Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

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Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by nena3927 » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:34 pm

I cannot decide which math curriculum to use for my 5 yr old who will be starting LHFHG in August. I was for sure I was going to use Math U See Primer after attending one of their workshops at a homeschool convention but I know HOD recommends Singapore Essential Math for Kindergarten and I have heard great things about it too. Has anyone had success with Math U See after first trying Singapore? It seems especially in the older grades that the advantage of MUS is the dvds which can help me teach my children the harder mathematical concepts vs just a teacher's manual with Singapore. I have researched both curriculums for months and am still left with the same problem...I can't decide! If anyone could share their experiences with either of these, esp how easy/difficult the concepts are to teach in each program, I would be forever grateful! Thank you guys so much :D
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by raindrops » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:30 pm

I have heard good things about MUS, but if you'll be using the HOD guides anyways you will have Carries math hands-on activities already for use with Singapore. And they're great. Maybe someone with experience with both maths will answer (have you done a search here?).

My son (who is 6 and finishing up LHFHG now), LOVES Carrie's math. If he ever meets her, look out Carrie, 'cause he is going to give you a big ole' kiss and a hug that never ends. LOL. Her ideas really add a lot to Singapore's workbooks so please keep that in mind as you're researching. The guides don't just tell you what page number to use; there are hands on activities that really "do it", for my boy at least.
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by nena3927 » Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:10 pm

Thank you very much for your input! I do plan on using Carrie's suggestions for Math and I have purchased some things already like Cuisinaire Rods, a Simple Balance, linking cubes, etc that were recommended for use with Singapore's Essential Math on Singapore's website. I guess I'm just worried that as the material gets harder, I may not be able to teach it and would rely more heavily on the dvd lessons supplied by MUS. I would really like to start out with a program I could see myself using 'longterm" as I know switching programs, especially math can leave gaps in their education. Thanks again for your response raindrops :)
Last edited by nena3927 on Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by Motherjoy » Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:03 pm

I know there are folks who LOVE MUS, but we aren't those people. ;) :)

We used Singapore with our oldest until 3rd grade, and then switched to MUS because I wanted a curriculum that would take us through high school, and I didn't like the upper levels of Singapore. Singapore was working very well for our son! I regret switching. We ended up dropping MUS at the fractions level, and I don't miss it one bit. MUS teaches math in a different way, which can be good, but it makes it harder for mom or dad to help the child at times. Also, the tricks and hints can be a bit annoying at times. :) With my other children we will stick with Singapore until Algebra and then use something else (I'm not sure at this time). All that to say that MUS did not work for us. Lessons were long and the books went so slow. Fractions was just a killer book, and I LOVED fractions when I was a kid. That book would have killed my love of fractions had I done it as a child.

My only suggestion is to find a program and stick with it. Jumping math programs leaves lots of holes, more than in other subjects. Find what works NOW and stay with it, if you can. :)
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by mothermayi » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:49 am

We've used both, Singapore and MUS. Now mind you, we haven't done Singapore in conjunction with HOD so I don't know how the two fit together. We did Singapore before I knew HOD existed, and we found it to be dry. There didn't seem to be much instruction. Just do a worksheet or two in the student text and call it a day (we used it for lower elementary). We ditched it after the first year because it was boring (sounds crazy, I know lol). We switched to Saxon. It was a flop but we stuck with it for about 4 years, trying not to switch math again. Then to Rod & Staff. I liked it. The kids hated it. Then finally to MUS. We love it! The lessons are quick, taking about 15 minutes. You can go at your own pace and choose to do as many or as few assignments as needed. The website has online flashcards and a worksheet generator. We had lots of gaps in math bc we switched so much (a no no!) but we are almost caught up. My son was able to do a year and a half worth of catch-up work in less than 6 months. Now he understands math, including why and how math works, something my very logical child needs to understand.

I'm not sure if my situation would be the same for you if you use Singapore with HOD bc we haven't used the two together. We will stick with MUS bc I do not want to switch math programs again. We found what works and since it's not broken, I won't try to fix it :lol: .

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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by nena3927 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:44 am

Thank you ladies for your insight! Now only if I could make a decision lol!
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by John'smom » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:58 am

I have used both and really like both of them. I have used MUS from Primer through Epsilon (and will be doing Zeta next year)and Singapore 1B-2B, so not nearly as long. To be honest, the Singapore way does not naturally come to me, but I have it down now. For me, none of the tips or tricks taught by Demme has been hard to teach my ds as everything is on the DVD on in the manual.

