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time line in Creation to Christ

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:35 pm
by SEKing
Let me just first say that I am loving our Heart of Dakota, Creation to Christ. But I do have a question. Has anyone else run across a conflict with the timeline that is suggested by the Ancient World text? We have been reading Unwrapping the Pharaohs and they are suggesting a different time line for the Pharaohs. The authors supply very good archeological evidence to back up changing the traditional Egyptian time line. Just wondering if anyone else has given this thought. Would love to hear what other think. Thanks

Re: time line in Creation to Christ

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:55 pm
by sethers_mom
The chronology of Egypt is highly debatable. I think everyone is beginning to see that the old chronology they were so comfortable with has some problems, but they can't seem to agree what it should be. That's my understanding, and I believe, Diana Waring goes into this on the CDs. So, while we may feel pretty confident about the chronology of the Bible, it's nearly impossible to correlate it with the early history of early nations with any degree of certainty. This is both frustrating and fascinating to me personally. I use it as an opportunity to discuss ideas. We liked to think about possibilities, but we didn't get hung up on knowing exactly who the pharoah was. I always tell my kids that the Bible is the authority, and everyone is just trying to play catch up. Eventually, we will all know the details, and boy, that will be quite a story. I can't wait!

Re: time line in Creation to Christ

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:45 pm
by LovingJesus
This thread is older, but like SEKing we have found discrepancy between Christine Miller & the exceptional archeological research done by David Downs. Upon watching David Downs, when our oldest was in first grade, I decided we would use his revised Egyptian time line from Unwrapped Pharaohs. The main reason being that the Bible made complete sense, and Egypt clearly made sense in its writings, when backed by the evidence in the DVD as he walks through many sites in Egypt showing the evidence at hand. I have used the David Downs timeline for ancients for enough years that I have revised the Egyptian time line in CTC. My ds11 was actually the first to catch the time line problems while reading Christine Miller.

The beauty of David Downs is the Bible time-line is preserved while Egyptian evidence is brought in at the right times which makes the description of Pharoah during the Exodus in the Bible fit the evidence of the Pharoah for that time period with his revised dates. This is only one example of many. Or, the mass exodus of 1/2 million people from Goshen was found by David Downs by looking in the right time period in Egypt. I appreciated him putting the Bible record first, and then looking to see what he could find.

As Diana Waring says, "The archeologists aren't finding the Biblical evidence because they keep looking in the wrong time period and in the wrong place." David Downs, as a Christian archeologist, found endless evidence for the Bible by looking in the right time period and in the right place. He did not adhere to a faulty Egyptian King list, done around 400 BC, and looked instead at the evidence before him. His findings were truly refreshing and rang true for both my husband & I. His Unwrapping Pharaoh DVD, in fact, is available for free streaming on Ken Ham's web-site with Answers in Genesis.

Christine Miller and David Downs published their books in the same year of 2006. It is unfortunate she wasn't familiar with his information when she put her Ancients book together; especially since the rest of her book is quite good.

So like SEKing I did find the same problem.