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New to LHFHG - question about additional resources

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:19 am
by byhisgrace
I just received my box of goodies from HOD today - I'm very excited. I saw the list of additional books for each unit in the index and wondered how others incorporated these into their units. I tend toward overkill, so I don't want to burn out my poor son in the first week. He's 5 1/2, and this first "school" year has been quite a learning experience! I have made some curriculum mistakes (which explains why today was box day for us!), and I have two other little boys in the house to consider (too young for school yet). But if you have found that they were easy to add or have suggestions for any that were particularly meaningful, I'd love to hear about it!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:02 am
by water2wine
I am doing this and it is wonderful BUT we are doing LHFHG over about 1 1/2 to 2 years. So I am usually doing 1 side of the day plus appendix reading then the other half plus appendix and we do phonics every day for the most part. I think otherwise it may tend toward too much depending on how much read aloud your kids like. However picking and choosing the best of the best I think you can add some of it and do the program normal pace. The disclaimer is that I am a more is more fun type of mom. :roll: So if you find it is too much for your kiddos just be willing to cut back if you need to do that.

Just to give you an example the quote of the day yesterday from my almost 4 year old was "Mommy I did not get all my cuddle on the couch big girl school today." Translated to mean please read more books to me and stop letting the big kids look at my appendix books! :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:48 pm
by Carrie

We have done it both ways at our house. With my older son we read many additional books on history topics, although I didn't have "Little Hearts..."written. I also didn't have as many doing school and had more mommy time.

When we did "Little Hearts..." with my second son, my older son read a few of the Appendix books aloud to my second born and that was all that we did of the additional books. With my third son, we are doing "Little Hearts..." without any of the additional books, and I still don't feel like we're missing anything.

So, water2wine gave you great advice. If you have time to add some here and there, fine. If not, no problem. "Little Hearts..." is enough without the extra books! I put them in there for the "more is more" people! (You know who you are! :lol:)


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:45 pm
by netpea
We tended to get the extra books from the library and put them by the rocker for bedtime stories, if we got to them all great, if not, no big deal, we just took them back.