Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

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Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

Post by faithmama4 » Mon May 12, 2014 8:24 pm

In the fall we will be starting our first year of HOD in 3 guides. Little hands, beyond and preparing(with extension for advanced reader). My oldest is already somewhat independent in most of his schooling and I am excited about being a bit more involved this next year with his learning. My question is how do others do it with multiple guides. I am a bit overwhelmed at the idea of it all. I do plan on unbinding my guides and putting several weeks of each guide into one binder. Any other suggestions would be great. I am thinking of starting off with the little guy (3) first and then doing some work with my K girl while my oldest does his english/math on his own. Beyond that I am not sure how it go. Please feel free to unload your advice!


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Re: Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

Post by TrueGRIT » Mon May 12, 2014 9:25 pm

This past school year I have taught 3 guides -Preparing, Little Hearts/Beyond, and Little Hands- and after the initial start up time found it fairly easy.

One thing that helped was by stagger starting the guides. I also had my oldest start with independent ( or at least semi-independent) work. Then I worked with the others as best fit.

I had extra things scheduled for youngest such as computer time, FMS, puzzles, art, etc. I also had each ds spend time with dd so I could work with the other ds. They actually liked doing school together so that helped me some.

Altogether school normally did not take over 4 hours, and that was with my eldest needing extra help due to mild dyslexia.
If your oldest is more independent that will free up your time more. (My time was usually only 3 hours)

We also did Little Hands in the evening for a few weeks as a devotional time. It was the only time I could get it done during an 8 week span.

I know everyone's schedule will be different, but I hope this gives you an idea to ponder.
Ds 12- tutoring
Ds 9- Preparing
Dd 7 - Beyond and ER's
Ds 2- LHTH (sort of)

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Re: Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

Post by MomtoJGJE » Tue May 13, 2014 5:54 am

I'd stagger start them at the beginning with the oldest going first. A unit or two, just until you both get the feel of the flow of it.

Then once everyone is going what I do is have the Beyond child play/do chores/eat/whatever with the LHTH child for a few minutes as I go over the semi independent stuff with the Preparing child. Things like teaching the math and grammar lesson, going over anything they need to know in any other boxes, and making sure they understand the instructions in the "I" boxes.

Then while they are working on that stuff I read the left side stuff from Beyond and then do anything out of Beyond that can be independent. Copy work, some of the spelling, math workbook pages after you teach it, listening to music, etc. While the Beyond child is working on that I do LHTH completely.

Normally from my experience, I can get all of Beyond and LHTH done while the Preparing child is doing their independent/semi independent work. Then it's just finishing up the teaching part from Preparing while the others play.

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Re: Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

Post by countrymom » Tue May 13, 2014 2:33 pm

First, I fully agree with the staggered start so you can get the feel of each guide one at a time. I am teaching Beyond and Preparing right now and I do side by side columns. I don't put times for the boxes, I can't do times, but I put what is done in each box. I always start with the history reading with my Preparing son and do the geography/research box with it those days. Then he is set to do the history project, independent history, and all of the other independent work. My first session with him is shorter so I can get to my younger. If I had the added LHTH I still think I would start with my Preparing child. Then I would go to LHTH and Beyond child can be doing copywork. You could do LHTH all at once, but I would probably split it just to give that youngest child two sessions with you. It is hard to have that youngest child on his own for a long period of time. From there I would just alternate the boxes and one-on-one time with each child. I would give your youngest one time-slot of structured play where he/she has to stay on a blanket, bed, at a table, etc. with certain toys. When the youngers have too much alone/free time it often doesn't turn out good :D The younger two can have recess and chores (my oldest doesn't get either anymore as he just works on schoolwork) in their boxes when you are working with your Preparing child. I was doing my "teacher time" with my Preparing child in two boxes, but recently I broke it out into 3 boxes and I like that better. I have two "teacher times" with my Beyond child plus one time when I am hopping back and forth. Hope this helps and makes sense. I have a 3-ring circus right now.
Wife to J
Big J - LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, Rev to Rev, Modern Missions, beginning parts of World Geography
Little J - LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, working in CTC

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Re: Tips on teaching from 3 guides?

Post by faithmama4 » Wed May 14, 2014 5:50 pm

Thank you all for your suggestions! I like the idea of stagger starting too. We just got our Little hand package in and my 3 yr old just wants to sit and listen to the cd straight through! lol. He loves that he has school like the big kids now:) His very own thing. It's too cute. I am considering starting little this summer just to get us going. Im betting my olders will want to do some of the lil art projects too! Any reason to pull out the paint around here. So I might do that over the summer, and start my preparing guy in august and then pull in my beyond gal. Do you think 2 weeks with preparing is a good enough stagger? I might get her going with some independent work too and then start her guide. Ill also probably implement the session for each child. Thank again! I'm sure I"ll be back with more questions soon enough. Preparing is on its way!


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