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What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:38 pm
by Heidi in AK
So...we have been doing HOD for three years and LOVE it.

We have nine full weeks left of Beyond, and with a bunch of transition, I bet we'll finish by September/October.

DD is still 7, and will turn 8 in July. DS just turned 5, and we are doing LHFHG half-speed with him.

DD is very smart, but not super mature. I'm just not sure she's ready for Bigger.

I seem to remember that some people take 1.5 years to get through Bigger before they get to Preparing.

I'm seriously considering doing another Christian Charlotte Mason boxed curriculum to buy us some time, just one year of it. But then I know part of my problem is that I don't know how to work my son in, too. He's very active and has a very short attention span. We tried LHTH but it was way under where he was skill-wise. The other one is appealing because I could do the kids together.

I just don't know what to do. I really LOVE HOD.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:18 pm
by MomtoJGJE
Can she do Beyond as written? If she can, then she is ready for Bigger.

If she cannot, then maybe you can slow beyond down to half speed for 4 of those weeks, then do it full speed for the last 5 weeks. Then start Bigger half speed for the remainder of the fall semester. Then you could go full speed 4 days per week for the second semester.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:45 pm
by Heidi in AK
There may be a difference between ability and desire here...

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:41 pm
by MelInKansas
We took 1 1/2 years to do Bigger. It is really a lot more work and your daughter is on the young side of it so I would not push her. She may be capable, but it is the beginning of serious school work, and my oldest really struggled with a bad attitude about school before I dialed it back. 1/2 speed is a good option, going full speed with things she likes or has aptitude with. That would stretch it out for you. Are you also struggling to do both with LHFHG in there too? Is your son interested and engaged and enjoying LHFHG? A year off isn't a terrible thing but I like taking my time with the guides, that has worked well for me.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:03 am
by Heidi in AK
DS has not been interested in doing school, really. He mostly does it because something else fun is at the end of it. And I mostly do it because otherwise I feel like the slacker mom who doesn't even do school with her kids.

I just remembered, too, that we are not yet doing DITHOR to daughter's school. I need to add that in, I'm sure!

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:08 am
by Nealewill
The difference of ability and desire has set into each of my children at some point in their lives. If I had a nickel for every time I heard, "I don't want to" I would have a lot of nickels!

I think plugging away and working with her in Bigger would be fine. Bigger may seem intimidating but it really isn't. If she can do Beyond well, then I would move to Bigger once she finishes. My oldest is very similar to your dd as well. My oldest is very unmotivated as well to finish school. She works slowly. A couple of days ago for her history project in Preparing she had to cut 9 pieces of yarn 13 inches long. I was helping my younger kids and before I realized it, she tool 1 hour to complete this 10 minute task! Oh man - I was so mad!!! But she received the natural consequence of her actions - she missed out on 45 minutes of her break because of wasted so much time! I felt kind of bad but life is full of consequences and this experiences is a natural way of showing how. And my oldest has always been like this. I can honestly say that she has gotten better. I would also say that if you follow the guide exclusively for each subject, then your child should be able to finish in the amount of time HOD says they should finish. And putting time limits on how long you spend on things is wise.

I honestly can't give you any specific advice to help your dd with motivating her. I struggle now with motivating mine :-). I have found that the timer is wonderful! And I put time limits on everything now. I have also found that we start the left side of her guide at 9:00 AM and try and do the left side plus math by 11:00 or 11:30. We then have lunch. We then do the right side of the guide after lunch (about 1:00) and try and finish by 3:30. Her day may take her up to 5 hours only because she has to go to the bathroom in between every subject. Or she needs to pause the timer and get a drink of water. Or who knows what. She spends quite a bit of time each day avoiding every box at times LOL. And I can honestly say it isn't HOD that causes this. Her life is like this. If she has to clean her room, she spends 10 minutes doing something else before spending the 5 minutes in her room cleaning it. If she has to go get ready for soccer, I make her start at least 20 minutes in advance because she wastes 10 minutes doing something else rather than changing and putting her socks and shoes on. I have just decided God gave me her to so that I could learn patience. I don't know that I have mastered that yet but hopefully I am getting better. And thankfully my other 2 kids don't do this or I would go insane! But I would just encourage you to be consistent, follow through, and work toward the goal. I wouldn't really give her the option of saying she doesn't want to because then life gets very miserable trying to please your kids. And HOD is very well balanced and the kids gain a ton of skills and knowledge. I have tried other curriculum before finding HOD and it really is the best I have found! I love it! And my dd who wastes the most time has told me out of all things we have done, she LOVES HOD even though she complains sometimes.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:45 am
by Gwenny
I agree with others that you should keep plugging along with Beyond. Slow it to 1/2 speed for a couple of weeks. Are you taking any summer break? (We are taking 2 weeks in June and sometimes a day or two here and there will be off in the summer. Otherwise, we go through the summer.) So, if you do have some time off, that will naturally slow things down a little. Like MomtoJGJE said, speed it back to full speed for the last 4-5 weeks. Then you can start 1/2 speed Bigger. Maybe shoot for starting Bigger after the Christmas holidays.

