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Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:47 pm
by LynnH
I just finished reading all the World Religions and Cultures books scheduled in the World Geography guide and I just have to say wow! I found myself challenged, humbled, going to scripture and telling my husband about different things that I read. The last book "Foreign to Familiar" was one that I didn't think I would enjoy, but it was very enlightening as to how different cultures in different parts of the world looks at things. My husband has some international business dealings and I suggested he read it so he can understand why they do things the way they do. I am really looking forward to the discussions my ds and I will have over the course of this year. Carrie once again it just amazes me how you manage to find these resources that go together to make sure a complete and enjoyable course.

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:31 pm
by StillJulie
I don't know if I'll get them all pre-read before my daughter or not. I did read I Dared to Call Him Father - absolutely excellent and challenging.

Right now I'm reading Mimosa - very educational and thought provoking.

I will probably read The Sign Above the Door next, just b/c it's the first Living Library book, so I'd like to have that one under my belt before we start in August.

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:24 pm
by onelittlemonkey
Thank you for posting this Lynn! We plan to use it next year and I'm excited to start pre-reading those books myself!

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:04 am
by Nealewill
So glad to hear you were able to pre read. Even though my kids are much younger, I also pre-read all of their books too and it is a lot of fun to do and very educational

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:11 am
by momtofive
I'm just two books behind you, Lynn! :)

I totally agree about the quality of this's amazing! These books have really opened my eyes about other cultures around the world. It's really helped me to deepen my own faith and walk with the Lord! :D Not only the books, but especially the wonderful study put together in the World Religions and Cultures notebook, as well. Love all the Scripture included, guiding students in truth! ;)

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:58 pm
by my3sons
Thank you for sharing your insight here, Lynn! :D I value your opinion, as does Carrie, and she'll enjoy reading your post here. Wyatt learned so much from his WG year. I was unable to read all of the books, but I felt like I had from Wyatt's narrations and Student Books. :D It was a wonderful year of studying World Religions and Cultures for Wyatt especially! He enjoyed it thoroughly and learned a good deal about relating to others and sharing the Gospel with others who are coming from different religious beliefs. I am, this summer, reading some of them just for inspiration. :wink: I just finished Les Miserables from the upcoming WH guide, which I absolutely loved. AHHH.... What a rich education I would have had if I'd been able to use HOD through MY school years! I admit I sometimes am a tad jealous. :wink: Our dc are so blessed. :D

In Christ,

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:57 am
by mamanlait
I recently read a review on The Book of Discovery (Synge) where it states that the author uses many myths and classical stories within the lessons. Do you think it might be prudent for me to find a book of myths or classical stories to read through before diving into this book so that my dd might better understand the storyline? If so, can you give an example of a myth or direct me to storybook that might be useful?

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:39 pm
by LynnH
I went back and looked at The Book of Discovery because honestly I wasn't sure what you were referring to. In the first 5 chapters there are a few brief mentions of Ulysses and Jason and the Argonauts, but those mentions aren't crucial to understanding the chapters. He talks about some of the stories being the reason for their exploration I think, but explains that. He talks about two lands Punt and Thule, but gives some guesses as to where these lands were. Anything else that is mentioned such as beliefs in how the earth was shaped etc is fully explained. From the reviews I looked at one talks about myths and classical stories, but that person considers Creation and Adam and Eve a myth. So maybe that is what they are referring to? The thing that makes The Book of Discovery challenging to read is some of the older language, but dc that have done HOD before are used to that and also just trying to picture the places in your head as you read. Carrie takes care of that challenge by using the DVD's, as well as the maps the dc draw and the ones in the notebooks where they trace the voyages that are described in the chapters. The beginning chapters are probably harder to understand just because they don't use some of the modern names for those places and just getting used to the way he writes, so if your dd struggles at first just encourage her that it does get easier to understand as you go along.

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:20 pm
by mamanlait

Thank you for your response. That answers my question. I just didn't know how critical it was for understanding when we've never delved into mythology (gladly so) but I think we are at a point where we might read a little Usborne book or the like on some common myths just so dd is made a little more aware.

Yes, I also saw a review in which the reviewer was upset that Creation and Jonah were taken literally. I'm glad they mentioned this in their negative review because it made me appreciate the book choice that much more. :wink:

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:42 pm
by my3sons
mamanlait wrote:...Yes, I also saw a review in which the reviewer was upset that Creation and Jonah were taken literally. I'm glad they mentioned this in their negative review because it made me appreciate the book choice that much more. :wink:
Smart mama. :wink: Negative reviews of God honoring books often are a positive review for us as Christians. :D Way to read a review with an eye for a God-honoring worldview!!! :D

In Christ,

Re: Just finished reading all the World Religions books

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:44 pm
by Tiffini
Lynn, I loved those books, too! I would even use the word "life-changing" for that course of study. Each one had something unique to offer and will be favorites around here for a long time. I can't wait for my twins to use them next year, too!