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How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:58 pm
by skwmackey
My 11 year old ds writes well in cursive, but he prefers to write in print. I was just curious at this age what others do in regards to cursive. I am trying to decide what areas I should expect cursive or is it even a big deal? I was leaning toward expecting cursive in his notebooks, common place book, and final drafts of Medieval Writing but would like to know what others do.

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:49 pm
by momtofive
My almost 11 yr. old also writes well in cursive and prefers to print! :D We just have him write in cursive for any boxes that specifically say to write in cursive. His natual desire is to print, so for everything else that's what he does. I encourage him here and there to write in cursive because it looks nice.

Hope that helps! :wink:

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:06 am
by MorningGlory
Both of my boys prefer print. So does my husband.

I only make my 10 yo write in cursive in the boxes that specifically say to write in cursive. He prints everything else. This is kind of a shame because his cursive is nice, and his print is atrocious.

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:46 pm
by holdinon
The assumption in RtR is that students did a cursive program in Bigger Hearts, practiced two years worth in Preparing and CtC. In RtR, they are free to make their own decision.

FWIW--my dd does some print and some cursive---whatever strikes her fancy at the time. They only thing I have told her is that it needs to be all or nothing. (Not a paragraph written with 5 cursive sentences and 2 printed ones) :wink:


Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:11 pm
by skwmackey
Thank you! This is a relief to hear. I think I will give him the choice as long as it is done well and the same style on each page/assignment.

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:53 pm
by my3sons
We gave Wyatt the choice to use cursive or print when he began RTR. :D He prefers to print, except for in his Common Place Book or for quotes. He told me those were "too special" to print for, and he'd do cursive for those. But, if he'd picked all cursive, or all print, I'd have been fine with it. I'd probably have him write his name in cursive now and then to maintain that skill. :D I actually think it is quite important at this age that dc be allowed to choose their preference (if they have done a formal year of cursive and practiced it at least a year or two). Forcing dc to write in a style that is not their preference can begin to effect their ability to share their ideas, opinions, and insights, as they are unable to focus on these higher level skills because they are too busy focusing on the physical act of writing. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:21 pm
by Lynnw
I am so glad I read this thread and that skwmackey asked the question! What a relief to read what others have done about this issue! (You can tell, I also have boys who do not love cursive!)

Thank you!

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:39 pm
by skwmackey
I'm glad I posted it too and got such great responses! My son has really enjoyed the freedom of choosing.

Re: How much cursive is enough?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:31 pm
by Heather4Him
Lynnw wrote:I am so glad I read this thread and that skwmackey asked the question! What a relief to read what others have done about this issue! (You can tell, I also have boys who do not love cursive!)

Thank you!