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Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 3:50 pm
by Gwenny
My daughter would like to do another guide (or most of it) just for fun and learning more. :). If you could only pick one, world geography or world history guide? It might be that only Carrie or Julie knows for sure since they know them better-but those of you who have looked into them-what do you think?

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:13 pm
by Gwenny
Anyone have any thoughts? :)

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:30 pm
by Molly
I think I would be hard pressed to choose. From what I've seen of World History, I can't wait till my oldest is high school level. HOD is such an exciting journey.

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 2:01 pm
by LynnH
I have the WG guide here and I have been reading through the history and World Religions resources. They are good. If she has an interest in explorers and also missionaries then I might go with this. I saw the World History guide at convention and it also looks really good. Lots of resources that look to pull together the World History. I think if I were picking just one for myself I would go that direction because it has the book Trial and Triumph in it and I have always wanted to read that, plus the one about the history of language looks fascinating also.

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:33 pm
by Gwenny
Thanks for that. I'm kinda thinking the World History as well. I think she's had enough of explorers. :)

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:28 am
by Gwenny
I'm bumping this up again to see if anyone has any thoughts==and since Julie and Carrie are done with conventions. :)

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:38 am
by Nealewill
I would pick based on her passion. Are you planning to do the whole guide exactly as it is written? Or are you only to cover history and science and maybe a few electives?

I think the WG guide and WH guide both look fantastic. If she knows a lot about WG already, I would go to WH. If not, I would do WG. With WG guide, she would learn all about where countries are and she would draw them. In addition, she would have a fantastic basis for her faith and learn more about faiths across the world. But some of the stuff in WH guide looks awesome too. My favorite item is probably the book King Alfred's English. I personally think that book would be one of the most interesting reads! I also love the lit involved in WH.

Honestly, I think she would enjoy them both. If she is looking to just learn more and not so much concerned with gaining skills, I would probably show her both guides and ask her which would want to do.

Re: Odd ? 20 yo for knowledge-WG or WH?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:29 am
by Gwenny
We wouldn't do the guide all the way. It's just for her to learn. :) She's not going to college, but would love to continue learning . She nannies and teaches piano, so this would help her be productive with some of her "down time". Good ideas, thanks for the input! :)