Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

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Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

Post by MamaKB » Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:08 pm

I'm a mama to 4 kiddos (almost 8, 6, 3, and 20 months). In a little over a week, I will start our very first year homeschooling. I plan to use Bigger for my almost 8yo, LHFHG for my 6yo, and LHTH for my 3yo (and baby can sort of tag along). With so many kids and this being our first year homeschooling, I am not going to worry much about whether or not we get school done each day for my two littlest ones (since they are both so young), but I would like to make sure and focus more on the older two this year.

Having said that, with our chosen start date right around the corner....I'm finding myself panicking a bit! I am very well prepared (as prepared as I can be, I suppose) - we have a home office that we will be using for a homeschool room, all our materials are ready to go and pretty organized (not perfect, but it's good), I've looked over the teacher guides and have an idea of what will be covered in each day, and I even have our *tentative* days planned out on the calendar (we're going to try a year-round approach with 6 weeks on and 1 week off and extra time around the holidays). I feel pretty good about all of's a start, at least! But, I am clueless as to how to schedule our actual days! I am like a deer in headlights when I think about what a typical day would look like. :? I know that many people kind of "go with the flow" and don't stick to a strict schedule, and that's fine, but that's not for me. I definitely don't need a strict schedule, and I'm okay with straying from a schedule a bit, but I am the kind of person that needs at least a loose plan/structure to my days, or else I end up frazzled, lost, and stressed....and then at the end of the night I wonder where the day has gone! :shock:

So, can anyone help me out and give me an idea of how your day goes, or what your schedule looks like? I basically just don't know how to juggle each of the kids (the lessons and work for the older ones, and keeping the little ones occupied), so that someone isn't being ignored or neglected. Does that make sense? I just feel so lost as to how our day should basically go, and I would feel so much better with somewhat of a plan. Thanks in advance for any advice/help you can give! :wink:
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Re: Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

Post by StephanieU » Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:26 pm

You can see by my signature that I have a similar group of kids. This will be our fourth year using HOD.
My biggest suggestion is to stay half speed or even slower. Get a few boxes done each day and slowly build up. As you go, you will see the things that go together well. You will see what your older two can do slightly independently. And you can see which boxes will take your undivided attention. When you need to work with the 6yo alone without distraction, have the 8yo play with the younger two or do it during nap time. Same with when the 8yo needs all of your attention. Most things you can deal with distractions, but things like reading instruction are best uninterrupted.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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DD12 Rev2Rev (completed LHTH-RtR)
DS7 Beyond (completed LHTH-LHFHG)

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Re: Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

Post by MelInKansas » Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:29 pm

I really like having a routine set out for our days. It's not a strict schedule where we have to start at a certain time, but rather an order we like to do things in. I've been where you're at. Here's how I go about making my schedule (because I don't think someone else's schedule can really tell you what your schedule will be, it's different for each family because of the unique people involved).

I go through and for each and every person make a list of the daily tasks. Include everything, like getting dressed, brushing teeth, chores, meal prep and clean up, etc. Put estimated times for these. There's a sticky thread at the top with schedules and I think there are also estimated times for each box in the guide. For my littles I also try to make a list of things they CAN do while school is going on. Safe, fun activities, or ways they could perhaps join in (your 3YO may for example enjoy the rhyme with the LHFHG child, and may like listening to the readings or doing the hands-on activity). Sitting in the high chair with a special treat or something messy to smear around. A box full of dried beans or dried pasta on the kitchen floor (which can be swept up after they've had 5 minutes of messy fun). Play Doh, extra little workbooks I pick up, etc etc. For babies or kids who take naps, obviously list the nap time too.

Then I think through which things really need to happen at the two most ideal times, which for me are right after breakfast and right after lunch. I try to think of ways my younger ones can do something at the same time. For me, I have a table time right after breakfast. From about LHFHG to Preparing (and my preschooler) sit at the table and do math, handwriting, spelling, things they can do with a little direction from me but can often finish up on their own. My 6th grader goes off to do her own thing in a different place so she won't get distracted. I can bounce back and forth a bit. Then after this block, usually I sit down and do reading with my 7YO and try to get through as much of her guide as I can. My Preparing daughter will work on her own for a bit, or practice piano, while the preschooler and baby play nearby with some set of something I get out for them. Once I'm done with Beyond, it's usually snack time and I get out a quick snack. Then I work with either my Preparing child or my Res to Ref daughter for at least an hour. The other older chid who is not working with me is either finishing up work (Res to Ref) or playing with younger siblings or even doing chores. Then lunch, and then it's family chore time for us, and after I put my toddler down for her nap I sit down with the other child I didn't work with before lunch to finish things up.

