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Week in Review - Dec. 5-12

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:19 pm
by my3sons
Ok Ladies,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review - Dec. 5-12

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:10 pm
by my3sons
Dec. 5-9
Preparing Hearts for His Glory
Unit 11

Emmett is learning to diagram sentences in R & S English 3. It starts very simply like this, and then increases in difficulty little by little each year, with ample built-in review. I have used R & S English almost all the way through to the end of high school now, and the rewards are tenfold. I have yet to see another solid well-rounded Christian English program that is its equal. It teaches grammar for the purpose of writing well. It also teaches a variety of language arts skills that are practical in every day life (i.e. how to introduce people to one another, how to answer the telephone, how to give a speech most effectively, etc.). It really is irreplaceable in my opinion, as I'd need so many multiple resources to replace it adequately. Carrie's scheduling of pacing it sometimes full-speed, sometimes half-speed, makes doing it to the end of my child's education an attainable goal.

We are just loving Robert Louis Stevenson's poetry! In this creative writing lesson, Emmett wrote a short but sweet description of the wind, of which we have had a quite a lot of lately!

Emmett is learning to write dollar amounts with dollar signs, decimals, and cents in math. He does better on markerboard than notebook paper. He enjoys it more, and he can write bigger. It is also easier to line up numbers when doing computation…

Emmett’s Behemoth is missing its caption, and it’s not his best drawing, but I sure to love his cursive – getting better every day!

Making his own ‘fossil’ was such a fun assignment! He is such an active boy; I am so thankful for these types of activities being included in his day. They are easy to do, as they use things I already have in the house and don’t take prep time on my part – but they are memorable and fun!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review - Dec. 5-12

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:46 pm
by my3sons
Dec. 5-9
Missions to Modern Marvels - Unit 11

The bookmark offers the perfect follow-up to the storytime readings – short, creative, yet meaningful…

History Project…
Riley made a WWI Student map this week for part of his history project. I like how maps are incorporated into the plans and very specific to what he is reading about in history. It includes a visual aid along with the narrative books he is reading…

President Study/State Study…
Riley researched Millard Fillmore this week for his President study. He loved his quote: “May God save the country, for it is evident the people will not.”

Rotating History… Worthy Words…
Riley read about Goldman’s speech that was in opposition to the war and to the draft. The questions in the MTMM guide were excellent guidance as Riley took notes on them on an index card to prepare for our Socratic discussion . I like that it is planned in the guide for me to read the speech aloud and then for us to discuss it, with him using his notes. This always ensures I have read the speech as it allots time for it within his school day. We had an excellent discussion about this!!!

Nature Journal/Biblical Self-Image…
Riley’s latest nature journal entry is of a lovely vase of flowers…

Language Arts… WWTB…
Riley wrote about his x-wings game this week for his WWTB assignment. He loves all things that have to do with planes, aircraft carriers, and war. My husband worked on F14’s in FL for 4 years in the navy, and Riley shares his affinity for being good at mechanically based things…

Math Exploration…
Finding the average and creating a distribution graph were the focus of math this week in Principles of Mathematics Book 2…

In Christ,