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The 3 R's when stretching out the guides?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:08 am
by TNmom4
What do you do about the 3 R's if you stretch out the guides into the next school year? In the fall, for 1st grade, I'll be finishing the last 10 units of LHFHG before starting Beyond. What is the recommeration for the 3 R's?

Re: The 3 R's when stretching out the guides?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:34 am
by Nealewill
You won't need to make any changes at all. You are on a perfect pace to complete the final high school guide in 12th grade.

Re: The 3 R's when stretching out the guides?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:56 pm
by StephanieU
If you are starting LHFHG for K, you don't need to speed things up. Singapore math is advanced, so the levels aren't necessarily grades. HOD uses through 6B. Then students are ready for PreAlgebra using POM for 1-2 years OR Video Text Algebra that includes PreAlgebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2. So even if you don't finish Singapore 6 until the end of 7th grade, your child is still on track to take Algebra 1 in ninth grade.
If you are using a guide with the middle age or older, and you are going less than full speed for an extended length of time, the recommendation is to complete a level of math and language arts each year, doing those daily while doing the rest of the guide at a slower pace.