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Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:54 pm
by Carrie

It is with a heavy heart that I ask for prayers for two families in our homeschool community who have been touched by sudden loss over this convention season. Randy Miller died suddenly at the Florida homeschool convention not long ago and this past Sunday morning Debbie Strayer went to be with our Lord suddenly as well. Please join us in prayer for both Renee Miller and her family, of Miller Pads and Paper, and Greg Strayer and their daughter Ashley as well as Ashley's husband Alex, of Geography Matters.

My sister Julie and I were privileged to know both of these amazing people and their families and they will be greatly missed. We know both Randy and Debbie are singing with the angels, but their sudden deaths have left a void that will be felt here on this Earth for much time to come.

The Lord has appointed the hour each of us will leave this Earth, and we know now more than ever how important it is to be ready to meet our Maker. Whenever a loss like this occurs, I know my thoughts turn toward heaven and to making sure my kiddos know that to me nothing is more important than knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you are so inclined, I encourage you to also take this opportunity to talk with your children about their lives and their faith and to let them know that there is nothing more important than where they will spend eternity.

In Christ,

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:26 pm
by SarahAngeline
So sorry to hear this, will keep these families in prayer

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:14 pm
by Candice
I was very saddened to hear of this news. I am praying for these families.


Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:34 pm
by WhisperedAbundance
Heartbreaking news in the homeschool community. Praying.

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:25 am
by pjdobro
I'm praying for these families. It's so tough to lose our loved ones especially unexpectedly. It's a comfort to know they are with Jesus but our loss is so hard to bear. I pray that they find comfort and peace that only God can give.

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:45 am
by my3sons
Mike, Carrie, and I truly loved Debbie and Randy, and they will be missed beyond measure. Debbie took my hands and prayed with me for my Dad a year ago when he had just had his surgery for his pancreatic cancer. She prayed a prayer full of hope, and with such conviction, I believed it too. She was the first person to truly give me hope for my father. She prayed with me at least a handful of times. She was so genuine - the real deal. She was a real friend. She always was quick to give hugs, to give encouragement, to give a laugh. I loved her. She was truly an incredible woman of strong faith. Her dear daughter, Ashley, and her dear son-in-law, Alex, are also our good friends, and the depth of their faith and the strength of their relationship is a testimony to the incredible mother Debbie was. My heart breaks thinking of young Ashley and Alex without Debbie. The shadow she cast was massive. She will be so missed. Even now, I am brought to tears.

Randy was a big teddy bear that reminded me of my Dad. Always with a twinkle in his eye, he had a quick wit and dubbed Carrie and I the 'Dakota gals'. If ever a man loved his wife, Randy was that man. He just thought the world of her, and their relationship is one I long to have in years to come with my husband. He was a worker - always moving - always efficient with his time, but never so efficient he didn't have time to catch up with us 'Dakota gals.' Oh how I have missed seeing his smiling face at conventions! Renee will be fashioning a totally new life without him. May God be with her and help her through this difficult transition.

The Lord is in control - this I know - always. He knows best, and His plans are better than mine. This is reminder that life is precious and sometimes short. May we always be prepared, as Debbie and Randy were, to meet the Lord in person. Give your loved ones an extra hug today. Thank the Lord for His gift of eternity, and make every endeavor to help our dc take advantage of that gift - oh that we will all be together again someday! What a gift - immeasurable, precious, undeserved - and free to us all.

Love in Christ,

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:42 pm
by water2wine
Praying for these families and for all who knew them. So hard for the people left behind.

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:41 pm
by SouthernMrs
As usual I'm catching this a little late....

I had heard about Randy a little while ago and have prayed for that family. We really appreciate Miller Pads and Paper, and we have been customers of theirs for many years. I'm so sorry to hear that another family has been struck with grief over the loss of a loved one. I pray that the Lord will give much comfort and strength during this difficult time.

Carrie & Julie, I feel like I've been so out of touch with not being able to get on the board as much and hope this is not an inappropriate time to ask, but what is the update on your dad? I knew he was quite sick last summer, but I don't believe I ever heard how he did after surgery and treatment.

Lord, our loved ones are so precious to us. I pray we will not take them for granted, but ask You to help us to appreciate every single day we have with them. In Jesus' Name..... Amen.

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:52 pm
by my3sons
Thank you so much for asking about our beloved Dad! It has been a long road to recovery, and our parents are trusting God and taking one day at a time. Dad had recently lost a lot of weight and had some substantial prolonged back pain, as well as some other symptoms that caused concern. They found 2 miniscule spots, but a CTC scan revealed they are NOT cancer! Praise the Lord! :D Our Dad has been struggling with alarming blood sugar numbers, but God has taken care of him each time, and Mom and he are figuring out how to navigate diabetes. Right now, as I type this, our parents are in Memphis at a Quartet Show that we gave them the tickets to as a Christmas present last year! We didn't know if they'd be able to go, but they are LOVING it! God is filling them up with His love and inspiration. They have called several times to let us know Dad is doing alright, and they are having a wonderful time. We did not think this trip would be possible just a few weeks ago even, so once again, we lift our hands to heaven and thank our mighty Lord for His goodness and provision! Thank you for asking, and we continue to pray for his recovery, his health in general, and that his cancer would not return!

Love in Christ,

Re: Please join us in prayer...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:55 pm
by John'smom
Praying for both families and for your daddy too.