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Getting Started BHFHG & LHFHG

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:32 pm
by LivinNandByHim
Hello everyone! Wow! a lot in my heart and thoughts. Where to start. First a laying down of burdens, I guess.... Still a lot going on here in my life so getting started has been difficult. We officially were supposed to start Mon. 8th, mainly because the other 2 in my household are starting PS and so the expectation has been we start HS at the same time. However, we have been getting up late and starting late in the midst of other things. I have found 2 things - I am soooooo LOVING the content. and I am struggling to get things organized so that I can alternate my time between my two dc. DS and I have been lingering over discussions and today the painting project on Unit 1 Day 2. DD couldn't concentrate on anything because she wanted to paint... lol My time is very taken with my 10 yo ds w/ Bigger and my dd is happily working away on a workbook of some sort, but not getting the content and fullness out of her days yet. Already second guessing myself, but sitting with and working with my kids over the content we have already covered just feels so RIGHT. DS is enjoying Columbus, George Clark, and The Gulch (DITHOR). We haven't gotten to science yet and tomorrow will be day 3. So we will probably linger over science, his favorite subject tomorrow. DD is loving Rhymes in Motion - we were all 3 in a line dancing the RIM yesterday and laughing and having great fun. She wouldn't do it without her brother! I printed off a coloring page of a World Map for visual reinforcement. She is also really enjoying Reddy Fox. She pretty much has her memory verse memorized and loves singing it with the CD. She is my socialite and very bright little youngster. She "misses being with her friends in kindergarten." I am hoping that church activities and weekly coop will help with this until my school schedule settles down in December (graduating with nursing BSN, if the Lord grants such grace. :o) ) and we have a couple more evenings of free time.

It is also a struggle here because my darling niece and darling nephew are in public school - dnpw is first time middle schooler and dnc is 8th grader. They are SOOO excited and come home talking a hundred miles an hour about school. I feel my heart and my kids hearts sinking wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

I love combing this board for ideas testimonies and encouragement. Will post more another day and hopefully learn how to post pics. God Bless All!

Re: Getting Started BHFHG & LHFHG

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:17 am
by chillin'inandover
My 2 daughters attended classes in ps in High School. I felt they were ready but it changed them. Part of me was sad that they were enjoying the experience but then came the drama of exactly what is going on in school. Many ps teachers are Christian but it is govt supported and so mixed up. God blessed this time with many heart to heart conversations but I am so glad that it is done. They came home excited about the kids they met and the techniques they were taught but it wore off and became almost like a prison sentence to have to go every day-no more pajama days but instead a day of silence for ...The classes were Orchestra and Theatre that I could not do at home. Your dc are little and I believe deep in my heart to the core of my being that dc want their mommy. I also know that Christ fills that spot that no one can and just because your in ps does not mean you won't be lonely. Peers wil come and go but you will always be their mommy. If you can Homeschool. I always depend on and remember that Christ says, "Come to me all who are heavy burdened and discouraged, and I will give you rest."