With my lists of timed things I can put together activities that go together for each child and I create the big spreadsheet with columns for each person (including me and the baby), with 10 minute time slots and then I start filling in what each person is doing. This looks timed but again I never really use it that way. But the more exact timing at least gives me a guideline for how long I can usually expect something to take. I like working with each child in longer than 15-30 minute blocks, though there are almost always interruptions.

I hope this is helpful. Also think outside the box. There's no problem with having "homework" that is done in the evening if that's a lot easier for the child and for you (probably not with the littler ones, but definitely with the oldest). Figure out what works best with the natural rhythm of our family.

And just my first thought when reading your kids' ages and plan for the guides, I would make LHTH optional and if a day is not going well that could be dropped. At 3YO that one would not be ready for LHFHG probably for a couple of years yet, so you have plenty of time to stretch out the guide. And I love a year-round schedule. Kids stay sharp and the routine of school is so good for our family. Also it gives you the freedom to take off when the weather is nice (which for us is NOT in the summer) and do school when you want to stay inside anyway.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

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Re: Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

Post by MomtoJGJE » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:14 am

I didn't read through all the responses, and I'm being interrupted as I write this, so be gentle while reading! :shock:

My suggestion would be to stagger start them and start half speed. So first you'd start with your child in Bigger. Left side one day, right side the next, for a unit or two. Generally by this time you have the flow of the days figured out and how much time each box will take to complete. I'd keep this child going half speed and after that unit or two start your LHFHG child also half speed. Once you get in the rhythm of doing both of them you can take your Bigger child up to full speed (while keeping LHFHG at half speed)... and then full speed LHFHG. I'd suggest waiting until after Christmas to start LHTH unless you get your flow going quickly with the others. After you start LHTH, since that child is young, you could just do it 3 days a week or half speed.

Once your Bigger child gets going you'll find out what they can do without you sitting there. In general, with mine who have been 8 starting Bigger, at the beginning of the guide they can (after being taught the lesson or how to follow instructions) independently complete math, cursive, hymns, and the rotating box. By the middle of the guide they can do notebooking and some of the reading of science or history. That is when you'd do LHFHG. While you are doing the teaching portion for Bigger, the LHFHG child can be playing with the younger ones and keeping them out of the way 8) Then the younger two can play together while you are doing LHFHG. Everyone can join in on the rhymes in Motion portion to get some wiggles out and have mom time!

So, to kind of see how this would work....

Teaching Bigger (LHFHG child plays with little two)
Bigger independent work, teach LHFHG (little two play/watch video/eat/tear up the house/terrorize pets/annoy neighbors)
Rhymes in Motion all together
Finish up LHFHG (Bigger child plays with little two)
Finish up Bigger (other three play/video/eat)

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Re: Starting our first year soon, and suddenly panicking!

Post by my3sons » Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:25 pm

I have a few 'helps' in mind! But first - you can totally do this! Just take a deep breath and dive in - you are your kiddos best teacher! You can stagger start. Begin first with the Bigger Hearts child, and once you have that down, about a few weeks or so of focused time with getting into a routine with the assignments in that guide, add in your Little Hearts child. After a few weeks or a month or two, add in the Little Hands child. Here are some other helps - links and pasted ideas...

This thread has a lot of awesome ideas for schedules/routines...

I think it's key to try to plan (as much as possible) for the littles. They often rule the day by necessity! Here are some great tips from Carrie about this...

:D I agree that schooling with a 2 year old (or any toddler) can be very interesting! :D It will be even more important to figure out a routine for that particular child than it is to schedule your older two. This is because a 2 year old can make the best laid schedule come apart at the seams very quickly. :D

So, with that in mind, I would begin the schedule thinking of how to keep the 2-3 year old moving from thing to thing every 20-30 min. I would take time to truly train that child with his/her schedule, as this will make your school day go so much better! This can be done in stages, so don't get overwhelmed with my post below as it just full of ideas that you can gradually consider doing whichever ones might work for you! Just think that anything you do for your 2-3 year old will really pay off! :D I'll combine some of my previous posts below of things we've done with our schedule for our little ones at that age, and you can see what might work for you. :D

