Dear Carrie
What is the overarching Biblical philosophy, in general, of Heart of Dakota?
Dear Carrie,
I’ve used Heart of Dakota for preschool and kindergarten and plan on using it for years to come. From what I’ve used, I especially enjoyed the Family Time Bible in Little Hearts. It really showed the foundation of the Bible as history. Not having used other levels, I’d like to wrap my head around the flow of Biblical teaching. I especially want to see how it will help me disciple my children and introduce them to a hurting world. So, I guess what I’m wanting to know is the overarching Biblical philosophy, in general, for Heart of Dakota. I realize this is a broad question! But, I like where we’ve been, I just want to look forward to where we’re headed. Thanks in advance!
“Ms. Wanting to Know the Overarching Biblical Philosophy for Heart of Dakota”
Dear “Ms. Wanting to Know the Overarching Biblical Philosophy of Heart of Dakota,”
What a good question! One that is near and dear to my heart. Our overarching Biblical goal at HOD is to include God’s Holy Word every day in as many areas as possible. This is so students do not see Bible as a separate subject but rather as a part of everything they do. We want children in the Word often and repeatedly throughout the day. Our goal is for them to understand that the Bible is to be open often. It is meant to guide them in all things.
We want our children to seek direction from God’s Word.
We also desire for children to seek answers and direction for living from God’s Word. Additionally, we want them to learn to love His Word with all their hearts, souls, and minds. Likewise, we want them to understand the Bible is ‘God’s Words’ to us on how to live our lives to glorify Him. There is no greater goal on this earth than to strive to worship and glorify our Savior with our lives. We write each HOD guide in the hope that it will help our children in this goal.
The Bible is inerrant, God-breathed, and applicable to daily life.
We believe the Bible is inerrant, God-breathed, and applicable every day in all we do. We believe it reveals our desperate need for a Savior and God’s grace, which God poured out on us through His plan for our salvation by willingly sacrificing His only Son. Jesus’ sacrifice of His own life on the cross paid for our sins and provided a way for sinners like me to enter heaven. Belief in Christ Jesus as God’s Son, fully man and fully God, is the only way to heaven.
The Bible is the source for all answers, and we point our children to Scripture as often as possible.
We believe in the virgin birth of our Savior and our need for Him to save us from sin that has been in the world since the fall of man. We believe that we are created in God’s image and are created to glorify Him. This is what is set forth in God’s Word. It is what we teach as we point children to the Scripture as the source for all answers. Devotions are never done without turning to God’s Word. Scripture passages and verses are a part of every devotion time. God’s Word is the ultimate focus of all things Biblical within HOD.
Our website’s “A Look at Each Subject Area” describes the Bible in general within HOD.
As you asked for our overarching goals in Bible, I’ll include our description of Bible Study from our “A Look at Each Subject Area,” which is on our website:
And finally, we come to the most important area in our programs: Bible study. While homeschooling our first son, we found it too easy to place Bible into one time slot and study it as a separate “subject.” This made the Bible seem to be of equal importance as all of the other academic subjects. We want our children to know that the Bible is special and that it’s more important than anything else. To do that, we integrated the Bible throughout our day as much as possible.
Our programs weave God’s Word throughout virtually every part of homeschooling.
Our programs weave God’s Word throughout our readings, our poetry, our history, our science, our writing, our music, our study of English, and our memory work. Using this method, our children learn to use God’s Word to measure their thoughts, words, and deeds all throughout the day. Our programs also have a daily Bible study time, which we pray will train our children in the habit of seeking God’s Word daily. As students grow and mature, our programs also include a daily Bible quiet time, which we pray will train our children in the habit of starting each day personally with the Lord.
Glorifying God is a goal that matters for eternity, and we want our children to have real time in their homeschool day to do so!
In the hustle and bustle of the homeschool day, it is easy to forget that our most important goal is to help our children glorify God with their lives each day. Our programs strive to be a daily reminder of that goal. Glorifying God is the only goal that matters for eternity, and in Heart of Dakota, we strive to make that a priority.
This Post Has 4 Comments
Thank you. I am in full agreement with you. We are enjoying our studies with HOD.
You are welcome, Elizabeth! So glad to hear this, and we hope you continue to have a fantastic year using HOD with your family!
That’s been our experience with HOD curriculum. The Bible woven throughout our school day. The open ended discussions that this program allows to teach your children your doctrinal believes. My oldest, than 7 and in Bigger, spoke this to me, “That lady who writes all these manuals, Ms Carrie, has to be a Christian Mom. Her questions are always about what the Bible says.” That blessed my heart. Thank you for writing a God-centered curriculum. This young man is now in AM History, and almost 16.
That has been a primary goal of Heart of Dakota – the Bible being woven throughout the entire school day, as well as open-ended discussions between parent and child to discuss personal faith and beliefs. Your 16 yo was a wise young man already back in Bigger! He is right – Ms. Carrie is a Christian Mom! Just like you, Sandra – what a blessing for your children you are their teacher! All of our family at HOD thanks you for letting HOD into your home and into your hearts these past many years. We pray you have a fantastic homeschool year, Sandra!!!