Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

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Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by mommybelle » Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:49 pm

I need some tips, encouragement, advice, etc. to help us be more productive with homeschooling. My daughter is in 1st grade now, and I cannot say we have had a productive year yet. Last year I overbooked us with too many extracurricular activities. Lesson learned! This year we bought a house, moved (we are still unpacking) a baby (my first c-section) and just sold our first home on Friday. But I feel like I am drowning and cannot accomplish much of anything. If I cannot get my act together, I am afraid that I am going to have to put my oldest in public school next year. That is definitely not where I thought God was leading me, but I am feeling very tired and overwhelmed right now.

My children are 7, 3 and 3 months. I posted in the spring last year, and we were struggling along then. I have made reading and math a priority every day, and I have definitely seen the fruits of my labor in those areas, but I cannot seem to keep us disciplined to get through LHFHG full-speed on a daily basis. And I honestly feel like she is really ready for Beyond, but I'm afraid to introduce a guide that takes longer when we cannot even finish LHFHG.

I think the biggest problem area for us is that I do not start my day early enough. So I could definitely use some thoughts in this area. I am NOT a morning person, and the waking every 3 hours to nurse does not help. My shower in the morning is my coffee, but that puts an even later start to the morning. Does anyone have any suggestions to getting an earlier start to our day with a baby in tow? I just need something to motivate me to get started with my morning before they wake up.

And meal planning and prepping is another big drain! It seems to take at least 1-1.5 hrs to get everyone fed and the dishes cleaned after every meal. And dinners take longer!

Does anyone have any thoughts on streamlining the process to fit in the remaining boxes of the guide daily? My oldest loves Heart of Dakota when we actually get to it! And I'd love to start my 3 yo with LHTH when she turns 4 yo in April.

Thank you in advance from a very tired and overwhelmed mommy!
DD1 (11): PHFHG

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by StephanieU » Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:02 pm

Is there a way for you to figure out some sort of schedule for your day? While I am making breakfast, my oldest does her handwriting. Then after breakfast she does math and phonics - both of which are workbooks for her (doing something other than HOD recommendations). Then, we do lunch (with lots of play time mixed in before it). After lunch, the youngest takes a nap. This is when we get in the left side of LHFHG plus reading (Emerging Readers). It only takes us 30-45 minutes max. Then it is play time again. LHTH is whenever it works. Some times it is in the morning and some times it is after nap. Other times when my husband isn't home due to work, etc, we do it after dinner before bed. I just find the time in the day that my younger two seem most cooperative for school. They also have workbooks (mostly for fun) that they pull out while the older is doing workbook stuff as well.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by lmercon » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:36 pm

I know how you are feeling. My severely dyslexic 12 yo is in RTR, but needs A LOT of my time. My dd is in Bigger, which is the most teacher-intensive program in HOD, and I have a 5 mth. old bonus baby! I feel your pain. I also am not a morning person. People who are early worms just do not understand what agony it is to drag yourself up in the morning. As far as meals go, keep it simple, especially with breakfast and lunch. Kids don't need a lot of variety. Add a healthy snack in the afternoon if you are worried about it. Give yourself permission to use some convenient processed foods. (I can hear the shocked gasps from all corners of the hs world right now!) As far as dinners go, get very friendly with your crockpot/slow cooker! I purchased a very basic slow cooker recipe book a few months ago, and it has been so great. I just throw a few ingredients in the pot in the morning. Whip up a side dish or two and you're done! Easy clean up too. Again, it won't kill anyone to throw a frozen lasagna or pizza in the oven a night or two a week either. You are going through a lot of transition, so I would look for easy things to serve.

I would just try to get as much done each day as you can with the goal that when the baby is sleeping through the night, you'll be better about getting yourself up earlier. In a couple of months the little one should be sleeping until morning. You will feel like a completely different person. So, for now, just do what you can and don't beat yourself up for it. By 5-6 months old, the baby will be much better sleeping wise, and then you can start to get yourself into a better pattern. Getting going and accomplishing as much as you can before lunch is key. Then when the little ones nap, you can finish up a few things with your oldest.

You absolutely can do this! I never thought I would be able to handle one program a day with a toddler. Now, I am doing two very intense programs with a baby and a bunch of outside activities as well.

