Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

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Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by schnabelfamily » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:41 pm

I am homeschooling three of my kids. When we switch to HOD in the fall they will be: 13 yo/8th grade, 12 yo/7th grade, & 10 yo/5-6th grade (She is at least a grade ahead in most subjects). We have been using MFW, and are currently in the Creation to Christ unit. I feel HOD will be a better fit for us, but I'm not sure which package/s to pick up. My first inclination is to use the Resurrection to Reformation package for all three kiddos. 1-Because we are coming from MFW where all the kids use the same unit, and 2-Because R to R seems like the logical next step after spending this past year studying ancient history. My son is begging to start high school next year (he's gifted), but my husband is already complaining about the higher cost of HOD over MFW. Also, due to MFW's teaching style, my kids aren't used to doing much independent work. So I was thinking this would be a good transition year to get my older two used to independent work before starting high school. I could separate the kids into different levels to more closely match their ages/abilities, but I don't want them to miss this really important period of history, and, again, money is a bit of an issue.

Do you think I can manage using the same guide for all three kids since this is our first year with HOD?



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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by StephanieU » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:13 pm

Have you looked at the placement chart? Look at the chart for each child and let us know where they place. Vhttp://www.heartofdakota.com/placing-your-child.php
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
DS13 MtMM (completed LHFHG-Rev2Rev plus some of LHTH)
DD12 Rev2Rev (completed LHTH-RtR)
DS7 Beyond (completed LHTH-LHFHG)

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by Jennymommy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:27 pm

I think you may want to call HOD with this one. As far as cost , the content is much more and therefore higher cost. The content is also richer, as discussed in an earlier post comparing the two companies. The flexibility of the packaging will help with price, though the convenience of having everything ready-at-hand is worth the cost to me. You may find that you miss out on the quality of the program though, if your dc are placed incorrectly. There is so much more to the curriculum than just the history cycle. If you focus on the kids' strengths and also weak areas and look at the placement charts, that would be the place to start. The curriculum can be adjusted if need be, but the ease of use will be affected. I think a call or email to HOD would help clarify some things for you 8)

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by Jennymommy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:33 pm

Here's the earlier discussion regarding the two curricula:-) viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1446

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by Nealewill » Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:05 pm

This always sparks such an interesting conversation. I absolutely agree with checking the placement chart. Even though your kids haven't done too much on their own, they will still probably do well with the independence in HOD. With HOD, it isn't about the time period they are studying so much as the skill level that they are at. I came from MFW as well and was very scared about doing different levels with my kids. Last year my oldest completed Preparing and my two younger kids completed Beyond together. I found it to be very easy to run multiple levels. This year I went even further and split my two younger kids up. They all do their own thing now. With HOD, they do so much on their own that it really doesn't add to much to their day. The most important thing for your kids is to make sure that they are placed correctly according to the placement chart. You can definitely have kids combine and add in the extensions. But you may find that you are more happy with keeping them separated. I know for myself, I always planned on schooling together and then found that it didn't work out like I had hoped. I agree about the living books - I had a hard time finding books that my kids would feel engaged in and excited about. HOD does a great job with their book selection. But for the kids to maximize the most benefit, they should be placed correctly. If you were going to combine I don't think I would combine them all. I think I might consider combine two younger kids and let the oldest go alone.

Money wise - when I switched - I sold all my old curriculum on Ebay to help make up the difference. I don't know if that is an option for you but it worked well for me. If you had to do one level though, R2R would probably be the best fit (as long as your youngest places on the chart when you start) and then I would look at a different science for the two oldest - I would probably pick a higher science from the guide. Rev to Rev has a really nice advanced science kit that can be used for 7th through 10th grade. It would be easy to include without the guide. Rev to Rev also has an inventors study but you could either do that now (you would need to buy the guide for that level to included it) or you could wait till next year to include it. Either way - it looks great to include at some point. You would also need to add in extensions for the 8th and 7th graders from R2R and complete the additional activities in the back of the book. And then your 10 year old would just do the science from R2R and not do the extensions. From grammar and writing, you would do the lower level writing assignments for the 10 year old and higher level assignments for the 7th and 8th graders in the writing book. I am not sure what you have used for Grammar but you would need to figure out where your kids place according to R&S. You would then just do 1 lesson a day.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by schnabelfamily » Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:13 am

Thanks so much for all of your replies! I have read the comparison post written by Carrie's sister, that's what convinced me to switch.
As for combining or not combining the kids, it's not really up to me. It's whatever I can talk my husband into.

