Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

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Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by Kalle » Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:51 am

Hello! I have five beautiful children. I was hoping to homeschool them this year but am unable to. Three will be entering public school. They are almost eleven, nine, and just turned seven. I was hoping to do preparing with extensions for the two oldest and beyond with my middle child. The two youngest, almost 2 and almost 4 are already doing LHTH. My husband has said that there is a good possibility that I could homeschool next year. Looking at everything I think that I would want to do CtC with the two oldest and beyond with the middle. I already have quite a few of the main history books for preparing and a friend who offered to allow me to borrow some materials. I am wondering if it would be doable to do some of preparing history each day after school and throughout the summer. Last year we did about an hour of homeschooling after public school and it went well. I could see doing two boxes a day on the left side and this working well. Does this seem like a reasonable plan or too far fetching? Has anyone tried this before? I have been researching HOD this past year and fallen in love with it. We homeschooled all up until a year and half ago using Charlotte Mason materials and philosophy. HOD incooperates so many of the aspects and books that I have picked myself.
Ds 12 and dd 10 preparing after school
Ds 8 beyond after school
Dd 5 and ds 3 LHTH

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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by StephanieU » Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:22 am

Here are the times Julie (my3sons) posted for Preparing:
Left side of plans...
Reading about History: 15 minutes
Research/Geog./Timeline: 20 minutes
Independent History Box: 20-25 minutes
History Project box: 20 minutes
Storytime: 20 minutes
1 hour 40 minutes

Right side of plans...
Math: 20-30 minutes
DITHOR: 30 minutes (3 x a week); Creative Writing: 20-30 minutes (1 x a week)
Dictation: 5 minutes (3 x a week)
Grammar: 15 minutes
Bible Study: 15 minutes
Science: 20- 30 minutes
Poetry: 5 minutes
2 hours 10 minutes

This is four days a week, and without extensions. So, maybe with these times you can pick what you want to do. It does seem doable to get at least 3 boxes done for each day of the guide in an hour though.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
DS13 MtMM (completed LHFHG-Rev2Rev plus some of LHTH)
DD12 Rev2Rev (completed LHTH-RtR)
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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by Kalle » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:02 am

Does the economy pack cover reading about history; the self study pack cover independent history box, and the history read allouds pack cover the story time box. I do bible study with them each day. It takes about 20 minutes to do this. I am wondering if I just did the economy pack and all of their activities, if this would be a good enough overview of history and give them good written narration skills. We have all but one book for this set.
Ds 12 and dd 10 preparing after school
Ds 8 beyond after school
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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by StephanieU » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:49 am

We haven't gotten to Preparing yet, but here is my understanding:
Economy package is reading about history, research/geography/timeline, and history project.
Basic package read alouds is storytime.
Self study deluxe package is the independent history box (and you can use the extension books here as well).

So, if you have basically of the economy package, you can do three boxes a day, which would probably be enough. And if you can get the deluxe package or the books for that, you can add in the other box.
Mom to
DD15 US1 (completed LHFHG-WH)
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DD12 Rev2Rev (completed LHTH-RtR)
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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by MelInKansas » Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:50 pm

I would think really hard about doing just part of the plans, because it is all designed so beautifully to work together to teach and progress the children in skills needed for the next guide. I think this is one Carrie or Julie could probably answer best for you and I am sure one of them will probably add in their thoughts. Obviously doing all of it (unless it was less than 1/2 speed) isn't really a good option either, you don't want you and your children to be totally bogged down with work! And I know in PS they are progressing in math, writing, reading, science, and many of the skills they need. You understand Charlotte Mason so you probably understand the skills that are being taught there - narration, critical thinking, and obviously the Christian worldview. The History portions probably do incorporate a lot of this. I don't know if Preparing has a rotating box, but these are the activities that are usually the most fun, and I don't think another book is usually required for this. They really cement the learning in History.

I wish you the best!
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by my3sons » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:48 pm

Hi there! :D I just prayed for you that you will be able to homeschool next year - so sorry about this year, but I believe the Lord blesses ladies who are their dh's help-meets, and who respect their dh's advice. I think He will honor that in due time. :D I think I'd do the Economy Pkg and the Deluxe Pkg for the best balance of skills, history, and hands-on/seatwork. I would guard against overloading as they are in school a good portion of their day already. :wink: We LOVED the history in PHFHG! Especially "Grandpa's Box." What a delight! I'd say it would be totally doable in the summer, and you can downsize it as needed during the school year. At that time, you could just approach it as 'quality over quantity.' In other words, enjoy what you are doing to the fullest, not trying to rush or be frenzied to get in more, but rather just loving what you are doing together with the goal of enjoying it to the fullest. You could just begin by reading the "Reading about History" book(s) and get as far as you do on the rest. The only hesitation I have - what if you end up wanting to do PHFHG next year?!? Have you checked out the placement chart, and are you solid on accurate placement for them?

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by Kalle » Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:48 am

Thanks so much ladies. Julie I have looked extensively at placement charts and all of the programs. I like your plan. Hopefully we can finish the history portion by next year and if not we will just start from where we are at. I definitely do not want to burn out my children. I want them to enjoy and be excited about HOD. We would probably start up dictation, grammar, science, and math in the summer. I am disappointed about not having the opportunity this year. However, I know that GOd uses all things for good so I am resting on this promise. Thanks again ladies.
Ds 12 and dd 10 preparing after school
Ds 8 beyond after school
Dd 5 and ds 3 LHTH

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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by MistyP » Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:34 pm

We are starting Preparing this year.....

Another thing to consider since they are already "in school" and you don't want to get them bogged down is assigning reading books from Preparing (the books look awesome!) doing a read-aloud (even the History/science books) every evening as a family, and maybe doing dictation 2-3 times a week or whatever you feel that your family needs work on. They will have regular homework and you don't want them to feel overwhelmed.
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Re: Can parts of HOD be done after public school?

Post by my3sons » Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:10 am

Thanks, glad to be of any help! :) I think you will enjoy whatever you are able to do with them with PHFHG - it is an amazing program with excellent books!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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