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2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:54 pm
by Kathleen in NJ
The catalog that I have is dated 2015-2016. I received it May 4, 2015. Has the 2016-2017 catalog come out yet?

When it does come out (if it isn't already) , do I need to request one to be sent to me or will I automatically receive one since I had one sent to me last year?


Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:26 pm
by StephanieU
Carrie said the new catalog would be out late June or early July, so I would think it would be available soon. Normally it goes out to everyone that has ordered or requested one in the last year or so I think.

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:37 pm
by Carrie

This is a a terrific question! We are hard and work on the catalog right now, and Julie has most of her descriptions done and our graphic designer is plugging away at his part, however I am the person holding up the process right now. In order to get the US1 guide's grading and course descriptions completed so that guide can go to press (as well as select the books for the new US2 Guide in order to get them in-house and up on the website so families can begin purchasing these needed resources by mid-August) I have had to table my part of the catalog for right now. So, it is possible and quite likely that the new catalog may not be out until September. In order to keep going forward with the guides, we have had to table projects that normally would get priority. I wish this wasn't the case, but I just cannot finish everything that is needed in the timeframe I currently have. So, for those families in need of the US1 Guide, you can order it off of the website but it is not currently in the catalog. We appreciate your patience! We dearly love a new catalog too!! :D


Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:05 pm
by Angdesa
Has anything changed in the levels before the high school levels (Little Hands to Heaven through Missions to Modern Marvels)? Thanks in advance! :)

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:38 am
by momtofive
Just wondering if the new catalog is it out yet?

Thanks and blessings ;)

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:48 pm
by Carrie
Thanks for asking about the catalog! I apologize for not posting on an update earlier. :D With the US2 guide taking precedence, the catalog has had to wait. We are planning to work on the catalog over the next 6-8 weeks and have it ready to mail to our customers near the end of January. The new catalog will include the US1 guide and may include the US2 guide, depending on how much we can get written for the catalog by our mailing date. We appreciate your patience with the catalog, as typically it is a priority for us. :D However, as we come to the end of a long writing journey, the US2 guide has had to come first. We are currently using the US2 guide with our oldest son, who has been homeschooled all of the way through with HOD! So, it is an exciting time for us as we look toward graduating our first student who has used every HOD guide!!


Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:17 pm
by momtofive
Thanks for the update! ;) I can't imagine the work and sacrifice that's gone into these many years of writing HOD guides. We're all very blessed by them! :) We shall look forward to the new catalog in January.....thank you, Carrie! ;)

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:44 pm
by Nealewill
Carrie wrote:, it is an exciting time for us as we look toward graduating our first student who has used every HOD guide!!
This must be such an awesome moment for you! Congrats!!!!

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:34 pm
by Carrie
Thanks so much for your gracious patience! We appreciate you all so much! :D


Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:17 pm
by sahervey
Can we expect the catalog to be mailed this month?

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:21 am
by Carrie
This is a good, ongoing question! Since it has taken us awhile to get the latest catalog together, we have decided to also add not only the US1 guide to the catalog but also the US2 guide. Adding an additional section to the catalog is taking us additional time as the catalog team includes my sister (who also has a weekly editing deadline for US2), my graphic designer (who is also doing our journal pages for US2 weekly), and myself (with the weekly writing deadline for US2). :D. So, we are chugging along on the catalog copy as time allows.

With the addition of the new section, our new goal is to have the catalog to the printer by March 10. Then, it will take a few weeks to print it. After that it will go to our mailing company to do our large mail-out. This means it will likely be in your hands the week of April 10. For us, it will be wonderful to have all of the guides in the new catalog. As we looked at waiting until next year to add US2, it just made more sense to take the extra time to add it now.

We are thankful for your interest in the new catalog. We also appreciate your understanding and patience with us during this busy writing season. :D


Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:16 am
by jerrysgal4ever
I'm new to HOD, just received a (2015-2016) catalog and I just wanted to say that I was very impressed at the beauty of the catalog! The new one will be well worth the wait! You all do a wonderful job!!! Thanks so much!

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:41 am
by my3sons
jerrysgal4ever wrote:I'm new to HOD, just received a (2015-2016) catalog and I just wanted to say that I was very impressed at the beauty of the catalog! The new one will be well worth the wait! You all do a wonderful job!!! Thanks so much!
Thank you for your kinds words of encouragement here! :D :D :D We are adding much to the catalog this year, and we are excited to see it coming together so beautifully! :D In a day and age where many catalogs are only available online, we are happy to still have a full-color printed catalog that truly shows the "heart" of Heart of Dakota! It may have taken us longer to do, but it will be the better for it! Have a blessed Sunday! :D

In Christ,

Re: 2016-2017 Catalog

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:42 pm
by Mommamo
I can't wait to see the next catalog! I always end up giving mine out to people who are interested in HOD and it's always well-received. I love, love, love that HOD still does paper catalogs. I just think SOOO much better when holding something in my hand.