Placement-wise, since my 10yo is gifted, she lines right up with my 12 yo (they are 18mo. apart) in Ress. to Ref. My 13yo son, though, could easily be placed in Rev. to Rev., or even higher. His comprehension level is quite high (definitely high school level), it's just that he isn't super strong in reading & writing. He learns better through videos and audiobooks. Any thoughts on starting him with the HS World Geography guide?

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by Nealewill » Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:45 am

I would not put the 8th grader in the world geography guide if isn't a strong reader or writer. The world geography guide is a ton of reading. Here are two options I would look at: what I might do if it were me:

Option 1 - combine them all
Have them all do Res2Ref this year. The 10 year old, no change. With the 12 year, add in the extensions. For the 8th grader, add in extensions and change the science to the science from Rev 2 Rev. Each will have their own DITHOR books but would use different student book levels. For your 8th grader, complete the science from Rev 2 Rev. The older 2 kids would complete the more challenging writing assignments from IEW. The younger child would complete the lessons from the manual only. Going forward, your oldest child would be completing a high level of science than what the guide states. So you will always need to get the next guide up for science. But when you order the package the following year, they will give you a discount in the package for the price of the guide you previously bought.

Option 2 - combine younger 2 but separate oldest
I would have the younger two complete Res to Ref together but add extensions for the middle. The middle child would also complete the harder writing assignments. For you oldest, I would look at the placement chart with fresh eyes and see if he places in RevtoRev or MTMM. Wherever he places, I would put him there. You would not need to modify that guide at all this year and would not need to necessarily do any extension either.

In addition - since you mentioned that your 12 year old and 10 year old are similar, you don't necessarily need to add in extensions or have the older child complete the harder assignments for writing for it to count. The 12 year old is still in the age range. You would only want to add the extensions or harder writing if you want the older child to do a harder level of work than the younger child.

Going forward, regardless, your oldest will probably not complete every level and that is okay :-) There is a long thread about how to modify some of the lower levels to make them high school worth. That is one thing I love about HOD is that you can keep everyone together if you wish and just modify each person's level. That thread is here and is very helpful for parents who want to keep kids together. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6571 It has a bunch of mini threads inside it and it does talk about beefing up each level in various areas to make them more grade appropriate for older kids.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by Jennymommy » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:13 am

We are doing WG this year, and it is a lot of writing. If you are considering two programs, Rev to Rev with extensions includes American Testimony dvds and plenty of reading, writing and science. MTMM is a very intense program giving the needed prep for WG, and is readily adapted for high school credit. The greatest consideration would be pushing through too quickly and not getting the needed writing and narration skills that prepare dc for success in upper guides.

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Re: Switching to HOD from MFW: Need Placement Help

Post by mothermayi? » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:16 pm

Hmmm...it looks like my original comment was deleted?? HOD, was there an issue that I am unaware of?

Post removed by board moderator per board rules posted in the "Welcome" section of the board and copied in part below:
Our prayer for this board is that its content may glorify our Father in heaven and may also encourage other families on their Heart of Dakota homeschool journey. This is not a general board, as its purpose is to help families successfully use Heart of Dakota within their own homes. With that in mind, we will be monitoring the board for helpful content as well as for a positive, encouraging tone. Posts that we feel do not reflect the philosophy of Heart of Dakota Publishing or do not pertain to our purpose may be removed.

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~Began HOD Oct. 28, 2013
DS13 (7th) HOD RTR, MUS, DITHR 6/7/8
DS11 (5th) HOD CTC, Singapore & LOF, DITHR 4/5
DD6.5 (1st) MFW 1, Miquon Math, LOF
DD4.5 (PreK4) MFW K

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