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How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:04 pm
by Allison TX
Hi all. :) How long, on average, do you take off from school after the birth of a new baby? I am trying to plan for fall, and am due mid August.

My olders will be starting MtMM, so I can't start early with them since the guide won't ship till mid August. And my younger will be starting Preparing. ( I'm a little worried about her because Preparing is quite a step up from Bigger. ) I'm wondering about starting her in July, and then taking a break when baby arrives. Or if it would be better to wait until fall and start all of them at the same time? :?

Any thoughts as to length of break or when to begin? Thanks! :)

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:19 pm
by 8arrows
I usually plan about 2 weeks off. I know some people like to take longer, but too much unstructured time at our house is more difficult for me to manage than school is!!!!
I would probably just wait until after the baby arrives, take the amount of time off that is right for your family, and then start up.

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:32 pm
by mamayi
That's funny you asked that question as I am trying to figure that one out too!
I am due this week with baby #5. With baby #4 I only took two weeks off and it was NOT long enough for me. This time I plan at least six weeks if not eight.
However, your children are older than mine and they may like having the structure and routine of school.
One thought I had when I read your post was to possibly do the first two to three units of Preparing with your younger child half-speed before the baby arrives just so she is familiar with the guide when she restarts again after baby.
That way it may be a smoother transition. Just a thought.
I pray you will have good health as you carry your newest bundle of joy!

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:26 pm
by Bramble
I couldn't do two weeks. After my last baby (no. 6), we started again when she was 3 months and it was still tough going for quite awhile. I have started sooner after other births. I would figure at least six weeks and go from there. If they have independent stuff, I would let them go for it.

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:08 pm
by Kathleen
8arrows wrote:I usually plan about 2 weeks off. I know some people like to take longer, but too much unstructured time at our house is more difficult for me to manage than school is!!!!
This is EXACTLY what we did with my last 2 little guys. :D 2 weeks seemed perfect for us. Asa was born August 26, and we started early in August that fall and got a routine going. That made it SUPER easy to pick back up! So, there may be benefit to starting Preparing with that child and getting some "guide-training" down before baby.
We have had some great school years here even with 2 new babies, but I have to say that I'm looking forward to going through CTC and RTR again with my kiddos coming up so that I can read the books! I did NOT have time to read all the things that Grant did independently, and I'd really like to...some day. :D

:D Kathleen

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:09 am
by MomtoJGJE
I generally don't take very much at all off... like maybe a week including the time I'm in the hospital. I don't have trouble schooling with a newborn :) I plan to take an extended break (like 3-4 weeks) when the baby gets mobile AND curious. Until I figure out what needs to be put up where and how from reaching helper hands ;) Generally a couple of weeks or a month at that point is enough for me to figure out when baby needs sleep the most and I"m able to put her on my back in the Ergo and do school then.

Newborns sleep all the time though during the day, so even when they are awake and nursing, my kids can bring me their books and pencils on the couch and we can still get school done.

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:01 pm
by mrsrandolph
Have you thought about doing school this summer to lessen baby's effect?

I plan for 6 weeks and just do what I can. Don't worry about it. Have you ever heard the expression, "The baby IS the lesson!"? :D

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:41 pm
by netpea
Well, I had planned to take a month off since my little one was an early December baby and December is always busy anyway, but after 2 weeks they were going nuts so we started back up. I found homeschooling with a newborn easy and even with a 1 yo I thought it was easy. Homeschooling with my 2.5yo is tough.

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 3:19 pm
by inHistiming
Um....3 years? :lol: Sorry, that's just what popped into my head because with our crazy last 3 years it seems like we have been 'off' more than on! I think we will finally be able to get back on track in the fall. I know others on this board will give you serious and helpful advice. :wink:

Re: How long do you take off after a baby?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:56 pm
by Allison TX
Thanks everyone. :)

I think I'll get my daughter started in Preparing sometime in July, and maybe get the boys started with math. Then we'll break when baby arrives, and the boys can start MtMM as soon as I'm feeling up to it. :)

I am so impressed that some of you moms only took a week or two off. I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that. Maybe a month? I am worried that if we take off too much time they will get restless and bored.


I am praying that you have a healthy delivery this week. How exciting! :D