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Singapore Math US Edition vs Standard Edition

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:45 pm
by tmcg
I see that the US version will be discontinued at the end of this month. Not sure the exact differences and which is "better." Trying to decide if I should get the US edition while I still can and maybe even order a few extras for the younger children that will eventually use it or not . Please let me know what you all know about this and what is recommended. Thank you.

Re: Singapore Math US Edition vs Standard Edition

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:29 am
by SoaringEagle
Are you talking about the Early Bird series? I know I bought them before they were gone so my son could start using it in Fall '10. I didn't want to have to buy the Standards Edition for K. I really enjoy this series.

Re: Singapore Math US Edition vs Standard Edition

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:10 am
by tmcg
Yes, I want to get the Early Bird 2B because I think the exercises would help my oldest (1st grade). She never got math in K and now I have found we are at stand still with the Primary Math 1A. So, I thought over the summer we could do the 2B book. Then in the fall, she may be more prepared to finish the Primary Math 1A & 1B. My middle is 5 yo and we did K math with her (Early Bird 2A/2B) and she is doing great and almost done. So, then I'll get Primary 1A/1B workbooks for my 5 yo to do this fall. My little guy is going on 3 yo so I would just be getting it for later.

So, my question the US Edition better? Should I get it while I can or will I regret that later because the Standard Edition has more or be harder to transition to later? What is the difference between the two editions? Why is the US Edition being discontinued? I found on the Singapore site that the Standard Editon is to meet California standards. Do not know if this good or bad.

Are they only discontinuing the US Edition of Early Bird or Primary and Secondary Mathematics too? I hate to hear they are doing that when so many people seem to like it. So, please tell me what you all would recommend and what your thoughts are. I hate to buy up the discontinued stuff just to find I should have just gotten the new stuff.


Re: Singapore Math US Edition vs Standard Edition

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 10:47 am
by SoaringEagle
On the Singapore website, the only books that are being discontinued is the Early Bird series. The US primary math is still going to be published as far as I know. I wanted to buy the EB series before they are discontinued because they are way cheaper than the Standards math book for K.