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Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:38 pm
by MamaMary
Not too long after I posted on here we were sitting around as a family watching a movie and my 8 year old son because to seize. He has NEVER had any seizures. (nor has anyone in our family) It was incredibly scary with paramedics, fire engines, ambulances all in my front yard. We just got home from All Children's. The good news is the CT scan came back clear, as did all blood work. The bad news is we don't know what caused it. I have to contact a neurologist tomorrow and schedule an EEG with the hospital. I am also taking him to see a kinesiologist (holistic doctor, who happens to be a fellow homeschooler, believer and friend) next Saturday when he comes into town. My prayer is that the Lord would tell us exactly what to do.

I have to tell you that the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me during the seizure. I felt this immediate take over, stay calm feeling within my spirit. Even though it's been years since I worked as a nurse, I went right into that mode. I held him in my arms telling him he was going to be fine. I prayed out loud over him as my husband called 911. I cannot tell you what a MIRACLE that was because there was this panicked mama side too. However,now I feel as though I am going to fall apart. My prayer is that we never have to go through that again and if at all possible to let this be resolved without any meds. But I am willing to let the Lord lead us differently.

I can't close without telling you about a God moment. The head paramedic, (who was about my age) was making small talk with Seth and I. I honestly don't even know what we were talking about but I must have said, thank the Lord, or praise the Lord. The man looked across the gurney and asked me if I went to church. I said yes, I'm a believer how about you. He said, "Have you pronounced Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and has your son"? I stared over at him with a HUGE smile on my face and knew that the Lord had not taken His eye from the sparrow. He was there! He is here now. I am just at war with my flesh not to feel panicked and worried.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:12 pm
by Vicki
Just reading this now...thinking of you and your family and praying for you. How amazing how the Lord puts people in our paths (the paramedic) to help us.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:58 pm
by thehergatts
I will be praying for your son (and for your mama's heart!). Be proud of yourself! You were able to pray in the midst of a very stressful time. You didn't fall apart!

Keep us posted on how your son is doing!!


Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:02 pm
by Kathleen

I'm praying for you and your 8 yo that God would make his provision for your son's health clear to you. I'm so thankful, as I'm sure you are, that we serve a sovereign God!! In fact, I'm pretty sure it's you that has reminded me several times that NOTHING surprises our God!

:D Kathleen

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:39 pm
by water2wine
Oh Mary I am just seeing this! My sweet lady I am so sorry. I will cover your son in prayers. I am so glad to hear that you felt a sense of The Spirit coming over you. I pray that you continue that same calmness. I pray for your son's health and that he has healing of needed, that the doctors have discernment and find out what is causing this and that he receives the best medical help and the healing hand of Jesus! Mary, I am so sorry you are going through this. I will keep you in prayer. Please keep us updated.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:47 pm
by gracelikerain
Mary! ((((HUGS))))
I am praying for you & your sweet boy.

Bless you my friend,

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:00 am
by crlacey
I'm glad you were able to stay calm for your son. I pray that you will find some answers.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:35 am
by Samuel'sMommy
Mary, I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer!

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:40 am
by Dorla
praying for you and your family.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:15 am
by Candice

Many, many prayers for your son and your family. Please, if you can, let us know how things are going.


Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:32 am
by dale1088
Mary, May you continue to feel God's comfort and grace. I will be praying for your precious boy.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:55 am
by holyhart
Mary, how scary! There is nothing like watching while your children are sick or struggling and not being able to "fix" whatever the problem is to rip your mommy heart inside out. But how awesome of our LORD to fill you with the "peace that surpasses all understanding"! I will be praying for him, for you & your family, along with praying for wisdom and guidance for the doctors and homeopath. I love that He showed you that He was there with you through a fellow believer paramedic!

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:00 am
by Jessi
Mary, what a scary moment!! I am so glad that the Holy Spirit filled you in the moment you needed him most. God truly is our comfort and peace in dire times. Please keep us updated on your son and what you find out. I'll be praying for your family.

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:05 pm
by water2wine

Praying for your son today and for you! Please check in today to let us know how he is doing and if you have found out anything. I was just reading that autism is associated with seizures for teenagers. Don't know if that is a connection or not but I know sometimes ADD gets misdiagnosed and it can be that. Anyway I am praying hard for you my friend!

Re: Girls, big prayer request..., my son had a seizure

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:20 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I am so sad to hear of such a scary experience for you and your family! Know you are being prayed for. I can so understand your worries in the midst of it...we literally JUST went through this with our ds2 a few days ago. He had a high fall around noon one day and then that night he went into a seizure and didn't come out of it after he stopped he was a limp noodle. When he woke up he was so confused, "off" and couldn't talk (and he is a very big talker!) and barely moved. He kept going in and out of a "half-conscience" ... So, I know its so scary and feel badly anyone else has to deal with the same thing! We were fortunate to find there was no head injury and it was all caused by a huge and sudden fever. Fine at 8pm then 104 at 8:45. They said even a lower fever can cause seizures if it rises too fast. DS2 has no signs of illness to cause the fever...could your ds have had a fever and you not have known? The doc said it happens since kids are so tough. Sometimes we just can't tell it's there. Praying it's something simple and temporary and better yet, absolutely isolated never to return again!