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Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:37 am
by my3sons
Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

In Christ,

Re: Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:13 pm
by my3sons
United States 1 - High School:
This week in history Wyatt has been learning about the Surrender at Yorktown, the American Dream and the Northwest Territory. George Washington is an heroic 'giant' in Wyatt's mind, so he has especially enjoyed revisiting him in history. The previous HOD books have laid the groundwork for a broad tapestry of American history, and now, as Charlotte Mason would fondly say, it is time to put in the 'hooks' or intricate details of the people, events, and places dominant of the period. One of Wyatt's favorite things to do as a teenager is express his opinion. :D I don't think he is alone in this as a teenager! I do very much remember feeling the same way at that stage in life - that desire to be heard is strong. I love that HOD plans for Wyatt to be able to give his opinion on things within the US1 guide. I also love that he is being taught the proper way to share his opinion - respectfully, in a Christian way, with resources that support what he is saying. He enjoyed giving his opinion about the British surrender at Yorktown that effectively ended the Revolutionary War. His U.S. Mapping Activities had him pulling out his U.S. History Atlas and US1 HOD Notebook to complete the assessment questions.

After reading America: The Last Best Hope, Wyatt chose four quotes to copy in his US1 Journal. He enjoyed finding quotes about George Washington, and I loved how strong and proud his voice was as he shared them with me. America is still beloved by some American teenagers - Wyatt is one of them. He still believes in its potential goodness, and history such as this still inspires...

Wyatt also gave a talking points narration on Crevecoeur's book Letters from an American Farmer. His notes served as bulleted reminders as he gave his oral narration. They provided the framework, but he fleshed out the details based on what he most remembered and most wanted to share. We then discussed the 'relating the past to our lives' questions from Great Documents in U.S. History. Finally, Wyatt answered his critical thinking questions on this topic in his US1 Journal in Box 5...
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For A Noble Experiment, Wyatt did some research on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which the author of A Noble Experiment was an active part in supporting and in deciphering its meaning. Wyatt enjoyed researching this, but was sad to find our state does not support it currently...

For American Literature, Wyatt is reading Edward's sermon entitled Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. He told me that I simply must read this. It is so powerful! He described Edward's sermon in his own words, and he was so passionate about it. Edwards is very quotable, and it is near impossible not to quote him with conviction, strength, and passion in one's tone! I dare say his words could not be read dispassionately - it's just not possible. They are that stirring. I love that Wyatt pulled out his Bible to look up various Scripture verses for the Reflection portion of the assignment. Learning to go to the Bible as the ultimate resource for knowledge is a priority I have for my dc's education.

Re: Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:34 pm
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:
In history, Riley has been learning about Lincoln's Election, Southern Secession, and America's Civil War. After reading The Story of the Great Republic, Riley wrote his written narration on Lincoln's election as the 16th president, the Confederate States of American being formed, the firing upon Fort Sumter, Lincoln's calling upon 75,000 men to defend the Union, and Jefferson calling on men to defend the Confederacy. He really seemed to understand that Civil War is especially devastating, as it is a country fighting itself. He also seemed to understand the special emotions and conflict that arose from the Civil War, as sometimes families were torn in their allegiance to the North or to the South, and as such brothers sometimes fought brothers. This Riley could not imagine! He said that he and his brothers would have had to come to an agreement to fight for the same side. I agree! Families fighting families, that is war at its worst. However, good did come from the Civil War, and as often is the case, as we look back we see God's sovereign hand in all of it, for the betterment of those who believe in Him. For his timeline, he drew pictures and captions for Lincoln becoming President, S.C. seceding, and the Civil War beginning. He also copied a portion of Henry Van Dyke's poem...
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For Draw and Write Through History, Riley drew a picture of a Civil War drummer boy. He also read excerpts from a primary source document about the battle between The Monitor and The Merrimac. We then discussed this famous battle with the higher level comprehension questions provided in the guide. Riley loves to read about battles, so this was an animated discussion. :D

For Geography, Riley made various maps to go along with his reading...
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Finally, for Exploration Education, 3... 2... 1... it was blastoff time for Riley's rocket! What fun! And all based on what he'd learned in physical science - after the quiz, what a way to celebrate!
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In Christ,

Re: Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:01 pm
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
This week Emmett learned about the Wright Brothers going into "Big Business." Poor Will was injured in a hockey game, and it took a very long time for him to recover. He ended up being unable to attend the university to become a teacher. While he recovered, Orv began a printing business with buddy Edward Sines. Emmett thought it a great plan to accept candy as payment if youngsters didn't have enough money purchase their paper. Eventually, this small time effort grew into a big printing business, and Orv bought out Edward's share. Will joined Orv in the printing business, and their mother lived to see their beginning success with it. For art, Emmett transferred his own 'printing' patterns by doing various rubbings of surfaces around our house...

Emmett continues to add to his Timeline Chronology of the Wright Brothers' lives. He is beginning to write much more neatly, and little by little this year, he has gone from being able to slowly write a few sentences in quite large letters to being able to write lots of sentences neatly with small letters on lines. For anyone struggling with their little ones to write - do persevere. These little muscles in the hand must be built gradually, and by doing the writing for our children, they never will be strengthened - and what's even harder than that result is they will not learn to take the pencil and put it to paper to express their important thoughts and ideas. It is worth the struggle to encourage our dc to write...

Handwriting with Cheerful Cursive is moving right along. Emmett is learning to like cursive, and he is even (once and awhile) choosing to write it on his own for various note booking assignments. His very favorite cursive to learn this week was the 'ampersand' cursive 'and' sign. The fact that he can write one symbol to stand for 3 letters - I think it appeals to his minimalistic side when it comes to writing... :D
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In Science, Emmett also learned the importance of not allowing one's ax to rust. The ax was used for everything - especially chopping wood to constantly keep the home fire burning. Emmett is quite sure he needs an ax now. I'm just as sure he doesn't. :wink:

In Christ,

Re: Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:55 pm
by wonderfilled
Bigger Hearts For His Glory Unit 24 ... y-unit-24/

Re: Week-In Review: March 7-March 11, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:58 pm
by Homeschooln2qts
Revival to Revolution Units 12-16 and World Geography High School Units 23-24 :)

https://theboobooandluluchronicles.word ... its-12-16/