Rod & Staff 3 or 4?

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Laura O.
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:09 am

Rod & Staff 3 or 4?

Post by Laura O. » Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:46 am

I could use some advice....I keep going back and forth, and I'm just not sure which is best. My ds 9 did Bigger for 4th grade this year, and will be doing Preparing for 5th grade next.(We will be starting in October.) He did R&S 2 this year. Now, in hindsight, I wish I had done R&S 3 this year with him and then I would just move on to R&S 4 this year for 5th grade. I went ahead and ordered both, since I figured either way I could use them with my other dc :)
For a little background, ds is definitely unique and just does not see the world in the same way as most people. He loves to draw. He understands things fine and he's not behind at all, but he really does usually get to his answers in a completely different way than I would :lol: He does much better when he feels like he can really do something well, rather than stretching too far, and feeling like he isn't very good at something. (hopefully this makes sense...) Now, before starting using HOD last year, he *did* have at least a couple of years of LA studies. I can't remember if we had done any diagramming yet or not :oops: :oops: I'm thinking he could do the R&S 4, but would push him more... and I'm not sure that is what he needs.

My main concern, I think, is that I think they are supposed to finish with R&S 6 when the move on to High school, but if he does R&S 3 for 5th, he won't do that. Is that still "enough", or would it be better to do the R&S 4 this year to ensure he finishes R&S 6 before HS?
which level would you recommend? I realize only I know him best...but if you have any advice or experience or thoughts, I would really appreciate it!

If you made it through all of that, thank you :)
Laura~in Japan
Leah ~CtC, Res to Ref, Rev to Rev, MTMM and now WG
Rhys ~ BHFHG, PHFHG, ,CTC, Res to Ref, Rev to Rev
dh~together for 19 years :)

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Re: Rod & Staff 3 or 4?

Post by tiffanieh » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:00 am

I personally think a 5th grader should be doing level 4. I think level 3 is too young. I've actually had my children in levels according to their grades since we started R&S in 2nd grade. So my 3rd grader is doing level 3 and my 5th grader is actually doing level 5. However, I am taking level 5 slowly with him and will probably take 2 years to complete it, or cycle back thru it twice if we end up finishing sooner than I think. I won't go on to level 6 until 7th grade. However, I find the writing instruction in level 5 to be right on track with what a 5th grader needs so that is the main reason I continued on to level 5 now vs. waiting later. Whatever he doesn't pick up this year, he'll pick up again when we cycle back thru the book next year!
Enjoyed LHFHG, BLHFHG, 1/2 of BHFHG and now doing PHFHG
Mommy to Ethan (10) and Ashton (9)

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Re: Rod & Staff 3 or 4?

Post by joyfulhomeschooler » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:25 pm


I'm sure you've seen this thread, but thought I would link it just in case. Best wishes on your decision, we are trying to make a similiar one right now. A 4th grader using 3 or 4. It's tough deciding whether or not to skip ahead. I think we are leaning towards doing level 4 and then reviewing lessons from level 3 as we come to the writing in 4. So when we get to the paragraph lesson (6) in level 4, we will go back to level 3 and do that lesson on paragraph writing first. I'm still praying about it, but feel a peace about the decision. I pray you find that same peace.
DS 4 Before Five in a Row
DS 2 Before Five in a Row (tag along)

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