For your little guy, I would probably stop LHFHG and just read books, read nature books, read Bible stories, maybe do some math games, do a Rod and Staff activity book. You could use the one you have for Little Hearts or pick one that is easier if necessary. You could do those things at a certain time and call them "school" to get him in the habit of doing something each day when Mama says. Just 30 min or so. Then start Little Hearts back at 1/2 speed in the fall, and work into full speed when he's ready.

I don't think picking another curriculum will solve any of the issues. You've picked the best anyway. :). They are just a little young yet.
You are NOT a slacker mom for not doing "formal" school with him! He's young and it's not necessary. You are teaching him so so much just being with him!

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:33 am
by Heidi in AK
Thanks, ladies. That's helpful. I really need to add in DITHOR, so I'm sure once we do that, doing Beyond half-speed will be plenty. And I can tell DS is just plain not interested in school.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:58 am
by MomtoJGJE
Evie just turned 5 in April. She is nowhere near able to finish a full day in LHFHG yet. She wants to, and I suppose she COULD. But it wouldn't be helpful for either of us. So we are continuing on reading the stories in LHTH, reading other books, learning Bible verses, and doing the K level FMS and math. All of this whenever she wants to do it right now.

She would be considered K age in the fall, and because we homeschool she will be considered K, but if she were going to school I either wouldn't put her in, or wouldn't expect a whole lot. She's just not there yet. In comparison my oldest did fine in Beyond at 5.5. We did repeat it with her, but it was because I realized that leaving stuff out and replacing things and doing extra wasn't necessary and didn't help anything.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:03 pm
by MelInKansas
Your son is 4, right? So by my thoughts he wouldn't be K in the fall would he? Even if he turns 5 in the summer, if he is a busy boy and not interested in school, if he were PS you would probably hold him back. So by that, you don't even have to do LHTH if you don't think he is engaged and ready for it. This is where, as you already noting, ability and desire diverge. Charlotte Mason would say you shouldn't push a child into learning because of age, they should be interested and ready.

DITHOR and 1/2 speed Beyond might be just perfect. Then you would only be doing DITHOR every other day.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:14 pm
by Heidi in AK
He literally just turned 5!

True about PS K.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:21 pm
by Nealewill
Yes - with the 5 yo I think I would probably drop school :-) My son didn't do much until he was 6.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:44 pm
by Heidi in AK
Oh, ok! That makes me feel so much better!

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:19 pm
by MelInKansas
Now in your original post you said:
Heidi in AK wrote: But then I know part of my problem is that I don't know how to work my son in, too. He's very active and has a very short attention span. We tried LHTH but it was way under where he was skill-wise.
What do you mean by "way under skill-wise?" Meaning he does know letter sounds, numbers, and colors already? If so, great! LHTH then just becomes a practice in doing school, and learning Bible stories. Or find where he needs some challenge and add in a little bit if he is interested. If he is a free-spirit and doesn't want to do school but is already learning the things he needs to know, my suggestion is don't worry about next school year, do what he is interested in, and then start LHFHG the following school year, beefing up in areas if need be (though I can't imagine that would be needed, unless he is ahead in math or something, but really easy stuff to breeze through might be a good introduction for him to more formal school time).

I can't imagine that if he dislikes sitting down for school that much that you could find a curriculum where your two children could be happily combined. I would not fight it with him if I were you.

Re: What to do? Finishing Beyond/doing LHFHG

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:06 am
by Heidi in AK
It's not that he dislikes school; it's that he always can find something better to do than joining me at the school table. He does REALLY well, and DOES know all his K basics already. School is just a chore, then. He's not even challenged doing LHFHG half-speed, at least right now, while we're doing just Bible.

I think I'm going to do the Bible lesson from LHTH with the K options (or just work through Do It Carefully, our math work, and the Thornton Burgess book. He is really entertained by Reddy Fox.