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Week in Review: November 2-6, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:02 pm
by wonderfilled
Hello HOD Homeschoolers,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review: November 2-6, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:06 pm
by wonderfilled
We had a great week of school. I'm really seeing my son making progress in some areas. It's so satisfying to see the small steps paying off. :D ... ry-unit-8/

Re: Week in Review: November 2-6, 2015

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:18 am
by my3sons
World History High School:
We only have 2 more weeks left of our World History guide together! My, my, my - time has flown by with this guide! With the Presidential debates going on right now, this has been an especially good time to reach the Modern Time Period of World History. Reading about wars, plagues, natural disasters, communism, corrupt leaders, drug trade, shipping rights, the space age, and nuclear disasters that have happened in the 20th Century has been timely as we listen to the Presidential debates. We find many of the same issues remain, and all of the World History Wyatt has been reading helps him be able to discuss these topics intelligently with others. Heart of Dakota is teaching him that learning is something to do for a lifetime! Really, we should never stop learning new things - for we certainly never 'know it all.' I'm so thankful that HOD is teaching him relevant skills for today's young Christian man to know in this world we live in! :)
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This year of Biology has been full of quite narrative type readings, multimedia footage that shows visually what has been read, daily assessments of multiple choice/fill in the blank/etc. type questions, and labs. It has been a good year, and one that I am thankful we were able to complete within the homeschool setting without having to leave my home or hire someone else to teach my son. The ability to be home to homeschool is important to me! It allows ME to set the schedule, the pace, the routine of each day, week, month, year. That just makes it all the more successful for me to consistently get my teaching for homeschooling done each and every day. We are on track to complete our year early right now. It is a good feeling to know that thanks to HOD writing even the science to be open and go, as well as writing it to be successful for the homeschool family to do on their own in their home, I can teach high school very successfully! HOORAY for HOD!
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 2-6, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:58 am
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:
We kicked off a new genre in DITHOR with gusto! :D Riley is spearheading DITHOR's kick-offs and projects this year, as the eldest of our 2 sons doing DITHOR. He has slipped into the role well! For kicking off Adventure, the boys acted out a journey and then a battle that ensued between the 'good' and the 'bad' (Riley and Emmett were apparently the 'good' side, and our eldest on was the 'bad' side). It really sort of slipped into being a battle re-enactment of sorts of Washington and Cornwallis, but basing it on history was fine with me! :D
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Riley is truly love the history projects in RevtoRev! I cannot imagine his day without them. They add the 'creative' and 'fun' to learning, and though they cannot be easily assigned points and grades, and though they cannot be easily measured with a scale of points, they are the glue that holds what he's read about together in his mind permanently. He retains history's happenings not only by reading and writing about them, but by 'doing' them. Here he is with his origami rigger ship and his steeple...
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Riley is asking some pretty important questions about God and what the Bible has to say thanks to the Biblical worldview study we are doing. "Who Is God? And How Can I Know Him?" has Riley really pondering how 'personal' his faith is, and I see him looking for a greater depth than he has before. The other night when we were all in each our beds ready to go to sleep, he reminded each of us to pray before going to sleep. He has done this every night now for a week, and it is a good reminder, as with older dc (and older parents now too - a.k.a. ME), we sometimes get to bed later and just fall into bed to go to sleep. His written work for his "Make a Note of It" in his Biblical Worldview have been neat to read too! The Bible Quiet Time of the Hebrews faith verses has been another great incentive for Riley to be all that he can be for Jesus! His Common Place Book is full of Bible verses spurring him on to become a young man of faith...
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One last thing that is neat about this week is the connections that come in so many unexpected ways with HOD! This week while reading about Edison in his "Four Inventors" book for science, Riley also did multiple dictation passages about Edison, actually about the same event in Edison's life he'd just read about his his "Four Inventors" book. Too fun!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: November 2-6, 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:27 am
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
Emmett and I have been reading "One Small Square: Woods" for science together. He loves the bright beautiful pictures of this book, and I love the narrative qualities of it! It is so much more vibrant than a dry science textbook would be. The experiments and note booking assignments have also been excellent follow-ups to the readings, and they help him retain the information so much better than dry worksheets or fill-in-the-blank copycat type pages would do. One of our favorite days this week was the day we read about how insects are able to hide from their predators and how this allows them to survive. Here you can see Emmett's lab sheet, and if you look very, very carefully, you can see his yellow insect hiding in our flower arrangement quite artfully, in fact, so artfully we have decided to let him reside there for a bit!
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Studying the woods in science has been a perfect tie-in to this week's history readings in our beloved Eggleston books, as each of the readings have been about famous 'woodsmen' - such as Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark. When I think of the courage it must have taken for not only Daniel Boone, but for his WIFE and DAUGHTERS to live in the wild Kentucky woods, I am amazed! Sometimes I feel we live somewhat in the 'middle of nowhere,' as we are surrounded by fields and cattle and flat prairie land. However, we live on a paved road with neighbors across the road, and a town with a grocery store, gas station, a Pizza Ranch and Subway, a police department, and the nuts and bolts of what one needs to make living quite painless - all just 2 miles away from us. No. I don't live in the middle of nowhere. Reading the history this week with Emmett has shown me that. I also tend to feel like I have it kind of 'rough' sometimes, as my dh is traveling overnight quite often (he is only home about 5-7 nights this entire month). However, wrong again. Daniel Boone was gone for YEARS! His wife and daughters thought he was dead and moved back to North Carolina. :shock: Anyway, the strength of these men and women was truly incredible. It makes me thankful for all we have now, and for the men and women that settled America enough to tame the wild so people like me could live here quite easily and happily! :D

So, one of the stories was about Daniel Boone's daughters and friend being kidnapped, and those girls were clever enough to leave bits of their clothes on branches, and clever enough to break sticks and boughs as they walked to leave a path for their fathers to follow to find them. They were recovered safe and sound, and I don't believe they left the safe confines of their fort square their fathers had built again.
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In Christ,