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Is there one place either here on the message board

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:54 pm
by StillJulie
or on the HOD home page that gives an approximate amount of time per box for each guide?

My oldest is feeling a little overwhelmed in Rev to Rev lately, and I thought something like that might be helpful to her to see where she's getting bogged down.


Re: Is there one place either here on the message board

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:09 pm
by LivinNandByHim
Carrie wrote:I'll post this thread on Rev2Rev times from my3sons in the hopes it will help those of you planning for Rev2Rev. :D

Hi ladies! Carrie and I talked about the RevtoRev times as we laid out our plans, and though I shared this on some other threads, I thought it would be good to give it its own post here... :D

Left Side of Plans - Learning Through History :D
Reading about History: 25 min.
*Note: This may be longer on the written narration day, though this will balance out as there is no history project on the written narration day.
Storytime: 15-20 min.
History Project: 20 min.
Rotating box (Geography, Worthy Words, Timeline, Poetry): 10-20 min. (depending on length of poem and length of primary source document)
State Study: 20 min. (3 x a week)
*Note: One day will be shorter when there is no state study.
Independent History Study: 10-15 min. (longer on "Draw and Write" days)
2 hours (using the longest times)

Right Side of Plans - Learning the Basics :D
Bible Quiet Time: 15 min.
Music Appreciation: 20 min. (2 x a week)
Biblical Worldview: 20 min. (2 x a week)
Math: 30 min.
*Note: Add 15 min. more if doing "Discovering Mathematics".
Language Arts Box:
Dictation: 5 min. (3 x a week)
DITHOR: 35 min. (3 x a week)
Creative Writing: 25-35 min. (1 x a week)
R & S English: 20 min. (4 x a week)
Science Exploration: 25 min.
Inventor Study: 15-20 min.
2 hours, 50 min. (using the longest times)

In Christ,

Re: Is there one place either here on the message board

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:59 pm
by StillJulie
Thank you!

I've printed this off for her, as well as a blank grid for her to schedule her time/subjects.