OT-Can I ask for prayer again

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Tiffini » Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:55 am

Carly wrote:I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Fibromyalgia is real, but may not be exactly what you have.
Medicine is trial and error at times and we have to wait things out
to get to the bottom sometimes. It's hard waiting around
and also feeling poorly. I totally empathize with you right now.
I'm going to the neuro. doctor tomorrow to tell him I didn't
take the restless leg stuff he gave me. It read up on the side effects/law suits
b/c of it and prayerfully said no to the drug. I'm still suffering the symptoms
and waiting for answers too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm glad you are a Christian and have the unfailing love and support
of your heavenly Father. Your faith will get you through
this and more.
Keep praying and seeking answers.
God is with you every step of the way.
Carly, I suffer from restless legs as well. It used to be only during pregnancy, but my last pregnancy was 8 years ago, and my symptoms are returning. I empathize with your suffering. My case is only when I lie down to sleep, not during waking times, but it keeps my from sleep often, as it did last night. I did find something at my health food store that is all natural ingredients for treating restless legs. It has been providing relief with no side effects. I will pray for you to find relief soon.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by netpea » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:06 am

OH W2W, the others have said so much, I don't think there is anything I can add. But know that I am praying for you too.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:45 am

Carly wrote: It's hard waiting around
and also feeling poorly. I totally empathize with you right now.
I'm going to the neuro. doctor tomorrow to tell him I didn't
take the restless leg stuff he gave me. It read up on the side effects/law suits
b/c of it and prayerfully said no to the drug. I'm still suffering the symptoms
and waiting for answers too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Carly I just wanted you to know that I have been and will be praying for you as well. I know we are going down similar paths and I am praying for you as well. I know you are walking down a hard road right now physically. I am so grateful we have the same loving God that I know is going to bring us ultimately to the same place on the other side of this in His time, in His way. I just wanted to let you know that I am continuing to pray for you as well. There is at least one other mom on this forum that also is walking down this same road as well and I am praying for her as well. Carly hang in there and fight for what God has shown you. I will pray that He clears the path for you in the process. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:47 am

netpea wrote:OH W2W, the others have said so much, I don't think there is anything I can add. But know that I am praying for you too.
Thank you so much. Your prayers mean a lot to me! :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by 6timeboymom » Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:45 am

PM me if you need anything-I'm a nurse, yanno. I can get info from the text books. :lol: (((hug)))
you are in my prayers.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by my3sons » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:59 pm


I have been off and on the board as of late, and had not read about this until now! I haven't been able to read all of the responses here, but I am very concerned for you, and my heart and my prayers go out to you. I pray for diagnosis, and for wisdom for what to do with that information. You are a light of faith for all of us at this board. You always respond in a manner that a faith-filled lady of God should, and that is no easy task. I pray for God's healing hand to be upon you, and please keep letting us know how you are doing.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Kathleen » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:11 pm


You're in my thoughts and prayers, too. Your repsonse to all this is sure a testimony to me, and glorifying to God. I'm praying that He will bring you answers and until then continue to supply His strength and peace to you and your family!

:D Kathleen
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Tiffini » Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:10 pm

In light of this prayer need for W2W's health issues and realizing that there are many more on this board who are suffering with health problems, I wanted to share something I ran across last night actually after praying for W2W. Many of you may have read John Piper's essay called "Don't Waste Your Cancer". It is excellent. Last night, I came across portions of it again with the suggestion that we could put any infirmity in for the word "cancer". It encouraged me as I was up most of the night with RLS (restless leg syndrome). I hope it encourages others as well:

"You will waste your cancer (or fibromyalgia or RLS, etc.) if you think that BEATING cancer means staying alive rather than cherishing Christ...You will waste your cancer if you spend too much time reading about cancer and not enough time reading about God (this one hits me hard as I am a researchaholic)...You will waste your cancer if you fail to use it as a means of witness to the truth and glory of Christ. Here is a golden opportunity to show that He is worth more than life. Don't waste it." Amen.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by gingel » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:05 pm

Dear W2W:

I have enjoyed reading some of your other posts and feel like I've gotten to know you just a little bit from them. You have really been on my heart since I read this post...I've been praying for you!

