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Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:56 pm
by blessedmomof4
As many of you know, I am expecting a little one sometime around November 8th :) Between morning sickness (now over, thankfully), exhaustion, yearly doctor/dentist appontments all around, oldest dd's high school graduation, hubby's minor accident (sprained ankle), my college online, etc., there have been too many starts and stops and our rhythm is all gone :( Now it is summer, summer activities beckon, the younger girls are going to visit their grandmother for a week in August, and I never get up early in the morning anymore-I'm lucky if I make it up at 8:30...Therefore, everything school-related has had little continuity and I am thinking it may just be better to start fresh in the fall, picking up where we left off...I know having the new baby will be a challenge, but maybe if we can get a rhythm going from September, it will be alright?? What do you all think?

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:26 pm
by RachelB
Oh, I think I'd take a break if I were you. Sounds like you've got a lot going on right now, and I find that we're more productive school wise if we're fresh and motivated and in a routine! I'm having a hard time getting my kids to get their math and music practice in right now! :)

and fwiw, when my baby was newborn, it was so easy to get school done! We took a few weeks off for recovery and cuddle time, but after that, it was a breeze - she just slept the whole time and I would just hold her and read/snuggle with the kids. Now, on the other hand... it is so hard! :) She is into everything and never stops! Enjoy those precious "little" months!

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:13 am
by Robbi
I'm in the same boat!! In the last month I think we've got 8 days of school done!! I'm to where I wanted to stop in Beyond, unit 25, but that was before I knew about baby due in dec. So now thinking we need to continue thru summer & get ahead a little!!

I didn't help you any, did I? :) what shall we do??

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:48 am
by Heart_Mom
It's really up to what you think will work best for your family. Do you feel like a break would be helpful? I have a little one due in the fall also. We've just started up our new school year after taking about a month off, so that I'll be able to take some time off after the baby's born. But my children tend to do better with a schedule.

Have you asked your husband what he thinks would be best?


Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:52 am
by water2wine
Lourdes I am excited for you that your time is getting close. :D I think you know the rhythm of HOD and how you work well enough to do it however seems best. So I will just say that if you stop you are still a super mom and doing a great job. If you go forward and do not have a completely smooth go of it you are still doing a great job. Either way you are doing great. :D Maybe a combination of both might be a good compromise. :?: But whatever you decide will work is the absolute best way to go. Make it work for you. :wink:

So excited for a new baby for the holidays for you! What a wonderful gift that is! :D

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:13 pm
by funkmomma71
Lourdes, I just wanted to stop by and say "hi" from another mom in Vegas!!

It's funny you asking about stopping in the summer, I find the heat here in Vegas to be almost unbearable during the day, so we usually get about 6 weeks or so done in the summer, but if I were you I'd take a break, sounds like you could use one. :D A couple of moms in my homeschool group had a really disruptive year this year and they finally just threw in the towel and are waiting for the fall, too.

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:49 pm
by blessedmomof4
Thanks for all the input and well-wishes :D I did ask my hubby and he thinks I could use a break too! I guess I was feeling guilty for wanting to "throw in the towel". I think things will be better when I am done with my own studies, which hopefully will be before baby gets here :) In the meantime, I think we can do some other good things together and start preparing for our newest family member's arrival. BTW, I just had a sonogram at 19 weeks, and it looks like another little GIRL is joining the family- I've got one son and 3 daughters already-so hubby is still greatly outnumbered :lol: Daddy is thrilled 8)

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:30 pm
by Gwenny
Congratulations! Girls are awfully sweet. :). We have 7 girls (and 3 boys) and they are wonderful. My last one is a girl. She's 7 months and I say she's going to be my companion in my old age. Haha.

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:48 am
by my3sons
Congrats on your sweet girlie to come, Lourdes! :D I think a break sounds timely - whether that break is a few weeks or a summer. :wink: With pregnancies, I sometimes found it easier to keep homeschooling, trying to get ahead so I could take time off later; but sometimes I found the opposite to be true - easier to take time off during the pregnancy and homeschool with a newborn. You will know which is best for you and your family! Drink lots of water - try to get enough rest - praying for you and your bundle of pink joy! :D

In Christ,

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:34 pm
by spidermansmum
We stopped for the summer too,Im pretty much burnt out-and a break will do us all a lot of good .Im expecting a little girl too..I think Im a week ahead .Enjoy the summer and recharge your batteries

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:15 pm
by my3sons
spidermansmum wrote:We stopped for the summer too,Im pretty much burnt out-and a break will do us all a lot of good .Im expecting a little girl too..I think Im a week ahead .Enjoy the summer and recharge your batteries
Congrats on expecting your little pink bundle spidermansmum! :D Have a wonderful summer break! :D

In Christ,

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:19 am
by spidermansmum
Thankyou Julie . :D

Re: Should I just stop and resume in the fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:01 am
by blessedmomof4
Spiderman's mum-congrats to you too :) I've actually decided to press on for a few more weeks with my youngest daughter in CTC because she wants to-she is just finishing up unit 15 and I think unit 18 day 1 is a good stopping place. My daughter in RevtoRev is burnt out and I am inclined to let it slide for now-she does a little here and there but is very busy with her band at this point. In the fall, the rest of the members of her band will be back to school full-swing (they are also homeschooled), and so she will be able to focus better. We will also be taking a break after the baby is born, I plan on a month before I try to jump back into things :)