OT-Can I ask for prayer again

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OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:10 pm

The diagnosis of what is going on with my health seems to be up in the air again. Bottom line is the nuerologist does not think the bulk of my problems are nuerological. My MD has kind of tagged me with Fibromyalgia but has sent me to a Rhuemotologist to rule out Lupus and other things more thoroughly. Meanwhile they have put me on a medication called Lyrica and it is for Fibromyalgia. The thought was if it works that may help in diagnosis. It has some side effects that are unbearable for some and I can see why. The worst for me is I am so disoriented that I can't drive but even worse I haven't been able to sew :lol:. I am hoping I can get past the side effects so I can see if it works. I am easing up the dose in steps and the side effects can be temporary. The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia seems to be very ambiguous to me and I do not want to be shoved into a category just to get it done rather than finding the real thing. So taking a drug that indicated to work for Fybromyalgia made sense if it helped us know that was what we were dealing with in the end. Sort of the guinea pig approach :roll: along with continuing the hunt.

So if you would pray, my prayer is still for diagnosis and that the doctors would not hold back on tests that could give us that. Also for this medication to help in diagnosis one way or the other and for the side effects to become less if possible. Also prayer for my children. My daughter woke up from a terrible nightmare that I was dying and nobody would tell her the truth. It is hard for her because she remembers being in an orphanage so I think that makes it worse. Of course I am not dying but her imagination is going over time. I know I can handle whatever God has for me. :D But I also know that God can heal me and It is the not knowing for sure what I have and where will it lead that is getting to me. That is normal for me. I have to have everything settled. Perhaps that is part of what God is working on with me. :oops:

Thanks for your prayers! I know prayer is powerful and can open doors that seem shut and lead to answers. :D And I will just say one more praise for HOD because when times hit that make it hard to do school you know that you can still do HOD. That has been such a wonderful thing for me to have confidence in at this point. Just one of the many reasons God led me to HOD. 8)
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by inHistiming » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:22 pm


I'm lifting your family up in prayer right now.

I pray that God will give you and your entire family His peace, that no matter what the diagnosis is you can rest in Him and His plan for your lives. I also pray that He will carry you when needed so that you can get through your days with a clear mind, and enough energy to give your children what they need everyday. I'm asking that He will give the right words for your daughter who is fearful, that you'll be able to calm her fears. It's a scary thing for a child to think about her parent(s) dying, and a valid concern. I'm sure God will continue to strengthen you and give you the appropriate words to speak.

Lord, please just be with this family; be their comforter, healer, Father, shelter,and strong tower in this time of need. Amen.

Please keep us updated as to what is going on. We're here for you. :)

In Christ,


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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Tiffini » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:56 pm

I am praying for you, W2W. I know how very difficult undiagnosed medical issues can be. Thanks for your faithful witness and trusting heart that are an encouragement to many!
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Candice » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:39 pm


I am not the best at expressing care and concern, especially in writing over the internet, but I want you to know that I am thinking of you and your family and my heart was very compelled to say a prayer for you. I have prayed for God to hold you close as you make your journey through this trial. I have asked the Lord to help ease your children's fear so that they do not have to carry such a burden in worry over you. I just want you to know that I really appreciate you and all of the time and wonderful, helpful advice that you contribute to everyone here. You have such a big, helping heart and I am honored to try to help you in some way. Big hugs to you.
Let's all pray for water2wine


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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by BusyBeez » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:28 pm


I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this rough time, and I pray that the Lord will give you strength and healing. It is always difficult to begin a new prescription medication, and it is so important to research all medications thoroughly. I have heard that this particular medication, Lyrica, has been known to have some serious side effects. I did a quick Google search and found these side effects:


I pray that the Lord will give you wisdom as you seek His perfect will.

I might recommend that you read "Conquering Chronic Fatigue: Answers to a Vastly Misunderstood Epidemic" by Dr. Jonathan Forester, a Christian physician. It talks about Hidden Hypothyroidism; Fibromyalgia; The Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Brain Fatigue; Immune Fatigue; and Endocrine Fatigue.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by holyhart » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:56 pm

It is scary not knowing what is going on but knowing that SOMEthing IS going on.

