Should my first grader finish phonics or do the Emerging Reader’s Set?
My daughter is finishing up kindergarten in public school this year. I am planning to start Heart of Dakota’s (HOD’s) Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory with her in the fall. She is six years old. In looking at the Unit 1 PDF online, I didn’t see any phonics instruction. Maybe I missed it? Should I supplement with one? She has a solid phonics base from public school, and she is a solid emerging reader. More complex letter blends, however, were not covered in her kindergarten. I was looking at the R & S Grade 1 phonics program. Being a first time homeschooler though, I don’t want to be adding things without more experience. Any recommendations? Just wondering if I should finish her phonics or start the Emerging Readers? Thank you!
“Ms. Please Help with Whether My Daughter Should Finish First Grade Phonics”
Dear “Ms. Please Help with Whether My Daughter Should Finish First Grade Phonics,”
From what you’ve shared about your daughter thus far, I would encourage you to finish your daughter’s phonics instruction first, and then move into the Emerging Reader’s Set after that. You can complete her phonics in many ways, but it would be wise to keep going with phonics right now.
You could definitely do the Rod and Staff phonics program that you mentioned. Or, you could consider using The Reading Lesson to finish her phonics instruction. I only mention The Reading Lesson because it is easy to pick up and move through what your child knows more quickly, and then slow down when you get to the things that she does not know. It also does not add much time to the day as it is purely reading instruction, and it does not include written work or spelling within it. Since Beyond provides written work and spelling, sometimes doing a phonics program that also includes those things adds too much to a child’s day (making parents want to drop things that seem to be doubling up).
You can click here to see some sample pages of The Reading Lesson, but either program would work to finish her phonics!