My dad has "fibro," (that's what our family calls it,) and so I've learned a little about it - but I am by no means a medical expert. I'm sure you are reading lots, but here are a couple of things that surprised me. It's elusive and usually diagnosed by process of elimination (which you are doing.) Sometimes if you have pain in several of the pressure points, that is also used to help diagnose it. What helps alliviate pain for one person doesn't usually work for the next...including meds. And men don't usually get it...so why did my dad get it? ANYWAY! Many people w/it know exactly when the pain began.

Will con't praying for you and yours -

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by crlacey » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:11 am

I'll keep you in my thoughts. On a side note, my hubby's uncle and grandma have this too. His uncle finds that meds and change of diet helped a lot. In fact he stopped at our house yesterday after an all day hike. Hubby's grandma doesn't take meds and she is definitely in pain. So I hope that you and the doctors can find the right combination to work with your body.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:53 pm

Tiffini wrote: "You will waste your cancer (or fibromyalgia or RLS, etc.) if you think that BEATING cancer means staying alive rather than cherishing Christ...You will waste your cancer if you spend too much time reading about cancer and not enough time reading about God (this one hits me hard as I am a researchaholic)...You will waste your cancer if you fail to use it as a means of witness to the truth and glory of Christ. Here is a golden opportunity to show that He is worth more than life. Don't waste it." Amen.

Tiffini, Thank you for this! I know God absolutely has a purpose in this and that it is for my good and for His glory. I really appreciate you posting this and I join you in praying for other who have similar things going on including you. :D

Julie- Thank you for worrying about me. I know I will be fine but I appreciate your friendship and your kindness. :D

Gingel- thank you fro the prayers and the information. It is so encouraging to hear that it is sometimes just a matter of finding the right thing. And thank you for your prayers.

Kathleen - Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate them and you.

6timeboymom- Thank you for that offer. That is an invaluable offer and I am sure I will be taking you up on that. Thank you!

crlacey - I appreciate the information. I have changed my diet and a changing my lifestyle but I do see drugs being necessary at this point. So I appreciate your encouragement.

I just wanted to reply to some of these answers. Your support has touched me so much and helped me. I have actually gone from one medication to another since I had posted this but have felt better and more peaceful than ever even though the side effects have been fairly significant. I know it is because of all your prayers. With HOD not only do you get the best program in the world but you get to "hang out" with some of the nicest and kindest Christian women. The support and kindness on this board is amazing. Thank you so much for your prayers, it has been an amazing blessing to me!

HODies are the best! 8)
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by gracelikerain » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:27 pm

Praying here for you & your dd too.
I know how hard it is not knowing.....I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & mild fibromyalgia when I was in 11th grade. I wa tutored for half the year.
it took so many doctor visits & tests & I really learned a lot. It took awhile though. I learned to trust my instincts & not all the medical advice. Their drugs are not always the answer. I learned to really clean up my diet & go natural with products I use. It has taken years for me to accumulate all I learned & put it into practice but now at 33 I feel pretty good. Also, during my pregnancies I started feeling much better! I still tire more quickly than the average person but I think I do pretty darn good with the demands of a family of 6! :wink: Hang onto Jesus....He will guide you & draw you closer to Him.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by holyhart » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:08 pm


I was thinking of you and wondering how you've been doing/feeling lately?

Still praying for you.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:22 pm

holyhart wrote:Water2wine,

I was thinking of you and wondering how you've been doing/feeling lately?

Still praying for you.
Kelly thank you so much for thinking of me. :D First let me say that your little baby is so beautiful. I have looked at her picture several times. She is just so pretty. Made me want another. :D She's a peach!

I am doing fine. I have good days and then sometimes I have harder days. They have me on a new drug that does help. I actually drove for the first time today! Yeah! I go to the neurologist and the rhuematologist at the end of the month. Basically it is just eliminating stuff right now and assuming I do not have anything they are looking for then I will just get the Fybromyalgia tag and I just deal with it. Which honestly I can and I will be happy to know for sure that is what it is. Thank you so much for your prayers and for thinking of me. :D
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)

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