Wife to a great guy and mommy to:
Ds(15) - using WG and loving it!
Dd(11) - using Ref and having a blast!
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by TrueGRIT » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:23 pm

I can certainly understand the overwhelming feeling right now. I am not a morning or a night person. Especially once I found out we were expecting another baby. I just do the best I can with what I have now. Used to I had about an hour before them in the mornings; now I do good to have 20 min. I still shower to wake up & get dressed. Sometimes I get my bed made, sometimes they help me. Breakfast consists of toast, oatmeal ( we eat it raw), and granola bars.

We also use a slow cooker a lot. My oldest fixes breakfast and lunch most days - so I keep things such as ramen noodles, hot dogs, sandwiches, and easier to fix things for him. I involve my children in any way possible to help. My youngest can scrub a bathroom fairly well! Even a 2 year old can dust, windex :D , pick up toys, etc.

We do a little better getting school done, because I can sit & rest. So I have from 8:45-11:15 solely devoted to school. I do try to start earlier; some days we make it. I spread the school out for my oldest so it is not too much on any given day for both of us. I just slowed him down a little more this week - mainly because I need it. It certainly doesn't hurt him. We were doing 4 days of work over 5 days, now we are only trying for 3 unit days. Hope that makes sense. Reading, math & grammar are the top items, like you said. School time can also be divided up into 2 sessions.

For now, I think I would just concentrate on the basics, and a routine. Make sure you rest when the baby does! In another 2-4 months, that will be better, and I think you can devote more time to other areas. Maybe you can even take 2-3 weeks off to get settled and figure out a routine. It's hard moving, having a baby, teaching, and everything else at once. I have done it before, and I am about to do it again. We are expecting our baby in May, and suppose to move in June. I plan to take off from the middle of May through the end of June, then pick school back up in July.
Maybe you could focus on school just 4 days a week and use one for a little prep work & cleaning, and getting caught up on rest. Just a few ideas.
Ds 12- tutoring
Ds 9- Preparing
Dd 7 - Beyond and ER's
Ds 2- LHTH (sort of)

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by choochooboysmom » Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:50 pm

First, you deserve a big ((HUG))! Second, I think you are doing fine. Every season is different. Kids learn in the day-to-day activities and conversations. Why not set a goal of starting Beyond in the fall, even if you aren't finished with Little Hearts? Use the next few months to get your house in order and enjoy your kiddos. Watch educational television, ask her to make pictures to decorate the new house, establish a quiet time of reading or manipulative play while the 3 year old naps. Simplify your meals! Confessions of a homeschooler website post a monthly meal menu that I use as a guide for my own home. I always keep spaghetti and breakfast foods on standby for a quick, easy dinner. Life will get more organized, babies will get a schedule, and you will become more confident in creating a schedule that works for you, I promise!

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by MelInKansas » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:37 pm

Time with a baby is really hard. It is survival until the baby gets older for me. Homeschool time itself with a baby is easier than with a 1 year old though, at least it was for me because my babies love to sleep in wraps, carriers on me while I school. I am sure it reminds them of time in the womb. Ha.

You are saying that cooking, eating and cleaning up lunch takes 1.5 hours? That does not seem too unreasonable, but if that time does not include the eating of the meal, I would really try to streamline there. We like to linger over dinner and I like to put effort into cooking a nice dinner, but lunches have to be quicker and things my older kids can help me out with (older being everyone above toddler, and even the toddler likes to get involved, mainly because he is hungry). I don't know if you can have stuff prepped so it is a little quicker? Do easy things like fresh fruit and veggies with sandwiches or a grilled meat or something.

If morning is not your best time why not do it in the afternoon? Does your 3 year old nap? Is your oldest still eager about doing LHFHG and is it at all challenging for her? If she is really past it you could start Beyond, even if just 1/2 speed for a while to get into it. It will be really fast once you and she are used to it, but starting a new guide is always more work while everyone gets used to what is expected from it. Is afternoon a better time for you? I really like to get school done in the morning and have downtime in the afternoon, or time for other tasks I need to get done. Find a rhythm that works for you. If you can even do some, like storytime, Bible, or phonics, in the evenings then do that!

When making the transition from a stay at home mom with littles to a homeschooling mom, you do have to do a little adjusting of priorities. Many women like to get other things done in the morning (I am referring to things like housework, meal prep, or other tasks) while children are well rested and happy. Most of us have to change those things and put them aside in order to focus on school. It takes all of our focus. We can't get distracted by phone calls, the Internet, etc etc. You need your shower to get going so by all means work that into the plan. But see if there are other morning routines you can adjust to make more time for school time. And as you already said, not scheduling other things as well in order to make school time a focus. It has curtailed other social activities, but it has been very worthwhile!

