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How long should a day take?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:20 pm
by SamiN86
This is only our second week using BHFHG, but it seems to be taking an extraordinary amount of time. Our first day on July 25th, it took us 6 hours to complete. I thought it was just something we needed to get into a rhythm and it would get shorter. We are now on our second week and it again took us 5 hours today. I'm following the schedule and I feel like we are doing okay and then I look up and 3 hours have flown by and we aren't even halfway through! I just realized that my son didn't even get his extension pack reading done or his DITHOR page done for the day! I already feel like we are floundering and it's only week 2. I would appreciate any suggestions!

thank you,


Re: How long should a day take?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:09 pm
by StephanieU
Bigger should only take 2.5-3 hours ONCE you get used to the guide. The first few units often take longer! That is why most intentionally plan for the first unit to take 2 weeks. Once you know how everything works and are fimiliar with the guide, it will speed up!