Honestly, MUS works beautitully for me ds and Singapore/MM has just let us see a 20% increase in test scores for my dd who is not mathy at all. So obviously Singapore works better for her.

Which would I choose? I think it depends upon the child. If I were teaching another child, I would possibly start with Singapore and Carrie's lessons as it just makes math so much fun. If it didn't work for them, I wouldn't hesitate to switch to MUS. That is from someone who loves MUS and thought I wouldn't ever use anything else, but my dd needed something else.
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by jahall2000 » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:15 pm

My personal opinion is to use the more traditional math program (Singapore) that HOD suggests. If It doesn't appear to be working well for your child, then try a different program such as Math U See. My ds age 6 has done well with Kindergarten essential math and I intend to stick with it unless I have a reason to switch. I love the math exploration activities that go along with Singapore in the HOD manuals.
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by my3sons » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:37 pm

MUS works well for some dc, and I have much respect for its author. :D I do say in some situations, use what you think fits your family best. But, in this case, I have a definite opinion :D , for one reason especially - your dd is starting kindergarten. :D It is simply the best time to begin Singapore, and Singapore has incredible results. We have one mathy ds, one not so mathy. What they have in common is they both started math with Singapore from the beginning... WITH HOD's hands-on math activities. I do think that was key. HOD's math activities take Singapore's young math programs from good to great. They make it fun, and they help with the mental math focus down the road. They also gave each of our dc the impression and the confidence that they were super at math right from the start (and as I said, one was, one not so much :wink: ). Our kids score off the charts in math on the standardized testing. It just works. :D

I have some reasons that I love Singapore Math that have nothing to do really with the academic portion of math that I'll also share in case you may be interested. :lol: It's short. Time is of the premium for me, as I'm sure it is for most homeschool moms, and Singapore Math does not take much of my time. I do not look ahead... ever. I don't have to buy special supplies... ever. I don't have to worry about a lesson all of the sudden taking an hour instead of 30 minutes... ever. It is streamlined. I like that, and so do my kids. :D

It doesn't exhaust a concept. Our dc are never doing 60 repetitive problems, which studies have shown, BTW, is counter-productive. Even gifted dc begin making careless errors with oodles of repetitive problems. If dc can show they have a concept down in 15-20 problems, why do 50-60? :D

It's inexpensive. Love that! In fact, I let my kids write in the Textbooks. Why not? They're cheap. It's quicker, and they are doing great. I can easily use a markerboard for lessons, and so can my dc. We all love that - it's just neat to use something other than paper and pencil sometimes.

No DVD, video, or computer to use. I'm no techie, and let me tell you, I like to avoid anything like this when it comes to teaching. Give me a book, please, and an answer key, pretty please... and I'm good. No fiddling with this or that media thing that can go from helpful to haywire pretty fast for me. :D

Did I mention teaching time? :lol: Yes, I know I did, but I'm back to that. I have 3 different ages of dc, and they do 3 different levels of math. I have moms I know who have 3 different levels of math programs they are teaching - that are NOT Singapore - and they are teaching math 3-4 hours a day. YIKES!!! What else is there time for? Too much math for me. I like to teach other things too! :D

If you need extra help teaching, which I don't think you will for sure from K through 3B or 4B, there are Home Instructor Guide's. You can at any time get those if you need more help teaching - they come with step-by-step fully worked solutions. :D

You can use any math with HOD. But with a Kindergarten child, I'd for sure give Singapore a whirl. Both for my dc's own good, and for my own good as their teacher. HTH! :D

In Christ,
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by nena3927 » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:16 pm

Thanks everyone for taking the time to share your experiences with me. You really don't know how much I value your opinions. Julie, thank you very much for your input! I believe I will go ahead with Singapore for now. I really feel drawn by the Lord to use HOD for my children as we embark on this homeschooling adventure and I wholeheartedly trust your advice... so Essential Math here we come!!!
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Re: Kindergarten Math...Singapore vs Math U See

Post by mothermayi » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:38 pm

Congrats on making your decision :D . I'm sure you will enjoy Singapore with Carrie's instruction!

Married to dh 13 years
ds12--Began CTC 10/28/13!!, DITHOR 6/7/8
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dd5y11mo--MFW K, ETC 3, MMM/SM, A Beka Cursive--Looking forward to beginning HOD!
dd3.5--HOD LHTH 1/2 speed

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