I'll be praying for wisdom for the doctors, peace and healing for you.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Samuel'sMommy » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:21 pm

Praying for you!
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Dorla » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:26 pm

Praying for you...

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Carrie » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:06 pm


We'll be upholding you in prayer here and praying for answers. Our assistant pastor's wife (and a dear homeschooling mom) has had fibromyalsia for quite some time. She is in her mid 40's and is a wonderful source of encouragement to so many at church. Most have no idea that she has fibromyalsia. If this ends up to be your diagnosis, I'll certainly put you in touch with her!

I understand about children being worried when their parents have health concerns. The older ones often feel it the most. When my hubby had his heart attack and was at the heart hospital at the same time I was hospitalized (at a different hospital) for preterm labor (and high blood pressure), my oldest son became the most worried, because we had shared the most with him about what was going on. I will tell you that for us, when the situation was beyond our control and I couldn't figure it out, I spent much time on my knees. I knew the Lord would take us through that time, but I could not figure out how it could possibly work for good? Now we are 2 and 1/2 years past that time in our lives, and I will say that we have made some major life changes that we wouldn't have made without those health concerns. :wink:

We try to have a slower start to our days. My husband has scheduled extended time in the mornings for Bible, prayer, jogging, etc. My husband has also had a job change, which has been excellent and much less stressful for him! We try to look at our days differently, and realize how important it is to glorify the Lord with the time that we have here. We do what we can each day and by 10:00 or 10:30 at night we try to put aside the rest to have time for my husband and I alone. My husband and I also go on a date once each week. :D

My boys are in charge of making lunch and many household chores. We do have a cleaning lady who comes once every 3 weeks that cleans the entire house from top to bottom for $35.00. But, whatever you must end up doing to accomodate your health, know that some change is probably in order when a health issue like this presents itself. It is important to find some small ways to take a little time for yourself to unwind. :wink: We do lapse back into our "rat race" lifestyle at times, and so this is a good reminder to me to get my priorities right once again!

You are wonderful testament of a Christian woman to me and to all of the moms on the board, and I know that God is glorified through your strengths and through your weaknesses too!

We'll be praying for you!


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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Vicki » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:51 pm


I'm praying for you here, and my thoughts are with you as you try to find out more about your health. You are such an inspiration to us all here on the boards---I know we'll all be thinking about you and hoping for better days for you!
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Jessi » Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:13 pm

I am praying for you and your family that God would intervene and calm the worries, fears, and doubts and that the truth would shine forth in your diagnosis.
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by water2wine » Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:52 am

Thank you so much for all your very kind words, support and wisdom. It has really blessed me more than you will know. I appreciate the information and the links. And I appreciate the advice. Wisdom is definitely what I need so I really appreciate that. This definitely has God in the midst of it. He is making changes in me and my lifestyle. I am a very self sufficient and stubborn woman, so God seems to need me on my knees a lot. :lol: I do really feel this is ultimately meant to mold me to His will and bring glory to Him. I do know that His plans are good plans for me, but it really does help to have all your HODies praying for you. :D It would be hard to find a group of more like minded and kind women then the women on the HOD board. It just shows you how much God is in HOD and how much He is blessing it. It feels really great to be in the midst of something so blessed for our children. And it's a blessing to be traveling on this hsing journey with all of you. Thank you again for your prayers.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by kingsdaughter » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:40 am

I'm praying for you, too. I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

Lori P

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by hsmomof5 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:44 am

Just prayed for you.

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Re: OT-Can I ask for prayer again

Post by Carly » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:04 am

I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Fibromyalgia is real, but may not be exactly what you have.
Medicine is trial and error at times and we have to wait things out
to get to the bottom sometimes. It's hard waiting around
and also feeling poorly. I totally empathize with you right now.
I'm going to the neuro. doctor tomorrow to tell him I didn't
take the restless leg stuff he gave me. It read up on the side effects/law suits
b/c of it and prayerfully said no to the drug. I'm still suffering the symptoms
and waiting for answers too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm glad you are a Christian and have the unfailing love and support
of your heavenly Father. Your faith will get you through
this and more.
Keep praying and seeking answers.
God is with you every step of the way.

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