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Geography Guide!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:28 pm
by Tiffini
Is anyone else stalking the site waiting for the Introduction to be published - or waiting for word on when it's going to be mailed?? I just can't wait! :D

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:47 pm
by arstephia
Me! My younger two have started school this week, and my son is actually itching to get started with the new guide.

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:22 am
by mom2fiveboysnc
The intro is up!!! I can't wait to get the guide and other goodies!

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:18 am
by Sharon
I just read through the intro and I just want to say "It looks totally AWESOME!" :D

Carrie you have outdone yourself this time! I don't know how you have packed so much into the guide, but you did. It looks like it is going to be so full and rich. You know, we talk about how box day is like Christmas, but these guides are really the gift. Thank you for the sacrifices that you have made so we can give these wonderful gifts to our children.

You are such a blessing!
Thank you!

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:38 am
by Carrie

We are very excited that the Table of Contents/Overview/Grading is up for the new World Geography guide. :D For those of you who may not have seen it yet, here is a link:

The World Geography guide is off to the printer. The Student Notebooks are all at the printer as well. So now we wait for them all to arrive in our warehouse, so we can ship them to you. :D With the holiday coming, we are thinking that we won't receive them until the day after the holiday. We will ship them out as soon as we get them. We'll make our deadline for which we are very grateful to our Father in heaven who makes all things possible. :D

Thank you for your enthusiasm and for thinking of our family during this busy season. You are all such wonderful ladies that we are privileged to know through this board! We are thinking of each of you too as we know you are starting school. May the Lord walk closely with you during this busy season in your own homes. :D


Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:49 am
by Tiffini
Carrie, I can only imagine the huge, HUGE sense of relief and accomplishment you feel when sending the newest Guide off to the printer! :D :D :D I've been praying for a good time of rest and refreshment for you and your whole family - Julie too! May God bless you in every area of your life right now as you celebrate His faithfulness and goodness in allowing, enabling, providing, and strengthening you to do the work He has called you to. THANK YOU!!!!

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:17 pm
by Carrie

We're very excited to announce that the World Geography Guide and all of its notebooking pages shipped today! They finished printing this morning, and we had a courier service deliver them to us from 6 hours away so that we could make USPS and UPS last shipments out today. :D

We're so grateful to my sweet sister who worked so hard on the editing and helped me so much with the overviews and grading for the new guide. I couldn't write without her! She also has had to man our warehouse team of her own kiddos and mine this summer, as my oldest son broke his wrist 7 weeks ago, so all of our jobs shifted then! :wink:

We're praising the Lord that the guide is off to each one of you, and we pray that the Lord may richly bless your school year as you journey through the World Geography guide with us! :D


Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:23 pm
by Tiffini
I was just going to get on and post that I received my shipping notice this afternoon!! I was SO excited and surprised! Although I shouldn't be because I had been praying that the Guides would come in earlier than expected. :D Thank you so much for going to all the extra trouble, time, and work today to get them shipped out the very same day that they finished printing! That is customer service going WAY above and beyond! We are so very thankful for all of you working so hard at HOD - I know that you all worked like crazy today. Now, I just wait for it to be delivered!

May you all truly REST and enjoy a break from your LABOR this Labor Day!! Thank you!!!! :D :D

Re: Geography Guide!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:29 pm
by LynnH
Carrie I am just absolutely amazed at the customer service HOD provides. I have always said it was the best around, but the way you all went above and beyond today just proves it.