A few things that we've done that may be of help to you as you ponder your 2-3 year old's day are as follows:
We usually let our little ones sleep later in the morning and get up when they wake up. This means we do two shifts for breakfast as the older boys do get up and get started on time. The little ones eat when they come down. We make oatmeal and leave it on warm on the stove, as it can be eaten easily anytime. Our other breakfast is eggs in the microwave that the boys make on their own. Just crack one-two eggs in a microwave safe cereal bowl, stir, microwave and add a touch of salt or shredded cheese when they're done. We add yogurt and peanut butter toast and breakfast is a quick affair. :D This allows us to eat in shifts as needed. Our meals where we typically sit down together to eat as more as family are lunch and dinner. :D

Another thing that helps is for us to start the 2 or 3 year old early on his/her lunch. The little ones are usually hungry earlier than the older ones, so having them begin eating early is helpful. It buys me about 20 min. more work time with my other children. We usually work right at the table where the little one is eating, so that child feels a part of what we're doing, but is happily engaged. :D Once the little one finishes eating, he/she is happier as we read aloud with the others at lunch and is more willing to either go play or play with cupboard toys while the rest of the kiddos are eating. :D

I often read aloud at lunch to my kiddos when they are all eating, as full mouths are quiet mouths (and their minds are listening)! :D

Another wonderful thing that is well worth doing is to clear out a lower cabinet in your kitchen and stock it with just your 2-3 year old's toys. I only allowed my 2-3 year old to have one toy at a time out of the cupboard. We placed child protectors on the cabinet doors to enforce this. Then, I filled the cabinet with all sorts of quiet items that the 2-5 year old could get out (one at a time) and play with quietly at the table or on the floor by the cabinet. Often my boys spent much time just getting one thing out and putting away, so they could get the next thing out of the cabinet. The rule was only one item out at a time, and it must be put away prior to getting out the next item. :D This easily took 25-30 min. and can be used anytime you need it. Many days my son just spent a lot of time taking out one toy, scattering it on the floor, picking it up, putting it away, and getting out another one (which is great for fine motor muscle building and for practicing the skill of picking up)! We did put child protectors on the cupboard doors, which my son could open, but it slowed him down and kept him from just unloading the cabinet. We tried to put the toys in the cabinet that had many pieces in storage boxes WITH LIDS. This kept my son busy every morning, again in the afternoon, and in the evening. It is still the first thing he heads for when he comes downstairs, as he knows it is his. We also have a playroom with his toys, but for years he often only ever wanted what was in the cabinet. :D

Some examples of inexpensive things to place in the cabinet for a 2 year old that you may already have on hand would be a bucket of cars, a lidded container with macaroni noodles and a measuring cup, play food that he can cut or put together, a can of tennis balls with a lid, a container with a tweezers and small objects to pick up with the tweezers (like small pieces of yarn), a Cheerio book if you have one (where kiddos put the Cheerios on the openings in each page, if no Cheerio book make your own using coloring book pages and drawing circles where your kiddo should place the Cheerios (and then eat them), a container with trains and a track in it, a magnadoodle, anything he can pound like a ball pounder, an empty egg carton with a big button or other object in each slot (make sure they're not a choking hazard though), colored cups with a small container of legos chosen to be the same color as the cups (sort the colored legos into the matching cup), a lidded tub filled with stuffed toys, a container of megablocks, possibly some tractors or other vehicles, etc. :D

Toys for a 3 or 4 year old could have smaller parts and more involved steps like simple puzzles, possibly playdough or moon dough, large gears, objects for sorting, alphabet letters, foam blocks, large tangram shapes, a dry erase marker board and low odor marker (only when supervised :wink:, stacking cups, nesting boxes or other things that nest, large lacing beads, snap cubes, patterning cards,etc. :D

Another help for a two year old is highchair time. This usually buys about 15 min. We tried to have a highchair time each day for our kiddos when they were that age. We also attempted a playpen time and a play at the table time each day. Here's just a few ideas we used in the past for our highchair time for our busy, busy boys at that age: :D

1. Save the plastic eggs that snap together from Easter and place a Cheerio or other edible object inside each one. Then, have the child open and eat them, or if possible have the child put the object in and then take it out.

2. Do paint with water books in the high chair. Tear one page out of the book and tape it to the high chair tray. Give the child a small plastic container of water (flatter is better than taller, so it doesn't tip) and a paintbrush to paint on the water, and watch the colors appear on the paint with water page. Often the paper ended up so saturated, you couldn't see the picture but the time it gave me was worth it!

3. Cheerio books you can get at almost any book store. These have an indented spot to place a Cheerio in on each page creating a scene. We bought them for our first son (who is now a freshman) and have had them for each child ever since. These work great in the high chair as well. Simply give the child a small cup of Cheerios to place on each page, reusing the Cheerios as they go. Then at the end they can eat them (or eat as they go sometimes too.)

