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RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:59 pm
by Allison TX
My daughter is using CTC this year and is greatly enjoying it. :) So I started thinking about next year and I took out our box of RTR books from a few years ago when my boys used it, and began looking through everything. I am a little concerned about my daughter reading some of the history because she is so sensitive. I know Carrie gives a heads up in the guide if a reading has anything disturbing, but I feel like my little girl will find a good bit of it disturbing. I'm trying to figure out how I can censor some of it without altering the guide too much. My boys used RTR for their 5th and 6th grade years and loved it. I think it may have been their favorite year with HOD, and I don't want my daughter to miss it. Any ideas?

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:46 pm
by lmercon
Only you will know this, but maybe "finding it disturbing" isn't necessarily a bad thing. So much in history is disturbing - horribly disturbing. However, it can also be a wonderful opportunity to point a child to the great human need for a Savior, and the wonderful grace that God gives to believers who make this pilgrimage through life here on Earth. Being rattled by reality can become a wonderful learning experience. It can also bring out a spirit of service to spread good. Again, only you know what your child can safely mentally handle.
Just a thought,

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:01 pm
by Allison TX
Thanks, Laura. :) I understand what you are saying, I'm just worried about a couple of the chapters causing nightmares. I think our kids need to understand how sinful people can be, but I think it can be explained in less graphic terms than the authors of a few of these books describe. I do greatly appreciate Carrie adding the warnings on the days there may be something disturbing for sensitive readers. There seem to be around 23 warnings in the guide for history. Maybe I'll just have her skip the readings on those days. Hopefully that won't affect the program too much.

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:06 pm
by Gwenny
Maybe on the days that you want to skip, you could just read them yourself and then summarize them for her. :)

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:29 pm
by my3sons
I am trying to remember the exact age of your dd, but I cannot. :oops: If she is in fifth grade, she is set to graduate a year early using Heart of Dakota. For a sensitive somewhat less ready for mature topics child, it may be good to slow this guide down to let her mature a bit more. We are using RTR now half-speed with our fifth grade ds, and nothing has been too much for him yet - but then he is not of the sensitive type. I will say that Carrie is the only author I know that takes the time to note warnings like she does, and the books used by other curriculums for this time period would have many, many more warnings. She really does take care to note them all, even if they pertain to one line of the book. :D So, many of the parts that are noted are extremely brief in length and could easily be skipped.

That being said, I do think as dc enter into middle school, it is a time that they become more and more aware of difficult things happening around them in the world. Someone dying a painful death, a country that persecutes Christians, a government that governs unjustly, overflowing orphanages, soldiers dying defending their country - and the list of difficult topics in today's world goes on and on. I have found the moments where these difficult topics arise in our homeschooling provide opportunities for great discussions and sharing of how sin effects the world and how faith can triumph over all with Christ. Only you can know what will be best for dd, but I just wanted you to know that the sensitive parts are often quite brief, could probably easily be skipped, but that they also could be the very parts most beneficial to your dd as she grows and matures and grapples with making sense of what is happening in this sinful world all around her.

In Christ,

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:47 pm
by Allison TX
Thanks, Nancy and Julie. :)

Julie, my daughter just turned 11 and she's in 5th. So she'll be in 6th when we start RTR. Maybe she'll mature a little over the next few months and it won't even be an issue.

Right now I'm thinking I'll just read any sections that have a warning, and either summarize the info for her, or if the reading is not too graphic, then I'll have her read all or part of it.

Thanks for helping me think through this. :)

Re: RTR with a sensitive student

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:52 pm
by my3sons
Sure! I can understand not wanting dd to have nightmares, and I don't have daughters, which I am sure can be totally different! I think you have a good plan and will probably find that there is not much in the total scope of the year to do this with for your sixth grade sweetie! We are enjoying RTR the second time around with our second ds. It really is a terrific guide - hope you have a wonderful year with it! :D

In Christ,