Page 1 of 1 goes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:21 pm
by RestInHim
Earlier today I made my first HOD purchase :D I guess I'm in with both feet now. I didn't have the budget to buy both programs I'll be using now, so I just ordered LHTH for my almost-4. I think that not only he will enjoy it, but I think my almost-6 will join right in and love it too.

I am looking forward to beginning. I'm excited. Any tips for a newbie? :lol:

Re: goes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:33 pm
by glperky
How fun.

You asked for tips and I can't give many because I have only been using HOD for 10 weeks, but my two tips would be
1. Enjoy every minute of it!
2. Remember, it's OK if you don't start on a Monday and do all five days in a row. It's also OK if you don't finish a day all in one day but pick up where you left off tomorrow. These were hard for me. :wink:

Enjoy and may God bless as you raise His children for Him.

Re: goes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:46 pm
by netpea
the older guides are 4 day a week guides. Some people enjoy using the younger guides that way too.
Some days my 3yo is not into it so we don't do LHTH and other days she devours it, especially on the weekends.

Re: goes

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:56 pm
by lapeseven
LHTH was amazing for my dd. When we began she was a couple months shy of turning 4. We took it slow, using the younger options. Over a year later, at 5, she was doing some of the older options and was ready to begin learning to read. She still remembers some of the fingerplays and Bible stories! Enjoy the time with your precious little ones. The memories are priceless, the learning is fun, creative, and top quality. Many of the activities have older and younger options that might fit well with your 4 and 6 year olds.