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How HOD Makes CM's Philosophy Doable AND Enjoyable

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:54 pm
by my3sons
A Charlotte Mason curriculum brings a treasure of great value to the door of your very own home. One only needs to read a mere page or two of Charlotte Mason's Home Education series to glimpse the enduring worth of a Charlotte Mason education. Nearly every sentence causes me to pause, ponder, and marvel at the truth and practicality of Miss Mason's insights. The thought that I can teach my own dear children in such a way within my own cozy home - well, my cup runneth over!

The fact that her philosophy of education remains as applicable today as it did over 100 years ago shows the enduring quality of her ideals. Few homeschool parents who truly have delved into Ms. Mason's educational philosophy question the prize they have found. No, the wealth of knowledge and its worth goes without question. Rather, it is the putting that educational philosophy to work within one's own home that often dampers the zeal...

Have you read Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education and been inspired, only to find the thought of putting her ideals into practice in your own home daunting? Well, this scenario fits many intelligent, capable, loving homeschool parents. Well, Heart of Dakota to the rescue! Heart of Dakota's guides include all that we need as homeschool parents longing to teach our children with a Charlotte Mason curriculum!

To read more about how HOD makes implementing CM's philosophy of education doable AND enjoyable, click the link below: ... urriculum/

In Christ,