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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:26 pm
by StephanieU
We haven't done DITHOR recently because I forgot to order the 4/5 workbook last year. So we finished 2/3 part way through CtC, and my daughter has just been reading good books in the meantime (reading is a favorite hobby for her, so I don't have to tell her to read).
In May, my middle two will still have school to do, as we have taken extra time off for them recently. The oldest has pushed through and with finish CtC at the end of April/beginning of May. We won't start RtR until at least June, giving her a little break from the give. But I want to do some school! So I was thinking we would continue math (we used a different program, so we never follow the guide anyways), Duolingo Spanish, and dictation at the very least. But I am also considering doing some DITHOR. My oldest has a problem not reading ahead. So here is my question:

Would it be bad to do two days of DITHOR in a single day? We would do one in the morning and one in the afternoon probably.


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:09 am
by Carrie

Even though you're scaling back your school day for a summer break, I would still shy away from doing two days of DITHR in one day. Often "doing too much" to a book gets between the reader and the book. I fear your daughter would grow to dislike her DITHR time if you doubled up on it. :wink:

Instead, I would lean toward doing one session of DITHR in the morning (including reading the assigned pages for the day's lesson) and then allowing her to have a second session in the afternoon where she just reads her next set of assigned pages but doesn't do any lesson with it. You could have her narrate what she read in the afternoon if desired, or she could do nothing at all with it. Then, the next day just return to your next lesson of DITHR. In this way, she will get through her book more quickly, but you would still keep tabs on her reading and have some good discussions. If you do DITHR this way, you will need to have an additional book for her to read for each genre. But, if she is an avid reader this should work out alright! :D
