If you DON'T like Singapore can you tell me why....

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susie in ms
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If you DON'T like Singapore can you tell me why....

Post by susie in ms » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:35 pm

I was just reading elsewhere that another mom had difficulties understanding Singapore. She did not have your wonderful guidance, Carrie, but I realize that that runs out and then we are to rely on textbooks and TE for the lessons. Is there anyone who doesn't like Singapore? Was it difficult to teach or something else? I want something that I will stick with for a while so I need to evaluate all my options. I am not good with math. :oops:
Susie ~ servant to Christ, wife to Ricky for 25 years, mom to Trisha 22, Kris 21, Joshua 19 and Hannah Grace almost 4.
Loving Little Hands to Heaven!

Christy in Texas
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Post by Christy in Texas » Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:49 am

I was has a hs book sale last night and got to look at Singapore in person. And I was very impressed! The moms that I spoke with said their children love the short lessons and are picking up math quite well. I was convinced by everything that I had read that it would be way over my son's head. But it's not! I love the illustrations that they use for teaching. And as one mom put it, the book is only $8.75, so if you don't like it, it's not a financial loss!

OH, I'm not great at math either! Maybe I will be after we go through Singapore. :lol:
Christy, wife to Danny of 14 years, mom to
Brycen 5/7/99
Emily 10/10/02
Hannah 10/10/02

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Post by lovetobehome » Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:51 am

I agree, it is worth trying for 8.75. I used it a bit with my first son, and I liked the first couple books, but didn't like the later books (primary) because I just don't 'think' the way they do and I found some of the ways they teach things just didn't click for us. I think it is great to start with, and if you love it (as many many people do) and it works, stick with it! If it doesn't, then try something else! I have tried or really looked at Singapore, miquon, BJU, MUS, Horizons....and have settled in with Saxon. I like to really compare curriculum and know what I am using. I like that with Saxon, the new concepts are introduced so gradually, you hardly even realize you are learning something new, so it never is intimidating to little ones (or us big ones!). But, if I were you and didnt already have a math program that I was using, I would love to use Singapore because I love the activities in Carrie's guides that coincide. I say try Singapore and you will likely enjoy it!

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Post by Lilyanna » Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:53 am

We are only in the first grade books. So far, it has been easy to teach. A friend told me that it became more difficult in the third grade level, so she switched. She had not tried any of the supports though. I figure that if it gets confusing, I can always order the Home Instructor Guide. A lot of "mathy" people like it and use it for their kids. To me, that is a vote of confidence.

I think part of Singapore's problem is that people view it as "the cheap math program" and are reluctant to buy the textbook or the Instructor Guides. I have read about more than one person who only bought the workbook. Then, when it doesn't make sense, they "jump ship".

I know you were hoping for answers from people who don't like Singapore math, but I just had to throw in my .02! :wink:

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We are using 3A....

Post by blessedx5 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:09 am

and we just returned to Singapore from using Horizons. We used Singapore 1 and 2 levels...went to Horizons and decided we like Singapore better. I can't really give reasons as to why but it just "feels like a good fit" for us..KWIM?

I like the idea of having the Textbook to guide my son before he does the workbook. If he still doesn't understand then he can come to me.


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Post by Natreez » Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:07 am

Hi there!

We also just recently switched back to Singapore from Horizons. We started in Singapore earlier in the year but my 8yr old was having problems with the mental portion as he hadn't quite mastered his math facts, so we slowed down and did Horizons for concepts like "time, measurement, etc" while focusing on developing his math facts. One thing I would highly recommend is to make sure you've got those math facts down it really helps a lot. ;-)

I've done Singapore, Miquon, Math-U-See, Saxon, and Horizons and by far I think Singapore is the best!! I like the quick lessons, colorful workbooks, and lets not forget the great price, but I also like the mastery approach. Often times my son would be introduced to a concept but later when the same concept was introduced on a more difficult level, he would have difficulty remembering how to do the basic concept and freak out. With the mastery approach, he learns a concept but doesn't move on until he's actually mastered the concept.

Also, math is not my strong subject either so I love that in addition to first being able to come to the HOD website where there are several other families using the same program who I'm certain wouldn't mind offering assistance, the Singapore website has a message board where you can also go for additional help, and you can always purchase the Home Instructer's Guide for additional activities to help you (the teacher) explain the concepts.

I used Singapore for my now 8th grader who is getting ready to go a high school PS. When signing up for classes, he tested into the Honors Math Program. Not sure if it was Singapore or if he is just naturally a math person but either way...I love Singapore!! Hope this helps!!


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Post by Motherjoy » Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:43 am

We used it for two years. I liked it, but wanted a curriculum that we would use through high school. So, we switched to MathUSee. I think my son is getting a more comprehensive math instruction now.

One downside of Singapore, is that the way the do word problems can become a crutch for kids because they use certain buzz words and ask the questions in the same way all the time. It was difficult for my son to go from Singapore word problems to MUS word problems, because he was so used to the Singapore way.
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
*3yo - playschool

Accomplished: LHTH, LHFHG, BHFHG, Beyond, PHFHG, RTR, Rev to Rev, MTMM, WG, WH

susie in ms
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Post by susie in ms » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:46 pm

Thanks everyone!! This makes me feel much better!! :D
Susie ~ servant to Christ, wife to Ricky for 25 years, mom to Trisha 22, Kris 21, Joshua 19 and Hannah Grace almost 4.
Loving Little Hands to Heaven!

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Post by Tabitha » Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:13 pm

Perhaps this may help for those needing Singapore Math helps, got it from another forum:
...it appeared in the Rainbow Catalogue last year (I think it was just last year.)

It's called The Essential Parents' Guide to Primary Maths by Dr. Fong Ho Kheong that may help. It has 3 parts. The first is "The Heuristic Approach," the second is "The Model Approach" and the third is "Challenging Examination Problems." It's a book I wished I had when I first started Singapore Math, because I've learned much of this the hard way as I wanted to do things with Algebra, etc.

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Post by Tansy » Thu May 01, 2008 7:27 pm

we switched from singapore to Math u see.
Singapore moved to quickly for my child.
Mastery??? not for my kidddo... they moved into mental math to soon for her. And the math moved to quickly. She didn't get enough time to practice. Teaching 3 ways to get the same answer just confused her. MY dd would be in tears and the lessons would take 30-45 min each. it just didn't work for us.

I looked into other programs and used cuisiniere rods for a while with singapore. Looked into Base Ten and MUS.

I could get MUS blocks half price at a local resale shop so MUS it was..
Yes the cost is huge. But math rarely takes more than 10 min of our school day. And so far since we switched she has had only 6 breakdowns over math... each time it was more of a dicipline issue not a "I don't understand issue."

In fact her atitude is so changed with math now! Whew I thought I was warping her for life.. So It al depends on your kiddo mine needs lots of structure and concrete thinking. If yours can do the mental math Go for the singapore! if they can't understand how 7 + 2 marshmallows =9
and 7+2 raisins =9 cause mom marshmallows and raisins aren't the same thing they can't be the same answer.. then MUS is for you.
Dyslexics of the world Untie!
Adoptive Mom to 2 girls

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