Although I would encourage you that all the extra activities you did previously are probably good for learning and have helped your daughter grow and I doubt she is far behind academically. Early years kids really learn through life and as long as you spend time reading to her she will do fine. Put her where she needs to be now in HOD and give yourself grace on having a full family and lots of love and learning going on even without curriculum.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by momof3kids » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:42 pm

Just want to add a couple things I have learned this year that help us.....
First, for breakfast....I make large batches of whole wheat waffles and freeze them. They can pop them in the toaster just like the store bought kind, but much cheaper, and better for you. I also freeze breakfast burritos you can put in microwave or warm in oven. My husband likes them more than the kids...but he can get before he leaves for work so I don't have to fix for him on school days. I save big breakfast for sat and sun when have more time.
My older boys have a short list of morning chores...make beds, pick up, brush teeth, get dressed....the sooner they get those done, they have a few minutes to play while I brush my teeth and get ready to start. Sometimes I will set timer, give them 10 min or so to be ready and be on the carpet ready to start.
I agree, the goal is to be finished, or almost finished by lunch.....everyone's energy seems to be best.
These ladies have great yourself grace always a good idea !
Married almost 13yr..dh and great father
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9 yo ds- Preparing DITHOR
8 yo ds- Bigger
5 yo dd- Jut starting Little Hearts half speed
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by Carrie » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:10 pm

My tips vary a bit due to your specific situation. :D Since you've just moved and have a new little one, you are in a transition phase in life. With this in mind, I would seek to do the following:

1. Accept that you are not a morning person. :wink: I am not one either. :roll: With this in mind, set a time that you can realistically begin school each day, and then stick to it. I began school at 9:00 or 9:30 for many years (until my older sons, who are more morning-focused workers could get up on their own and begin without me)!

2. Make sure that when you begin school you are focused on school. Set aside the distractions (i.e. mess, phone ringing, doorbell ringing, laundry, meals, texting, computer) as much as possible. For now, I would downsize to half-speed LHFHG. Do the left page one day and the right side the next. Do this until your house gets in order. It will only take 45 min. a day this way, and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel. You can still do reading every day but make sure that it takes 15 min. or less to do reading. You can alternate days of math, doing it every other day for now until your house gets into shape. Can you set aside everything except school and caring for your little ones for 45 min. a day? Definitely. :D At the end of the year, you can assess again and see if she is ready for Beyond. For now, use the materials that you already have and work on moving through LHFHG steadily until year end. Think of this as much about routine as it is about the skills.

3. When you get ready to start your little one on LHTH, do it half-speed too. This means 3-4 boxes one day and the other 3-4 the next day. This will add 15 min. to your day. Can you school for an hour a day total every day? Yes! Manageable goals done every day mean steady progress forward. This is better than random forward motion. :D

4. Next, have some sort of plan every 30-45 min. or so for your kiddos throughout the rest of the day. This may sound exhausting, but in reality it will save your sanity. List all of the things each child does throughout the day, and make a loose schedule for each child to keep them rotating along through things during the day (changing every 30-45 min). Use your timer to time their activities and have them clean up when the timer rings. Doing this will buy you 30 min. here and there throughout the day that you wouldn't get otherwise. :D

5. Make a routine easy breakfast menu that is the same every week for Mon-Fri. Do the same for lunch. Type it and post it on the fridge. Enlist your older child to help make breakfast and lunch. Keep the menu easy prep-wise and clean-up wise. Having the same menu each week for breakfast and lunch helps you know what to shop for and helps your kiddos know what to get out when it is time to eat. It will cut down significant time in preparation and clean up too. Make dinner your bigger meal and use your crock pot for that as much as possible to save you prep. before dinner. Assign each child a "set the table" and a "clean-up after meals" chore(s) to do. Keep the chores the same all the time, so your kiddos get good at them and always know what "their" chores are to do automatically. :D

6. Think of this time as a time to get your house in order, grow your baby up a bit, set some routines in place, and figure out how to calm the chaos. Start schooling steadily at a similar (realistic) time every day and school in a similar order. If you do this for even a week or two, you'll begin to see the benefits! Make sure you allow yourself to sleep when you can. Think of this as a plan you're striving to work up to! :D


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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by Gwenny » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:44 pm

Carrie! That is such a great list of things. I want to keep that handy for when I get the questions like that from young mothers about how to start/plan/proceed.

