt. But in your situation, I think since you are already willing to go half pace, then I'd combine the two middle children into either program. I cannot imagine doing three programs and keeping up with your littlest ones...all with a husband away. But that's just me.


Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:37 am
by MomtoJGJE
I think in your situation I would combine your middle ones into Beyond and add in DITHOR for the older one. I think that way you wouldn't need to go half pace unless you just wanted to, it would be one less guide, and everyone's needs will be met.

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:46 am
by Lynnw
Alison and MomtoJGJE,
Thank you. There is a lot of wisdom (and simplicity!) in your suggestion. One problem I have is that I used half of Beyond with my 8.5 yo ds for the 2nd half of the 08-09 school year (year before last). I didn't complete it the following fall because I was having a "classical inclination" and decided to do my own Ancient History plan for everyone in 09-10. Now, a classical approach would mean going on to Middle Ages, but I just can't make my own plan and implement it. I'm very thankful for RTR for my oldest, but obviously can't let my little's tag along with that. My 8.5 year old really wants to study middle ages, so I was thinking of adding in age-appropriate middle ages books for storytime or independent reading, but using Bigger as our spine so I'm not scrambling around trying to figure out how much writing he should do and what science to do, etc. I will continue to pray about having him repeat half of Beyond as I see a lot of wisdom in that plan.... just not sure about having him repeat for that many weeks.

More thoughts are most welcome!!!!

Thank you!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:01 am
by Lynnw
Okay.... no longer seeking approval for my crazy plan....

Maybe I should start a new thread.... but if I took my 8.5 year old, 3rd grader back through Beyond.... what should I do to make it different or special for him this time? Dithor is definitely one way. Any other thoughts?

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:00 pm
by Lynnw
AT the risk of wasting board space talking to myself, LOL....

First, I've read threads before where the OP had an objection to every solution proposed... and I think I'm beginning to sound like that - Yikes - I'm sorry!

I'm continuing to pray about what is best for my ds and dd and I'm praying the Lord will give me discernment and not allow my pride to keep me from following His best for us. But, I do want to add that although there is only 1 year and a half between these two, there's a lot more difference in their academics right now. His logical thinking and comprehension are way beyond hers and when I've tried to read aloud to them in the past my dd struggles to get the point while it's obvious to ds. I just think she might be better off not being combined with him.

Just more food for thought if anyone is willing to risk making another suggestion, LOL. Thank you all for your patience with me!!!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:18 pm
by mom24boys
I'm a novice so I don't have any real suggestions. While searching these boards, however, I have seen quite a few mommies that prefer to keep their children in separate guides that perfectly fit each child and allow them to have their own "thing." Not tweaking saves them time, energy, and mental effort. Having said that, I am combining my kids that are 1.5 years apart (although the older is using the next guide up for the right hand side).

All that to say, you could go either way, for sure. Hope you find some good ideas on making it different or special this time!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:02 pm
by Lynnw
Thanks for your encouragement! I really appreciate it.

Thinking about the ease of using a guide that fits well, I searched the board and got time estimates for each box in Bigger and Beyond and made a chart comparing times by box. Then I noted which boxes I already have to do separate (LA, math, etc.). Then I noted that I could combine the two for Storytime. That leaves 1.5 hours that I would save if I put my ds in Beyond instead of Bigger.... but I would lose some of that because 1) adding on to his science 2) anything else I beefed up in Beyond for him and 3)just working with two children at once, etc. So maybe I only save myself 1 hour? And if I eventually help him learn to do Bigger's science independently that saves me another ~30 min.

So, forgetting my crazy idea of taking 3 weeks per unit (in my original post) .... I'm still pondering putting my ds in Bigger and my dd in Beyond - either half pace or 4 days per week.

And if anyone has read all my posts in this thread you are a saint!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:50 pm
by Carrie

I'm so sorry that I am late to this thread. I'm just catching up on the board now. What I'm wondering is whether your 7.5 year old has already been through LHFHG? If not, I'd be inclined to put your 5 and 7.5 year old in LHFHG together and add a bit from the right side of Beyond for your 7 year old (such as the spelling list 1, the Emerging Reader's Set, the once weekly grammar lessons, and the higher level of math). In this plan, you would do LHFHG at full-speed (or at least full-speed 4 days a week). Then, those two kiddos could be a pair as they go through the guides. You'd keep your 8.5 year old in Bigger as written. You could stretch Bigger out over two years if desired (but more than likely would do it 4 days a week full-speed instead). You could do the Bigger Hearts Storytime with everyone at lunch if desired. Your older child could stay in RTR as planned (as long as that fit is best). :D

Anyway, just a few thoughts as you ponder. :D


Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:47 pm
by Lynnw
Thank you so much for taking time to reply. I ended up starting a new thread to reconsider all placement options and your suggestions are the exact ones I ended up with. THe other thing I considered at Julie's suggestion was pairing the two older ones in Preparing. I loved the idea of having them together, but RTR is really a great fit for my oldest.... so I will put him in RTR and my 2nd in Bigger. I agree with going full speed and just doing 4days when we need to.

We did a bit today - a very little bit - before some wonderful Christian men came to install our new swingset and then I lost my oldest as he became "Swingset Assembler In Training" and all the others lined up to watch. So, we will break in slowly this week and next and (hopefully!) pick up speed after Labor Day.

Thanks for all that you do!

Re: Shamelessly seeking approval for my crazy plan, LOL!

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:33 pm
by Carrie
Oh, I'm so glad that you have a plan in mind that will work for you! Sorry about being late to thread. I should have known the ladies would have helped you figure out your options already. Often it's just a "talking through them all to find the right one" type of thing. :D That's why I love this board! So much diversity, yet we can find some common ground in the guides. :D