4. Tape a white piece of paper to the highchair tray and sprinkle a bit of kool-aid or Crystal light powder on the page. Then give the child a paintbrush and some water and let them paint the powder.

5. Give the child a singing book to look at while in the highchair. Ours have the buttons you can push down the side and sing different songs or make noises.

6. Try having the child look at a pile of lift-the-flap books with very large flaps while in the high chair. Some of my boys liked this better than others!

7. Use dot paint markers. These markers have paint inside them and make paint dots on paper when pressed down. Just tape a paper to the high chair and let them dot away! Make sure the paint is washable though, as they often dot the tray and themselves!

8. Magnetic train cars to push around on the highchair tray work well if you happen to have any of those. Each of our boys have loved these.

9. Sometimes a combination works too. Start with one highchair item and when the child is finished do another one. We tried for 15-20 min. in the highchair at a time mid-morning.

Playpen/Crib/or Room Time is another great help. When the toddler is doing this is typically when I do the left side of LHFHG or Beyond all in one sitting (as it takes about 30 min. to do the left side). :D One idea from Managers of Their Homes that I really liked and used was the Mommy Tape or CD. I recorded myself reading short Bible stories, nursery rhymes, counting, saying the names of family members, singing short little songs like "Jesus Loves Me" etc. to last 1/2 hour. I said my little one's name over and over all throughout the tape, like I was talking to him. I played it every day while my little one had time in his room with his toys (we do that time in his crib for safety reasons). :D When the tape ends, the child knows the time is up. We also used this during playpen time when he was younger. Playpen time amounted to a singing tape/CD with toys in the playpen. My boys were required to stay in the playpen for 20-30 min. at that age. When they outgrew the playpen, we moved it to time in the child's crib. Then, later we began assigning an older child to play with the younger one during that time instead. Once the child was not such a danger to himself, we switched this time to being playtime alone in his room. This happens around age 4 at our house. :D

Another thing to consider is having an older child play with the younger child. We required the kiddos to play in one room for that time. I rotated the room by day, once the older child was responsible enough to be out of my sight with the younger one. For time with another child at this age, we had the older child have an assigned card with an order in which to do things with the younger child. The card for each day usually included some of the following: :D
1. Read two board books to the child.
2. Do 1 or more fingerplays with the child. ( I had a list and taught the older child how to do them.)
3. Walk around with the child in the house and point to and name 10 objects, having the younger child repeat back the name of each object.
4. Count from 1 on up to... (whatever is most appropriate) with the child, having the child repeat each number after the older one says it.
5. Sit on the floor and roll a soft air-filled ball back and forth. Then, stand and bounce it back and forth. Last, gently throw the ball back and forth.
6. Stand back and toss beanbags or rolled up socks into a laundry basket.
7. Follow along in a book with an audio book while having the younger child sit next to the older child or on his/her lap.
8. Play with an assigned toy. (I assigned a different toy to each day, so the older child knew what to play and where to play it.)
I also have assigned an older child to sit and do educational computer time with my kiddos aged 3 or 4 and help and guide them, so this is an option as your toddler gets older. :D

For our younger boys, we also have had table time, which is similar to the cabinet idea but gives another thing for a 2 year old to do each day. This is where we have used 5 different tubs (that slid under my bed for storage when not in use). We numbered the tubs Day 1, Day 2, Day , Day 4, and Day 5. Each day we took out a different tub and the boys had to play with the items in the tub. I just placed things in each tub that we already had on hand. By placing them in the tub to only come out once each week, the items seemed new and exciting. Then, if anyone ever gave us something new, I placed it in a tub. Tub items included puzzles, books, toys, short books on tape/CD, etc. We set the timer and required the boys to play with the items in the tub for 20 min. at this age. :D

Once the younger child is 3 or 4, I have scheduled an older one to do computer with the younger one, sitting by to aid and talk through the preschool type educational computer CD's (like Jump Start or Reader Rabbit toddler or preschool). :D

Last, I've found that if I schedule some time to be one-on-one for 10-15 min. with my little one, early on or mid-way through the morning, then he is more willing to go play on his own. Even reading a book or singing a couple of songs with him will give him that one on one time. :D

You can see that as much planning goes into the 2-3 year old's day as goes into any part of HOD! There is also much training there too! But it pays off big dividends in your year all year! :D


Best Tips for Teaching Multiple Guides:

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
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