I used to be an "all or nothing" schooler, and still would be without HOD. I would want to do it all, and if I could see that wasn't going to happen--it was out the window for that day/week/month. :) When I first started HOD and would see that each subject wasn't very much for each day, I thought we would never get anywhere with anything and it would take forever. I was so wrong--we have accomplished so much in these few years than we had in many years previously. I guess I never learned from the Tortoise--slow and steady wins the race. Carrie and Julie and so many on this board have really helped me in this area.

Dd29 married (w/2 sons 1/2/14, 5/24/16), ds27, dd25 married (w/dd born 8/9/16), dd25, dd22
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by amysconfections » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:04 pm

Carrie has some wonderful advice!
Maybe for the time being you can streamline breakfast and get your shower in. Maybe the kids can eat trail mix and cereal for breakfast. Something quick and a finger food. You could have them in the bathroom with you eating while you shower. This of course depends on the layout of your house. Also really think about your comment on school next year. If you were to send your child to school then you would have to get up earlier to get started. Then you get the joy of dealing with homework which would probably take the same amount of time as HOD would each day. Sometimes us mommas get worn out and that yellow bus looks shiny. But the grass isn't always greener. Sometimes it's just dry grass! If you have ever read Petunia, Beware, you would know where that came from. Love that kids book!

Chin up momma! You can do this. Little by little. Day by day!
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by MerryHeart » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:39 am

I have no advice but I can certainly relate! I just asked for help from these wise mamas myself. I love love Carrie's advice & am going to implement some of her suggestions into my day. Just know that you are not alone! Hugs to you

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by brokenopen » Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:18 pm

These ladies have given you some great tips.
I am not a morning person either. We try, and sometimes do get started on school before 10, but if our morning is dissolving into the chaos of mom needing to be in 4 places at once to clean up spills and handle diaper emergencies... I take a deep breath, calm down, and make an executive decision to start after lunch. I get a little extra done, manage a shower and clean clothes, perhaps slap something in the crockpot and maybe even a load of laundry while the kiddos help. These days will slide by, and soon these kiddos will be able to be a big help to your household, or at least help clean up their own messes AND do math :D
Hang on, Mom.
Mom to 4
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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by lovemygirls » Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:52 pm

Oh, the various seasons of motherhood! I wouldn't trade it for the world but boy it can be challenging to say the least. Especially with littles in tow. :shock:

Paper plates! I know that may not sound ideal but it's a huge help when you really need it. :D I will sometimes invest in a huge stack from Costco and use them for lunch. It really has helped me in some challenging times. It's a season and just one meal a day. ( although sometimes I've used twice a day on those desperate days) if morning is the problem use them for breakfast and/or even dinner time. Whatever meal is the hardest for you.

I use the outside grill a lot.
We also eat the same 4-5 dishes for several weeks. I try to cook in larger batches so we eat left overs and I don't need to cook at least a couple of times in the week. It may sound boring but I vary the sides and it works out fine as the family actually gets use to it. I'm just not in a season where I can cook elaborate meals daily but at the same time I want to provide home cooked meals so I have to keep it simple. Breakfast is the most simple so usually the same every morning. Oatmeal or cereal. Except for pancake Friday. :) For lunch I keep it super simple as well with peanut butter sandwiches, cheese tortillas, etc...
In seasons I think there is nothing wrong with easy store bought items like chicken nuggets, pot stickers, lasagna, etc... Sometimes you need to keep the sanity.

I'd also have your littles pitch in, especially the oldest.

I think making baby steps and just slowly build up a routine. Have your start time at 10:30am and if you can get to that consistently then move it to 10 and so on. The guide doesn't take long so you could be done by noon. Even just having a set start time might help.

Could you do some of the bible reading or story time during breakfast or lunch? Then any activities during babies nap. I know that May not work while trying to get everyone fed but just a thought.

I think homeschool moms have a different challenge as we have to squeeze in school and keep up with a house that is lived in 24/7 so give yourself grace and know it's ok to keep it simple. :D

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Re: Tips to be more productive with homeschooling

Post by quiverfull » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:54 am

So many good posts…. I wish there was a "like" button :)
Married for 30 years….Mom to 9~
Five graduated, four still in school. 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 12, 10


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